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Page Flow Overview View

The Page Flow Overview gives a complete view of a page flow, including all of its pages, actions, and forwards.

The Page Flow Overview is not an editable view (although you can delete some page flow elements through this view, see below for details). It is primarily used to give an overarching picture of page flow elements and the relationships between them.

The green triangle selects the page flow to display when there is more than one page flow in the project.

The focal node in the Page Flow Editor syncs with the selected node in the Page Flow Overview.

Double-clicking a node will display it corresponding source code in Source View.

When graph tracing is turned on, the selected node and its direct connections are displayed; the remaining nodes are grayed out. Incoming links are shown in green, outgoing links in blue.

Link labels can be turned on or off with the link label toggle.

Editing through the Page Flow Overview is limited to the deletion of a selected element. The red X button will delete the selected page, action, or forward.

You can also print or save an image of the view.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table gives the keyboard navigation shortcuts for the Page Flow Overview.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Key Stroke Event
Shift+F10 Shows the context menu on the selected item
Ctrl+F10 Shows the context menu for the canvas
Arrow keys Cycles through the actions and pages nodes, generally following the direction of the arrow key.
"/" and "\" keys Cycles through the forwards connected to the currently selected node. This is especially useful for elements that may be difficult to select with the mouse.
Enter key Same as doubling clicking on the currently selected node.

Tips and Tricks

Related Topics

The Page Flow Perspective

Page Flow Perspective Visual Glossary

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