Designing Your Application

You build your application in WebLogic Workshop by adding projects to an application. A project contains components of your application such as business processes, Web services, control files, and XML files.

Creating a Business Process Application

To quickly get started designing business processes, you can create an application that contains a basic business process file, which you can customize with your business process logic. To do so, complete the following procedure:

To Create a New Application

  1. Choose File —> New —> Application from the WebLogic Workshop menu to display a New Application dialog box.
  2. To create a business process application, select Process in the left pane in the dialog box. In the right pane, select Process Application.
  3. This creates an application that contains a basic business process project, which includes a business process file that contains only a Start and Finish node (process.jpd).

    Note: If you select Tutorial: Process Application instead of Process Application, WebLogic Workshop creates an application containing components for the Business Process and Data Transformation tutorials. To learn about taking the tutorial, see Tutorial: Building Your First Business Process, and Tutorial: Building Your First Data Transformation. You can also build an ebXML or RosettaNet participant business process in WebLogic Workshop by using specially created templates. For more information about how to create these participant processes, see Building ebXML Participant Business Processes and Building RosettaNet Participant Business Processes.

  4. Specify the directory in which to create the Application folder.
  5. Specify a name for your new application.
  6. In the Server field, select the sample integration domain or any other WebLogic Integration domain in which your application runs. Click Browse to browse the file system to find a WebLogic Server configuration file.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Your application is displayed on the Application tab in WebLogic Workshop, as shown in the following figure:


The How Do I: Use the Design View? topic briefly describes the components and tools you use to design your business process in the WebLogic Workshop graphical design environment.

Subsequent topics in this guide describe in detail how to design specific business process patterns, including tasks such as:

To learn about these tasks and others, see Topics Included in This Section.

Setting the Business Process Properties

There are several properties which you can view and configure for your business process in the Property Editor of your business process start node.

To Set the Business Process Properties

  1. Select the Start node of the business process for which you want to configure the properties.
  2. If the Property Editor is not visible in WebLogic Workshop, choose View —> Property Editor from the menu bar.
  3. In the Property Editor, the following properties are displayed: general, process, and version.





For information about ebXML properties, see @jpd:ebxml Annotation.


For information about RosettaNet properties, see @jpd:rosettanet Annotation.

Related Topics

How Do I: Start WebLogic Workshop?

How Do I: Start and Stop WebLogic Server?

How Do I: Create a New Application?

How Do I: Create a New Project?

How Do I: Create a New Business Process File?

How Do I: Open an Existing Business Process?

How Do I: Use the Design View?

Handling Exceptions

Process Instance Monitoring at

Building Synchronous and Asynchronous Business Processes

Building Stateless and Stateful Business Processes

Versioning Business Processes

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