Working with Java Persistence API (JPA) Mappings

With Workshop, you can create a persistence layer that uses the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 standard Java Persistence API (JPA). Workshop includes tools to generate entities, while Workshop includes two provider implementations of persistence tools: BEA Kodo (JPA) and an implementation that is part of the open source Hibernate project. You can use either of these or supply your own provider.

This documentation describes how to use Workshop to generate and edit JPA persistence entities.

Using JPA in Workshop

In EJB version 3.0, the role of entity beans is played by JPA persistence entities. These persistence entities differ quite a bit from previous entity beans in ways designed to simplify the programming model, and the toolset in Workshop is designed to help you make the most of these changes. Key features of the JPA specification include:

Support for JPA Tasks

Workshop includes tools that greatly ease the tasks associated with creating a persistence layer using EJB 3.0. These tasks include:

High-Level Steps to Creating a JPA Persistence Layer

Starting out with a web application project, you can create a persistence layer with Workshop using the following high-level steps:

  1. Create a web application project that support JPA, or add persistence support to an existing web application project.
  2. Add a connection to the database that the persistence layer will be using.
  3. Developing entities and mapping relationships depending on what you're starting out with:
  4. Edit mappings as needed using the Entities Editor.
  5. Develop queries as needed using the DbXplorer.
  6. Use the resulting entities in application logic.

Related concepts

Adding JPA Support

Generating JPA Mappings

Managing EJB3 Entity Relationships

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