Step 3: Work with Database Components

Browse the database artifacts using the DbXplorer View

DbXplorer view allows you to browse the database components.

  1. In the DbXplorer view, expand the nodes inside the SalesDBConnection node. You can view the individual tables and columns. Observe that the DbXplorer view denotes which columns have been designated as primary keys.

  2. While browsing database artifacts, the Properties view displays the relevant properties of the component.

  3. For large databases with many schemas, it might be necessary to hide the schemas not in use. If your database supports schemas, you can right-click a schema and select Hide Selected Schemas to remove it from the DbXplorer view (this step does not modify the database or the schemas). To display all of the schemas again, right click the database and select Show Hidden Schemas. (At publication time, this feature is not supported by MySQL or by the HyperSonic database that we are using in this demonstration.)


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