General Considerations When Upgrading to 10.x

This topic provides a list of changes you may need perform when upgrading projects to 10.x from any pervious versions of Workshop.

Errors When Upgrading/Migrating Runtimes with Custom Names

If your project contains runtimes with names different from their default names, you may see errors when you attempt to import or migrate the project into Workshop 10.x.

For example, if your Workshop 9.2 project's runtime has been defined with a name different from the default name of "BEA WebLogic v9.2", then Workshop 10.x will not be able to recognize the runtime during the upgrade process. This will cause the following error in the Problems view.

Target runtime BEA WebLogic v9.2 is not defined.       
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try building this project       
The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

To repair your project's runtime reference, right-click the project and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, click Targeted Runtimes. Select the desired runtime and click OK.

Problems with Library Module References in Classpaths and Deployment Descriptors

After upgrade, your project's library module references on the classpath and in the deployment descriptors may be out of sync. (This can happen if the project's library module references were manually edited before upgrade.) If the references are out of sync, you will see one of these errors:

For detailed information on correcting the library module references, see WebLogic J2EE Libraries - Problems.

Upgrade Requires Installation of Weblogic Server and Workshop to Their Default Locations

For Workshop versions 9.2 and after, project upgrade is not supported when either WebLogic Server or Workshop are not installed to their default locations.

For version 10.2, the default locations are:

What To Do When Upgrade Fails

If upgrade fails for some reason, use source control system to revert the application files to their pre-upgrade state and delete any files created by the unsuccessful upgrade attempt. If you attempt upgrade again, make sure that all application files are checked out.

On upgrade failure, files are not reverted to their original state

When an upgrade fails the new files are not reverted to their original state but may not be fully upgraded. For example, the file extension may have been changed to .java, but annotations may not have been translated to the current version. Note that the original source files are not altered. In this case, either drag and drop the file into the workspace and perform upgrade on that file again or re-import the entire project.


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