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Step 3: Run the Application on a Server

In this step, you will run the sample application on a server. You can use any supported server, and this tutorial assumes that you will deploy on BEA WebLogic Server. But you can select another server type as long as it supports JSP tag libraries.

Run the Application

To run the sample application:

  1. Right-click in the Source view of the JSP and select Run As > Run on Server.
  2. In the Run on Server dialog select BEA Systems > BEA WebLogic Server v10.0.
    Click Next to continue.
  3. Click the dropdown field Domain home and select <BEA_HOME>\wlserver_10.0\samples\domains\workshop_10.1.
    Click Finish.
  4. The application will run and and browser window will launch.

    Note that the contents of the <Title> tag are shown on the browser tab (the default text of an empty JSP).


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