Controlling Web Application Look and Feel with JSP/JSF Templates

Workshop allows you customize the content of JSPs via templates found at Window > Preferences > Web and XML > JSP Files > JSP Templates. For detail on managing templates and controlling the list of available templates see Adding and removing JSP templates.

Selecting a Default Template for the JSP Wizard

The New JSP wizard will remember your last JSP template selection and use the same template by default the next time you launch the wizard.

To open the New JSP wizard, select File > New > Other > Web > JSP > Next.

Enter a file name for the new JSP page and click Next.

Select a template from the list of available JSP templates.

The next time you launch the wizard the same template will be used by default.

Setting a Default Template for the Page Flow Design Views

The NetUI Page Flow design views allow you to quickly create a JSP without launching a wizard. However, the same set of JSP templates available in the JSP wizard is also available for use in the page flow design views. To set the page flow design view default JSP template for a particular project, right-click the project folder and select Properties > NetUI Page Flow > Default JSP Template.

Select a JSP Template from the list of available templates. The selected template will be used when creating new page flows or creating new JSPs via the Page Flow Explorer or Page Flow Editor.

Similarly, when JSF is used as the view technology in a page flow you can set a separate default template for creating JSF pages in the page flow design views at Properties > NetUI Page Flow > Default JSF Template.

To edit the list of available templates, click the JSP Templates link.

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