BEA Workshop User's Guide

What's New?


Tutorial Set Up Steps

Tutorial: Getting Started with Workshop

Step 1: Exploring the Features of Workshop

Step 2: Creating a New Project

Step 3: Creating a Web Application and Testing it on a Server

Step 4: Modifying the Page Flow and Testing Your Changes

Summary: Getting Started with Workshop

Tutorial: Accessing a Database from a Beehive NetUI Web Application

Step 1: Create Web Application Projects

Step 2: Add a Page Flow and a Control

Step 3: Create a Data Grid

Step 4: Create a Page to Edit Customer Data

Summary: Accessing a Database from a Web Application

Tutorial: Struts

1. Opening the Workshop Struts Project

2. Viewing Web Pages

3. Drilling into Web Pages

4. Navigating Web Pages

5. Editing Web Pages

6. Visualizing Dependencies

7. Opening the Struts Configuration

8. Validating Form Input Data

9. Running and Debugging the Application

10. Checking for Consistency After Changes

Tutorial: Working with JSPs

Step 1: Create a Web Application

Step 2: Create the Contents of the JSP File

Step 3: Run the Application on a Server

Step 4: Debug the Application

Tutorial: JavaServer Faces Application

1. Create a New Web Application Project

2. Managed Beans Facility

3. Design Views

4. Define Page Navigation Rules

5. Running the Application

6. Previewing Internationalized Pages

7. Adding Other Web Components


Tutorial: JSF / NetUI Integration

Step 1: Create a JSF Enabled Web Project

Step 2: Create a JSF Web Application

Summary: JSF / NetUI Integration

Tutorial: Web Services

Step 1: Create a New Web Project

Step 2: Add a Web Service to the Project

Step 3: Add a Web Method to the Web Service

Step 4: Test the Web Service

Step 5: Import Controls into Your Web Services Project

Step 6: Create a Custom Control

Step 7: Use the Control from the Web Service

Step 8: Test the Web Service

Tutorial: Advanced Web Services

Step 1: Import the Tutorial Workspace

Step 2: Create a New Web Service to Access the LoanApproval Control

Step 3: Create a Service Control to Access the CreditScore Web Service

Summary: Advanced Web Services Tutorial

Tutorial: Create a Timer Control

Tutorial: Testing Controls with JUnit

Step 1: Create a Custom Control

Step 2: Create a Test Class

Step 3: Run the Test Case

Tutorial: Building Enterprise JavaBeans

Step 1: Create a Workspace for Development

Step 2: Create the VisitBean Entity Bean

Step 3: Create the VisitTrackerBean Session Bean

Step 4: Create a Test Project

Step 5: Write Test Source Code and Test the EJBs

Summary: Building Enterprise JavaBeans

Tutorial: Working with Databases in Workshop Studio

Step 1: Setup Project and Connect to Database

Step 2: Display Database Diagrams

Step 3: Work with Database Components

Step 4: Create SQL Statements and Submit them to the Database

Tutorial: JPA and Kodo

1. Setup Web Project and Connect to Database

2. Generate O/R Mappings and Test with EJBQL

3. Create and Manage Entities

