3. Design Views

In this step, we will create views for the application.

3.1. Import the CSS file

To customize the appearance of HTML components we will use a CSS file.

  1. Select File > New > Other
  2. Expand Web and select CSS. Click Next
  3. Select the web folder and type stylesheet.css for file name and click Finish .

    This creates a new file stylesheet.css under the web application root folder i.e. web (Web App Root).

  4. Copy all the code from workshop-jsf-tutorial/web/Resources/stylesheet.css file to web/stylesheet.css file.
  5. Save the stylesheet.css file.

3.2. Create images folder

In this application, we will place image files under the images folder.

  1. Select File > New > Folder
  2. In New Folder wizard select the parent folder workshop-jsf-tutorial/web and type folder name images
  3. Click Finish.

    This creates new folder called images under the web application root folder i.e. web (Web App Root)
  4. Copy the image file banner.gif from the folder workshop-jsf-tutorial/web/Resources/images to the workshop-jsf-tutorial/web/images folder.

3.3. Create a view

In this step, we will create a JSP page named register.jsp that shows the user registration form.

  1. Select File > New > Other. Expand Web and click JSP. Click Next .
  2. Select the folder workshop-jsf-tutorial/web/pages for the file location and in the File name field enter register.jsp.
  3. Click Next
  4. Ensure that the template New JSP File (html) is selected and click Next.
  5. Choose a resource bundle base name resources > application. This base name is used by the page register.jsp .

  6. Click Finish
  7. This creates an empty JSP file named register.jsp with the JSF tags <f:view> and <f:loadBundle> from JSF Core tag library. Open and review the code.
  8. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <f:loadBundle basename="resources.application" var="bundle"/>
           <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
           <title>Untitled Document</title>

  9. By default, the taglib lines:

    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>

    is not added to new JSP files.

    Copy the line to your register.jsp file.

The basename attribute of the loadBundle tag refers to the ResourceBundle located in the resources package of the application. The basename attribute must specify the fully qualified class name of the file.

3.4. Design the register.jsp view

In this step, we will add UI components to design the JSF page register.jsp.

To design the JSF page, you will use JSF tags which are readily available and displayed in Design Palette view.  

The JSP Variables section of the Design Palette displays lists of variables available to the JSP page and facilitates insertion of those variables onto the page. The different icons indicate the variables scope.


Note that information about the variable will be displayed on mouse-over for each variable.

Right-click the Session scope variable user and observe the options in the pop-up menu.

The pop-up menu shows the options to

3.4.1. Specify the page title and stylesheet

  1. Remove the text Insert Title Here from the <title> tag in register.jsp; type <h: and press Ctrl+Space

  2. This displays a list of tags from the JSF HTML tags libraries. This is one of the most powerful features called Code Completion offered by the Workshop AppXRay technology.

  3. From the list of tags select h:outputText tag and press Enter. This adds the empty tag <h:outputText/>.
  4. Press the Space key before the closing bracket of the outputText tag. It displays the outputText attributes list.
  5. Choose the attribute value for the <h:outputText> tag.
  6. Select the Properties tab.
    In the Smart Editor tab click the icon for the Value attribute.
  7. In this Choose Binding dialog click the Resources tab and click on the New Resource Key link.
  8. In the New Resource Key dialog, in the Resource Key field, enter registerPageTitle; in the Resource Value field enter Register to Workshop.
  9. Click OK on the New Resource Key editor. It adds new key/value pair in the resource bundle application.properties file.
  10. Click OK on Choose Binding dialog.
  11. On the Design Palette view, from the HTML tags list, drag the Import CSS File tag to the Design Editor (= the blank upper pane) of the register.jsp page.

  12. It opens the Choose File dialog. Choose the file workshop-jsf-tutorial/web/stylesheet.css
  13. This will add a <link> tag referencing the CSS file before the </head> tag.
  14. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../stylesheet.css">
  15. Save the register.jsp file.

3.4.2. Add an HTML table

The WYSIWYG JSF Editor supports drag and drop of any tags from any tag library listed in the Design Palette view.

