Designing Start Nodes

A Start node represents the starting point of a business process. Depending on the method by which your business process starts, the Starting Event of your process can contain any combination of Client Request, Client Request with Return, or Subscription nodes. You design the Starting Event of your process by double-clicking the Starting Event place holder placed just below your Start node.

To create a new business process, complete the tasks described in Creating a Business Process Application. When you create a new business process, it initially contains an empty Start node, a Starting Event place holder, and a Finish node, as shown in the following figure:


The first action in the business process is specified at the Start node. That is, you specify how the business process is started at run time by defining a Starting Event. The empty node attached to the Start node, as well as the gray check box image , shown in the preceding figure, indicate that the start method for this business process is not defined.

While you are building your business process by adding process nodes to it, you can go back to the start node to check the stateless status of your process. If your process at any time becomes stateful, the stateless property in the Start node property editor displays false. To learn more about stateless and stateful business processes, see Building Stateless and Stateful Business Processes.

The Start Node also indicates any business-process-wide problems, such as when a control declaration has an error or when an incorrect variable type is used for a variable. Any such problems are indicated by an image appearing next to the Start Node. If you place your cursor over this icon, WebLogic Workshop will display a message about the problems.

To Define the Start Method for Your Business Process

You can design the start node properties by invoking the starting event node builder. Node builders provide a task-driven interface that allow you to specify the logic required at nodes in your business process.

  1. Double-click the Starting Event placeholder on the Start node in the Design View to display the Start node builder.
  2. In the node builder, select the method by which you want your business process to start:
  3. To close the node builder, click the X in the top right-hand corner.
  4. The drop target on the Start node is populated with an icon representing the method by which the business process starts.

To learn more about specifying the appropriate start node for your business process, see:

Related Topics

How Do I: Call a Business Process?

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