Manage Existing Java Projects as Web Application Projects

The IDE makes it easy to manage existing Eclipse projects as web application projects. This allows you to use all of the web development features of the Workshop group of products with an existing codebase.

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click on the project node corresponding to the project to import.
  2. Select the Enable AppXRay menu command.
  3. The IDE will look for a WEB-INF folder that contains a valid web.xml file in the project directory.

    Note: The WEB-INF folder can be located directly in the project folder or in any of its subdirectories.

    The parent folder containing the WEB-INF folder is assumed to be the Web Application Root folder. All JSP pages are expected to be in this Web Application Root folder or in any of its subdirectories.

    If the project folder contains more than one WEB-INF folder, a Web Application Root Folder dialog displays, and you can select the application to manage.


Related tasks

Creating a new web application project
Importing existing web applications
Managing Folder Mappings

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