  1. On the Design Palette view, from the HTML tags list, drag the Table tag to the Design Editor of register.jsp page. It opens a Table Tag dialog.
  2. In the Table Tag dialog enter the parameters as shown below:
  3. Click OK
  4. This will add an HTML table tag in the body tag of register.jsp page.

3.4.3. Add an Image to the page

  1. On the Design Palette view, from the JSF HTML tags list, drag the Graphic Image tag to the first row of the HTML table.

  2. Click the icon for URL and choose the image file banner.gif and click OK .
  3. Click the icon for Alt (alternative text for image). In the Choosing Binding dialog click the Resources tab and click on the New Resource Key link.

  4. In the New Resource Key editor type alt_img_text for the resource key and JSF Editor for the resource value.
  5. Click OK on the New Resource Key editor. It adds a new key/value pair in the resource bundle application.properties file.
  6. Click OK on the Choose Binding dialog.
  7. Click OK in the Graphic Image Tag dialog.
  8. This will add a <h:graphicImage> tag with attribute values in the first row of the HTML table.
  9. Save the register.jsp page.

From the split-pane view, you can switch to a pure WYSIWYG (or Design) Editor by clicking on the Design tab.

You also have flexibility of a professional Source Editor to work with.

3.4.4. Add application messages

During user registration the application should prompt the user to re-enter userId, if the userId entered already exists. The registerUser( ) method of UserBean appends FacesMessage to FacesContext if the userId already exists.

In the register.jsp page we will add a <h:messages> tag to display error messages being added to FacesContext during the request process.

  1. Using the drag and drop feature of the editor, add the Messages tag from the JSF HTML tag library to the second row of the HTML table.
  2. In the Messages Tag dialog, select the checkbox Global Only
    Confirm that the Layout field has the value table.
    To set the CSS stylesheet class, click the icon for Style Class. In the Choose CSS Style Class dialog select validationMessage and click OK.
  3. Click OK in the Messages Tag dialog.
  4. This will add a <h:messages> tag with attribute values in the second row of the HTML table.
  5. In the Design Editor press Enter after the h:messages UI component.

  6. Save the register.jsp page.

3.4.5. Add HTML Form, Form Fields and Validation Error Messages

Now we will add tags for an HTML form and form fields. We will also define validators for various form fields. In the process we will learn different features of Workshop.

  1. Using the drag and drop feature, add the Form tag from the JSF HTML tag library to the second row of the HTML table after the h:messages placeholder.
  2. Click the icon next to the Form Bean field. In the Choose Bean/Property dialog select JSF Managed Bean user and click OK .
  3. Click the icon next to the Form Action field. In the Choose Method dialog select registerUser method of the user Managed Bean.
    Click Next.
  4. Select all the properties of the user bean to be bound to form input fields and click Next.
  5. In Form Tag dialog, using the Up and Down buttons, set the order of the fields as shown below.
    Set the Input Type of the contactDetails.address field to Text Area .
    Set the Input Type of the contactDetails.country field to List.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Our application is required to display validation error messages. To accomplish this, ensure that the Insert Validation Error Messages check box is checked.
    Click the icon next to the Style Class field.
    In the Choose CSS Style Class dialog select the class validationMessage and click OK.
  8. Click Finish

    This action will insert tags from the JSF HTML tag library. Specifically, a <h:form> tag containing a <h:panelGrid> tag for the HTML table; <h:outputText> tags for form field labels; <h:inputText>, <h:selectOneListbox> and <h:inputTextarea> tags for form fields and <h:message> tags for validation error messages.

  9. Also note the tag <h:commandButton> with action attribute (which refers to the UserBean.registerUser() method) has been added.

    The for attribute value of <h:message> tag refers to the id attribute value of the respective form field.

3.4.6. Using the Property sheet and Smart Editor

The selectOneListbox field shows a list of countries. We will use the Property Sheet and Smart Editor tabs to add items to the list and specify its properties. In this process we will understand the difference between the Property Sheet and Smart Editor facilities.

  1. In the Design Editor select the country list box. The Property Sheet tab on the Properties view displays a list of attributes defined for the <h:selectOneListbox> tag and the source window shifts to the corresponding tag.

    The Property Sheet tab lists all the tag attributes and their values. Depending on the attribute type, an attribute value picker is displayed to help with editing the attribute value.

