Using Controls in Business Processes

When you access a resource through a control, your interaction with the resource is greatly simplified; the underlying control implementation takes care of most of the details for you. You add an instance of a control to your business process project and then invoke its methods. All controls expose Java interfaces that can be invoked directly from your business process.

Designing the business process interactions with resources via controls includes:

Adding Control Nodes to Your Business Process

You add Control nodes to your business process to represent points in the business process at which you design interactions with resources via controls:

To learn how to add Control nodes to your business processes, see Create Control Nodes in Your Business Process.

Designing the Communications for Control Nodes

Node builders provide task-driven interfaces that allow you to specify the logic required at the nodes in your business process. Control nodes provide control-specific node builders. The tasks you must complete to design the interaction with your resource depend on which control you use and the methods it exposes.

Designing the communications between your business process and resources includes adding instances of controls to your business process project, then designing the interaction with the controls at the appropriate point in the business process. To learn how, see:

You can use the ControlContext Interface for access to a control's properties at run time and for handling control events. Property values set by a developer who is using the control are stored as annotations on the control's declaration in a JWS, JSP, or JPD file, or as annotations on its interface, callback, or method declarations in a JCX file.

To help you specify the communication with a given control, customized interfaces are provided for controls. To learn about specific controls, see the following topics:

Using Integration Controls in Web Services or Page Flows

You can use a subset of the integration controls in web services and page flows. If you are licensed to use WebLogic Integration, you can use the following integration controls in a web service (JWS) or page flow (JPF): Application View, Email, File, Process, Task, and Task Worker controls.

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