ProcessControl Interface

ProcessControl Interface

public interface ProcessControl

    extends Asynchronous, Control, ServiceProxy

The process control is used to call a sub-process from a parent process. Sub-process callbacks are routed to the caller process. The sub-process must be in the same domain as the caller. The invocation is dispatched internally over RMI without going thru http. If the target process is versioned, the actual version invoked depends on the version strategy of the caller (as specified by the jpd:version annotation). The process control runtime properties can be configured externally through dynamic properties and xquery selectors.

All Superinterfaces
Asynchronous, Control, Serializable, ServiceProxy

Nested Class Summary

Nested classes from interface com.bea.control.Control

Method Summary

public String
Returns the conversation ID currently associated with this control or null.
public ProcessControlPropertiesDocument
Returns the current control properties.
public URI
Returns the target URI or null if not assigned.
public String
Gets credential information.
public void
Resets the conversational state of the proxy; this could result in dropping an existing conversation.
public void
setConversationID(String conversationID)
Manual control over conversation ID
public void
setPassword(String password)
Sets credential information.
public void
setProperties(ProcessControlPropertiesDocument props)
Sets the dynamic properties for the control
public void
setTargetURI(URI uri)
Manual control over the target uri.
public void
setUsername(String username)
Sets credential information.

Method Detail

getConversationID() Method

public String getConversationID()
Returns the conversation ID currently associated with this control or null.


conversation id

getProperties() Method

public ProcessControlPropertiesDocument getProperties()
Returns the current control properties. Note that this does not include username/password.


the properties

getTargetURI() Method

public URI getTargetURI()
Returns the target URI or null if not assigned.


target uri

getUsername() Method

public String getUsername()
Gets credential information.



reset() Method

public void reset()
Resets the conversational state of the proxy; this could result in dropping an existing conversation.

setConversationID(String) Method

public void setConversationID(String conversationID)
Manual control over conversation ID

setPassword(String) Method

public void setPassword(String password)
Sets credential information.

setProperties(ProcessControlPropertiesDocument) Method

public void setProperties(ProcessControlPropertiesDocument props)
throws ProcessControlException
Sets the dynamic properties for the control


the dynamic properties for the control



setTargetURI(URI) Method

public void setTargetURI(URI uri)
throws ProcessControlException
Manual control over the target uri.



setUsername(String) Method

public void setUsername(String username)
Sets credential information.