    The Smart Editor tab provides UI for efficient editing.
  2. In the Smart Editor tab click the icon next to the Static Items attribute.
  3. In the Edit Select Item List, click Add.
  4. In the Select Item Tag dialog, in the Label field, add "United States of America" and in the Value field add "USA".
  5. Repeat until the Edit Select Item List dialog appears as shown below:

  6. When the list is complete, click OK.

3.4.7. Synchronized Editing

  1. The WYSIWYG JSF (Design) editor view, Source Editor view, Properties view and Outline view are synchronized with each other. This means any real-time changes being made in one view are immediately reflected in other views.
  2. In the Smart Editor tab, in the Rendering Properties section, for the field Type choose the option Menu. This will change the Country list tag from <h:selectOneListbox> tag to <h:selectOneMenu> tag.

3.4.8. Insert table header and footer

  1. In the Design Editor, right-click the h:panelGrid component to open the pop-up menu and select Panel Grid > Insert Table Header.

  2. This will add a table header row using the <f:facet> tag from the JSF Core tags library.

  3. Drag the Output Text tag from the JSF HTML tag library and drop it in the table header row.
  4. In the Output Text Tag dialog click the icon next to the Value field. In the Choosing Binding dialog click the Resources tab and click on the New Resource Key link.
  5. In the New Resource Key editor, in the Resource Key field, enter registerFormHeader; in the Resource Value field, enter Member Registration.
  6. Click OK on the New Resource Key dialog. This adds a new key/value pair in the resource bundle application.properties file.
  7. Click OK on the Choose Binding dialog.
  8. Click OK on the Output Text Tag dialog.
  9. In the Design Editor, right-click the h:panelGrid component to open the pop-up menu and select Panel Grid > Insert Table Footer.
  10. In Source View, move the Submit button (<h:commandButton action="#{user.registerUser}" value="Submit"/>) into the table footer.
  11. Save register.jsp page.

3.4.9. Specify style class for table

  1. In the Design Editor select the h:panelGrid component.
  2. In the Smart Editor click the icon next to the Table Class field and in the Choose CSS Style Class dialog select the option table-background and click OK
  3. Next to the Column Classes field, click the icon and in the Edit Style Values dialog select the styles for three columns as shown below and click OK
  4. We have specified CSS style classes for the table and table columns. Now set the CSS style classes for the table header and footers.
  5. In the Properties view select the Property Sheet tab view and click the Value column of the headerClass attribute. Note that the icon  alt appears. Click the icon  alt and from the Choose CSS Style Class dialog select the style-class table-header and click OK
  6. Similarly select the style-class table-footer for the footerClass Style Sheet attribute.
  7. Select each form field one at time (except for the Address field). For each field, using the Smart Editor tab, in the Style Class field enter form-field.
  8. Save the register.jsp page.

3.4.10. Define validators for form-fields

Next we will identify validation rules for the HTML form fields. The table shown below describes validation rules / criteria for some of the form fields.

Form Field Field Type (Input Type) Validation rule / criteria
User Id String (Text field) Value is required and should be minimum 4 characters and maximum 8 characters.
Password String (Password field) Value is required and should be between 1000 and 9999 (inclusive).
Name String (Text field) Value is required.
Address String (Text Area) Value is required.
City String (Text field) Value is required.
Country String (List) Value is required.
Zip code String (Text field) Value is required.
  1. In the Design Editor select the userId text field. The Smart Editor tab displays the attributes of the <h:inputText> tag for the userId text field. Check the Required checkbox under the Validation section. This will add an attribute required="true" to the userId text field tag.
  2. Click the icon next to the Validators field . In the Edit Validators dialog click the Add button and select the option Length Validator
  3. In the Length Validator Tag dialog type 4 for Min. Length field and 8 for Max. Length field and click OK. This will add a JSF standard Length Validator to the validators list for the userId text field.
  4. In the Edit Validators dialog. Click OK.

