JpdContext Interface

JpdContext Interface

public interface JpdContext

    extends JwsContext

Represents the execution context of a business process (a JPD). Methods in this interface can be used to access container services for JPD (Process Definition for Java) files. A JpdContext instance named context is included by default in each business process you create in WebLogic Workshop.

All Superinterfaces
Context, JwsContext, Serializable

Nested Class Summary

public static interfaceJpdContext.Callback
public static interfaceJpdContext.ExceptionInfo
Nested classes from interface weblogic.jws.control.Context
Nested classes from interface com.bea.control.JwsContext

Method Summary

public JpdContext.ExceptionInfo
public String
Retrieves the instance id of the associated business process.
public String
Retrieves the current process label associated with this business process.
public boolean
Indicates whether the current transaction is executing a retry.
public void
setProcessLabel(String label)
Associates the specified label with this instance of the business process.
public void
trackData(XmlObject value)
Logs the specified XML value to the log tables such that it can be correlated to a node in your business process.
public void
trackData(RawData value)
Logs the specified RawData value to the log tables such that it can be correlated to a node in your business process.
public void
trackData(String value)
Logs the specified String value to the log tables such that it can be correlated to a node in your business process.
Methods from interface weblogic.jws.control.Context
finishConversation, getCallerPrincipal, getCurrentAge, getCurrentIdleTime, getLogger, getMaxAge, getMaxIdleTime, getService, isCallerInRole, isFinished, resetIdleTime, setMaxAge, setMaxAge, setMaxIdleTime, setMaxIdleTime
Methods from interface com.bea.control.JwsContext
getCallbackLocation, getCallbackPassword, getCallbackUsername, getInputHeaders, getProtocol, getUnderstoodInputHeaders, setCallbackLocation, setCallbackLocation, setCallbackPassword, setCallbackUsername, setOutputHeaders, setUnderstoodInputHeaders

Method Detail

getExceptionInfo() Method

public JpdContext.ExceptionInfo getExceptionInfo()


A handle to the exception (handler/block/instance) information.

getInstanceId() Method

public String getInstanceId()
Retrieves the instance id of the associated business process.

getProcessLabel() Method

public String getProcessLabel()
Retrieves the current process label associated with this business process.

isTransactionRetried() Method

public boolean isTransactionRetried()
Indicates whether the current transaction is executing a retry.

setProcessLabel(String) Method

public void setProcessLabel(String label)
Associates the specified label with this instance of the business process. The label can be used as a business handle for an instance of a business process. For example, you can use an order number, customer number, DUNS number, or some other value of use in auditing.

trackData(XmlObject) Method

public void trackData(XmlObject value)
Logs the specified XML value to the log tables such that it can be correlated to a node in your business process.

trackData(RawData) Method

public void trackData(RawData value)
Logs the specified RawData value to the log tables such that it can be correlated to a node in your business process.

trackData(String) Method

public void trackData(String value)
Logs the specified String value to the log tables such that it can be correlated to a node in your business process.