Step 1: Create a JSF Enabled Web Project

In this step you will set up a JSF-enabled web project.

The tasks in this step are to:

Start Workshop

If you haven't started Workshop yet, follow these steps: Start Workshop.

Create a New Workspace (Optional)

If you would like to execute the tutorial in a separate workspace follow these steps: Create a New Workspace.

Note: If you already have a workspace open, this will restart Workshop. Before beginning, you might want to launch help in standalone mode to avoid an interruption the restart could cause, then locate this topic in the new browser. See Using Help in a Standalone Mode for more information.

Configure WebLogic Server

In this step you will add a WebLogic Server domain for use with Workshop. This server domain contains runtime libraries required by the application and the application will be deployed to this server.

Create a New Web Project and a New EAR Project

  1. Right-click anywhere within the Project Explorer view and select New > Dynamic Web Project.
    In the Project Name field, enter JSFWeb.
    Place a checkmark next to Add project to an EAR.
    Confirm that the field EAR Project Name shows the value: JSFWebEAR.
    Click Next.

  2. Place a check mark next to the facet JSF.
    Click Finish.

Import Files into the Web Project

In this step you will import control files into your web project, control files that provide access to customer data.

  1. On the Project Explorer tab, open the nodes JSFWeb > Java Resources.
  2. Open Windows Explorer (or your operating system's equivalent) and navigate to the directory BEA_HOME/tools/eclipse_pkgs/1.1/pkgs/eclipse/plugins/com.bea.workshop.product.wl.samples_1.1.10/tutorials/resources/jsf/ and locate the folders businessObjects and controls.
  3. Drag the folders businessObjects and controls into the Project Explorer tab directly onto the folder JSFWeb/Java Resources/src.
  4. Confirm that the following directory and file structure exists before proceeding.

Related Topics

Integrating Java Server Faces into a Web Application

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