Application View Control


Note: The Application View control uses application views defined using the Application Integration Design Console, provided with WebLogic Integration. The Application View control is available in WebLogic Workshop only if you are licensed to use WebLogic Integration.

The Application View control allows your web service or business process to access an enterprise application using an application view. An application view must be created using the Application Integration Design Console before it can be referenced using an Application View control. To learn more about application views and their relationship to enterprise applications, see Overview: Application Integration.

Like other WebLogic Workshop controls, the Application View control allows WebLogic Workshop web services and business processes to interact with enterprise applications using simple Java APIs. They allow a developer to access an enterprise application even if they don't know any of the details of the application's implementation.

The Application View control provides a means for a developer to invoke application view services both synchronously and asynchronously, and start a new business process when an EIS event occurs. In both the service and event cases, the developer uses XML and mapping tools to interact with the Application View control. The developer need not to understand the particular protocol or client API for the enterprise application (hereafter referred to as an Enterprise Information System or EIS). Events are delivered using the Message Broker Subscription control. Message Broker integration is provided by publishing all application view events to the Message Broker through its API.

Topics Included in this Section

Prerequisites for Integrating Applications Using WebLogic Workshop

The WebLogic Workshop Application View control is designed to make it easy for you to use an existing, deployed application view from within your business process. WebLogic Workshop is specifically not designed to help you develop and deploy application views. Please consult Using the Application Integration Design Console to learn how to use the Application Integration Design Console to create and publish application views.

Any WebLogic Workshop application which uses the application integration capabilities of WebLogic Integration must contain a project explicitly named Schemas. The Schemas project is used to store the file and application view schemas (published as XML Bean classes). If the Schemas project does not exist in the application, you must create it before publishing application views.

Application views with services that are published to a WebLogic Workshop application must not contain underscores in the application view service names. Also, no underscores are allowed in the Application View control name. When building a Control Receive node, WebLogic Workshop only allows a single underscore in a method name, which is automatically generated from the control name and the method name.

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