Installing BEA Workshop 10.2


Installation Restrictions

BEA Workshop 10.2 requires that WebLogic Server is installed to the default location.

For version 10.2, the default WebLogic server home is <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.0.

Installing Workshop 10.2 into an Existing WebLogic Server or WebLogic Portal Installation

For information about adding Workshop to an existing WebLogic Server or WebLogic Portal installation, see Installing Workshop into an Existing WebLogic Server / Weblogic Portal Installation.

Note that users who plan on adding Workshop to an existing WebLogic Server 10.0 MP1 installation must use the default WebLogic Server home value.

For version 10.2, the default location for WebLogic Server home is: <BEA_HOME>/weblogic_10.0

Adding Workshop to an Existing Eclipse Installation

For information on installing Workshop 10.2 into an existing Eclipse installation see Adding Workshop to an Existing Eclipse Installation.

Running the Installer in Silent Mode

For information on installing Workshop in silent mode see Running the Workshop Installation Program in Silent Mode.

Launching Workshop

To launch Workshop on Windows operating systems, from the Start menu, select All Programs > BEA Products > WorkSpace Studio.

To launch Workshop on Linux operating systems, run BEA_HOME/workSpaceStudio_1.1/workSpaceStudio/workSpaceStudio.


The following links provide useful information for installing BEA products:


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