    The <f:validateLength> tag from the JSF Core tag library will be added to the userId input text field.
  5. In the Design Editor select the password text field. The Smart Editor tab displays attributes of the <h:inputText> tag for the password text field. Check the Required checkbox under the Validation section. This will add an attribute required="true" to the password text field tag.
  6. Click the icon next to the Validators field. In the Edit Validators dialog click the Add button and select the option Long Validator.
  7. In the Long Validator Tag dialog type 1000 for Min. Value field and 9999 for Max. Value field and click OK.
  8. This will add a JSF standard Long Validator to the validators list for the password text field. Click OK.

    The <f:validateLongRange> tag from the JSF Core tag library will be added to password input text field.
  9. For each form field (i.e. name, city, zipcode, and country) check the Required validation attribute.

    We need to specify the symbol ( * ) for each form field that requires input value.
  10. In the Design Editor type the symbol * after the userId input text field. This will insert the symbol * in the <f:verbatim> tag from the JSF Core tag library.
  11. Select the symbol * to specify the CSS style-class. Right-click to open pop-up menu and select CSS Style Class > html-text
  12. This will apply the style-class html-text to the symbol * using the <span> tag.
  13. For each form field (i.e. password, name, address, city, zipcode, and country) add the symbol * and apply the style-class html-text
  14. Save the register.jsp page.

3.4.11. Localize UI Component labels

In an internationalized application the GUI component labels should be localized. Hence, we will bind the UI component labels to the dynamic values from the application resource bundle.

  1. In the workshop-jsf-tutorial/web/WEB-INF/src/java/resources/application.properties file add key-value pairs for form field labels and save the file. You can copy from workshop-jsf-tutorial/web/Typing_Aid/application_properties_1.txt
  2. userId=User ID\:
    officePhone=Phone (Off.)\:
    homePhone=Phone (Home)\:

  3. In the Design Editor select the label User Id: for the userId text field. The Smart Editor view displays attributes of the <h:outputText> tag for the User Id: text label.
  4. In the Smart Editor click the icon next to the Value field. In the Choose Binding dialog choose the resource key userId under the Resources view and click OK
  5. This will dynamically bind the value attribute of <h:outputText> tag to the userId key value from the application resource bundle.
  6. Similarly bind the labels of other UI components (i.e. password, name, address, city, state, zipcode, country, office phone and home phone, submit) to the respective key value from the application resource bundle.
  7. Save the register.jsp page.

3.4.12. Observe the variables available to a JSP page

Workshop automatically detects the variables available to be used in a JSP page and provides a list to select from. This reduces development time and minimizes errors.

  1. In the Design Editor select the userId text field. The Source Editor view displays the selected <h:inputText> tag for the userId text field.
  2. Remove the userId text from the value attribute of <h:inputText> tag for the userId text field and press Ctrl+Space

    Workshop shows a list of variables available to be used in JSF page.
  3. Reset the value attribute of <h:inputText> tag for the userId text field to #{user.userId}

3.4.13. Code completion and error checking for the JSF Managed beans

Workshop has a deep understanding of the application and builds a database to store that understanding. It provides code completion for the variables and methods of JSF Managed Beans.

  1. In the Design Editor select the Submit button. The Source Editor view displays the selected <h:commandButton> tag for the Submit button.
  2. Remove registerUser text from the action attribute of the <h:commandButton> tag for the Submit button and press Ctrl+Space

    Workshop provides code completion by showing methods of Managed Bean UserBean.
  3. Reset the action attribute of <h:commandButton> tag to #{user.registerUser}

3.4.14. Real-time Error Checking

With its analysis of the application, Workshop immediately sees potential errors and provides real-time error checking.

Workshop will create a warnings/errors manifest of all the affected files. The manifest will go beyond affected Java files and will include files at all levels including the JSP pages and XML configuration files.

  1. If you edit the value attribute of the <h:inputText> tag for the userId text field with the value #{user.Id} then the Source Editor shows the warning icon.
  2. If you save the register.jsp page then the Problems view shows warning message saying that the Id field is undefined for the Managed Bean beans.UserBean.
  3. Reset the value attribute to #{user.userId}.
  4. In the UserBean class edit the getPassword( ) method name to getPass( ) and save UserBean class.
  5. The Problems view shows warning message for the register.jsp resource saying that the field password is undefined for the Managed Bean beans.UserBean.
  6. In the UserBean class reset the method name getPass( ) to getPassword( ) and save UserBean class.

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