4. Managing Persistent Entities with the JPA Persistence Entity Editor

5. Exploring Persistence Settings

6. Connecting Entities to a User Interface

Tutorial: Developing a Hibernate Application

2. Setting Up the Hibernate Tutorial Sample Application

3. Create a New Hibernate Web Application project

4. Connect and Analyze Database Schema using DbXplorer

5. Examine the Database Components using DbXaminer

6. Generate O/R mappings

7. Using HQL Editor

8. Managing Persistent Entities with Entities Editor

9. Manage Hibernate Configuration File with Hibernate Configuration Editor

10. Export DDL File Based on Defined Persistent Entities

11. Test the Application

Tutorial: XMLBeans

Step 1: Create a New Web Service Project

Step 2: Create an XMLBeans Schema

Step 3: Integrate XMLBeans into a Web Service

Tutorial: XMLBeans: Summary

Cheat Sheets

Accessibility Features

Common IDE Tasks

Tutorial: Getting Started with Workshop

Applications, Projects and Facets

Applications and Projects

Setting Project Facets

Understanding Project Dependencies

Configuring Standard Project Dependencies

Setting up JAR and J2EE Library Dependencies

Customizing Project Dependencies

WebLogic J2EE Libraries

WebLogic J2EE Libraries: Common Operations

WebLogic J2EE Libraries: Common Problems

Building Applications

Understanding the Build Process

Building Applications with Ant Build Files

Building Applications with Maven POM Files

Precompiling JSP Files

Exporting Archives

Running and Debugging Applications

Setting up Servers for Use Within the IDE

Running an Application

Debugging an Application

Supported Servers

BEA WebLogic Server



IBM WebSphere

Caucho Resin

Mort Bay Jetty

Creating a Workshop-Enabled WebLogic Server Domain

Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server

Enabling Runtime (Server) Patches

Using AppXray

Live Synchronization of Artifacts with AppXRay

Browsing and Managing Web Elements

Mapping Application Dependencies

Sharing Large Applications without Rebuilding the AppXRay Database

Installing Workshop

Installing Workshop into an Existing WebLogic Server / Weblogic Portal Installation

Adding Workshop to an Existing Eclipse Installation

Running the Workshop Installation Program in Silent Mode

Setting Up Logging

Working with Source Control

Exporting Archives

BEA Usage Reporting FAQ

Using Help in a Standalone Mode


Tips and Tricks

General IDE Dialogs

Properties View

Edit Library Dialog

New Dynamic Web Project Wizard

New Web Service Project Wizard

New EJB Project Dialog

New Enterprise Application Project Wizard

New Utility Project Wizard

Workshop Quick Start Application Wizards

Select Project Facets

Ant and Maven Script Generation Wizard

Upgrading to Workshop 10.x

General Considerations When Upgrading to 10.x

Upgrading Applications from Workshop Studio Version 3.0

Migrating Applications from Workshop Studio Versions 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3

