Tutorial-based Samples

This topic describes each of the tutorial-based samples. Each of these samples represents the results of completing one of the Workshop tutorials. For instructions on running these samples, see the sample's corresponding tutorial.

To run these samples, you must have WebLogic Server installed on your machine and add a WebLogic Server domain for use with Workshop. This server domain contains runtime libraries required by the application. Follow the instructions below:


Tutorial: Advanced Web Services

This is the completed result of the Advanced Web Service Tutorial. It features web services and web service controls.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: Advanced Web Services

Tutorial: Building Enterprise JavaBeans

This sample is what you'd have if you completed the EJB Tutorial. The sample features very simple entity and session beans.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: Building Enterprise JavaBeans

Tutorial: JavaServer Faces Integration

This is the completed result of the JSF Tutorial. This sample features NetUI used along with Java Server Faces. (This sample is not supported on WebLogic Server version 8.1.)

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: JavaServer Faces Integration

Tutorial: Testing Controls with JUnit

This is the completed result of the JUnit Tutorial. This sample features the control testing framework applied to a simple control.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: Testing Controls with JUnit

Tutorial: Create a Simple Timer

This sample is the completed result of the Timer Tutorial.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: Create a Simple Timer

Tutorial: Accessing a Database from a Web Application

The complete result of a tutorial on calling a database control from a web application, this sample features NetUI technologies, custom and system controls, and data access.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: Accessing a Database from a Web Application

Tutorial: Web Services

This is the completed result of the introductory web services tutorial.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: Web Services

Tutorial: Getting Started with Workshop

This sample is the completed result of a "getting started" tutorial through which you can become acquainted with Workshop.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: Getting Started with Workshop

Tutorial: XMLBeans

This sample is the completed result of the XMLBeans tutorial which demonstrates the use of XMLBeans in a web service.

To open this sample, select File > New > Example > Workshop WebLogic/Beehive Examples > Tutorial: XMLBeans

Related Topics

Tutorials in Workshop



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