4. Navigating Web Pages

In this section, you will learn how to navigate within a web page using the tag selector. You will also learn how you can use Workshop to easily navigate through JSP include tags and Java resource bundles. You will also learn how to navigate to resources using the AppXNavigator.

The AppXNavigator introduces hyperlink style navigation to jsp and struts development. Hovering the mouse over any element in a page, whether it is another jsp, image file, or tld allows you to navigate to the resource. This feature streamlines development by allowing you to navigate to external files while maintaining focus on the current source editor instead of hunting for dependencies in the traditional file explorers.

Using the tag selector

The tag selector shows the bread-crumb style hierarchical view of the currently selected tag.

  1. Double-click changeLocale.jsp in the AppXplorer to open this page.
  2. Click after the localeString selection element in the Design pane.
    The tag selector shows this hierarchy: <html:html><body><html:form><div><table><tr><td><div><table><tr><td>

  3. Notice that the Smart Editor (in the Properties view) for the table is activated.

Locating included content

  1. Double-click home.jsp in the AppXplorer to open this page.
  2. Click on the Sonic image at the top of the page.
    Note the message at the bottom of the Properties view. It indicates that the image content cannot be modified because the image has been included from another page. Then it specifies the path to the included page.
  3. In the Design editor, double-click the jsp:include tag displayed just above the image.
    This opens the included JSP page.

Opening resources

  1. Double-click home.jsp in the AppXplorer to open this page.
  2. Click on the string ‘To our first time visitors...’ displayed in bold in the Design editor.
    The Source editor highlights the corresponding source code:
    <bean:message key="home.welcome.text1" />
    This code indicates that this text is defined in the default resource bundle using the home.welcome.text1 key

  3. In the Design editor, double-click the string ‘To our first time visitors...’ .
    The resource file (in this case StorefrontResources.properties) is opened at the location defining this resource key.


Related tasks

Viewing included pages
Viewing web pages in a different locale


Click one of the following arrows to navigate through the tutorial:

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