Migrating from Workshop for WebLogic 10.0 and 10.1

Migrating from Workshop for WebLogic 9.2

Key Differences for WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Users

upgradeStarter Command

upgrade Ant Task

Upgrading WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Applications

Overview: Upgrading from WebLogic Workshop 8.1

How To: Use the Import Wizard to Upgrade

Changes During Upgrade

Notes About General Issues

Upgrading Controls

Upgrading Web Services

Upgrading Page Flows

Providing Support for Control Callbacks from a Page Flow

Upgrading Enterprise JavaBeans

Upgrading Annotations

Web Applications

Tutorials: Web Applications

Working with Web Projects

Creating a New Web Application Project

Importing Existing Web Applications

Managing Folder Mappings

Manage Existing Java Projects as Web Application Projects

NetUI Page Flows

Introduction to NetUI Page Flows

The Page Flow Perspective

Page Flow Visual Glossary

Integrating JavaServer Faces into a NetUI Web Application

Enabling and Disabling Page Flow Event Reporting

Using the NetUI JSP Tag Library

NetUI Tag Libraries Overview

Creating Forms for Collecting User Data

Displaying Data with NetUI Data Grids

Using JavaScript in NetUI and Portal Applications

Validating User Input Data

Using Tiles

Rendering Trees

Struts Tools


Struts Configuration Editor

Converting HTML Files to Struts

Creating a New Struts Action

Adding Global and Local Forwards to a Struts Configuration

Adding Global and Local Exceptions to a Struts Configuration

Using the Struts Navigation View

Using the Struts Validator Framework Editor

Previewing Internationalized Pages

BEA Workshop for JSP

JSP Editor

Creating a New Web Page

Converting HTML Files to JSF

Formatting Your Web Pages

Using the Design Palette: Data

Viewing Included Pages

Organizing and Adding Tag Library Descriptors

Tag Library Customization

Locating Java Servlet Files Generated from JSP Files

Controlling Web Application Look and Feel with JSP Templates

Adding and Removing JSP Templates

Web Application Dialogs

Associated Files for Page Flow Controllers Dialog

Conditional Forward Dialog

Create Form Wizard

Data Display Wizard

Data Grid Wizard

Edit Action Output Dialog

JSF Backing Files Dialog

New Action Wizard

New Anchor Dialog

New Command Handler Dialog

New Dynamic Web Project Wizard

New Image Anchor Dialog

New JSP Page Dialog

New Page Flow Dialog

New Shared Flow Dialog

Page Flow Editor View

Page Flow Source Editor View

Page Flow Explorer View

Page Flow Overview View

Select Properties Dialog

Suppressible Dialogs Preferences

Update Form Wizard

Set Message Bundle Dialog

Validation Rule Dialog

Design Palette View


How to Define an Action that Forwards Users to Another Page

How to Submit User Data from a JSP

How to Change the Default Encoding for a New HTML Page

Web Services

Tutorials: Web Services

Introduction to Web Service Technologies

Building Web Services with Workshop

Using Design View to Create Web Services

Web Service Development Starting Points

Testing Web Services with the Test Client

WSDL Files: Web Service Descriptions

Web Service Callbacks

Designing Conversational Web Services

Using Buffering to with Web Service Callbacks and Control Events

Web Service Dialogs

New Web Service Project Wizard

New Web Service Dialog

New Web Service From WSDL Wizard

Types JAR File Generation Wizard

Web Service Design View

Service Design Views Preferences

Service Control Generation Wizard

Web Service Annotation Reference Guide


Tutorials: Controls

Getting Started with Controls

Using Controls

Invoking a Control Method

Overriding Control Properties

Control Events

Handling Control Events

Using Buffering to with Web Service Callbacks and Control Events

Handling Control Method Exceptions

Control Transactions

Using System Controls

Timer Control

Overview: Timer Control

Creating and Configuring a Basic Timer

Setting up Web Service Operations to Access a Timer Control

Changing Timer Settings Dynamically

Using a Timer Control

Service Control

Overview: Service Control

Creating and Using a Service Control

Handling Web Service Callback Messages

Registering Handlers on a Service Control

Processessing SOAP Headers with Message Handlers

EJB Controls

EJB2 Control

Overview: EJB2 Control

Creating a New EJB2 Control

Using an EJB2 Control

EJB3 Control

Overview: EJB3 Control

Creating a New EJB3 Control

Using an EJB3 Control

Key Differences Between EJB2 and EJB3

JMS Control

Creating a New JMS Control

Using a JMS Control

JDBC Control

Overview: JDBC Control

Creating a New JDBC Control

Using a JDBC Control

Adding a Method to a JDBC Control

Using the Backward-Compatible RowSet Feature

BEA Tuxedo Control

Tuxedo Control Overview

Who Uses the Tuxedo Control?

What is Required?

Getting Started with the Tuxedo Control

Before You Begin

What You Must Know About Tuxedo

Setting Up a WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) Connection

How Do I: Create a Web Service That Uses a Tuxedo Service

How Do I: Use a Tuxedo Service in a Web Service

How Do I: Create a Web Service with Transactional Support in the Tuxedo Service

How Do I: Call Non-transactional Tuxedo Services

How Do I: Create a Tuxedo Control

How Do I: Create a Tuxedo Control

How Do I: Create a Tuxedo Control That Uses Queue Type Services

How Do I: Configure a WTC Service

How Do I: Map Java Data Types/FML and VIEW Buffers

How Do I: Map Data Types

How Do I: Map Java Data Type Buffers to FML and VIEW

How Do I: Map FML and VIEW Buffers to Java Data Types

How Do I: Map Non-Fielded Buffers

Troubleshooting Tuxedo Control

Development-time Errors

Run-time Errors

Developing Custom Controls

Creating Custom Controls

Source Files for Custom Controls

Testing Controls

Exporting Controls into JARs

Distributing Controls as Plug-Ins

Control Dialogs

New Custom Dialog

New Extensible Control Dialog

Insert Control Event Handler Dialog

New EJB Wizard

New JDBC Wizard

New JMS Wizard

Service Control Generation Wizard

Select Control Dialog

Enterprise JavaBeans

Tutorial: Building Enterprise JavaBeans

Enterprise JavaBeans in Workshop

Developing Entity Beans

Getting Started with Entity Beans

Defining an Entity Beans

Automatic Primary Key Generation

Entity Relationships

Query Methods and EJB QL

Life Cycle of an Entity Bean

Developing Session Beans

Getting Started with Session Beans

Defining a Session Bean

Life Cycle of a Session Bean

Developing Message-Driven Beans

Getting Started with Message-Driven Beans

Processing JMS Messages

Specifying a Base Class for Remote Interfaces Using the File

Configuring EJB Jars as J2EE Modules

EJB Dialogs

New EJB Project Dialog

EJB Properties Dialog

EJB Annotations Reference

Database Management Tools

Tutorials: Databases

Exploring Databases with the DbXplorer

Viewing Database Diagrams and Running Queries

Using the O/R Mapping Tools

Tutorials: O/R Mapping

Working with Java Persistence API (JPA) Mappings

Adding JPA Support

Generating JPA Mappings

Creating JPA Mappings from a Schema

Annotating Existing Classes for JPA

Managing JPA Entity Mappings

Configuring JPA Properties

Working with Hibernate Mappings

Generating Hibernate Object Relational Mappings

Managing Hibernate Entity Relationships

Configuring Hibernate Properties

Generating Spring Artifacts


External Event and Callback Security

Web Service Message Level Security with WS-Security Policy

Role-based Control Access Security


JSF: Duke's Book Store

JSF: Guess Number

JSF: MyFaces Examples

Struts: Struts 1.1 Example

Struts: Struts 1.1 Upload

Struts: Struts 1.1 Validator

Struts: Struts 1.2 Examples

Struts: Struts 1.2 Mail Reader

Workshop Samples Application

Beehive Samples Application

Tutorial-based Samples

The Workshop Samples Domain


Tutorial: XMLBeans

Using XMLBeans in the IDE


Configuration File Reference

JSF: web-facesconfig_1_0.dtd

Servlets: web-app_2_3.dtd

Struts: struts-config_1_1.dtd

Struts: tiles-config_1_1.dtd

Struts: validator_1_1.dtd

BEA API Reference

BEA Control API Javadoc





BEA NetUI API Javadoc (Version 8.1)







BEA NetUI Tags Javadoc (Version 8.1)






















Beehive Reference

Beehive NetUI API Javadoc

Beehive NetUI Annotation Javadoc

Beehive NetUI JSP Tags

Beehive Controls API Javadoc

Beehive Control Annotation Javadoc

Beehive System Control References

Beehive EJB Control API Javadoc

Beehive EJB Control Annotation Javadoc

Beehive JDBC Control Annotation Javadoc

Beehive JDBC Control API Javadoc

Beehive JMS Control Annotation Javadoc

Beehive JMS Control API Javadoc

EJB3 Persistence Configuration API


W3C HTML 4.01 Specification

JavaServer Pages (JSP) v1.2 Syntax Reference

JavaServer Pages (JSP) v2.0 Syntax Reference

JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) 1.1 Tag Reference

Struts 1.2 User Guide

Struts 1.2.x Bean Taglib Guide

Struts 1.2.x HTML Taglib Guide

Struts 1.2.x Logic Taglib Guide

Struts 1.2.x Tiles Guide

Struts 1.2.x Validator Guide

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1.1 Core Tags

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1.1 HTML Tags

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1.1 API

MyFaces Tag Reference

Hibernate 2.x Reference Documentation

Hibernate 3.x Reference Documentation

Hibernate Annotations Reference Guide

Spring Framework

Spring IDE

Apache Beehive Documentation (Live version)

Apache Beehive Documentation (Local version)

JSR-181: Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform

Dev2Dev: Workshop



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