Running and Testing Your Business Process

WebLogic Workshop provides a browser-based interface with which you can test the functionality of your business process. Using this Test View interface, you play the role of the client, invoking the business process's methods and viewing the responses.

This step describes how to test a business process you have created in WebLogic Workshop using the Test Browser tool. It includes the following topics:

Using the Test Browser

To Launch the Test Browser

  1. On the Application tab, click the business process (JPD file) you want to test.
  2. If it not already selected, select the Design View tab.
  3. The business process you selected in the Application is displayed in the Design View.

  4. If WebLogic Server is not already running, from the WebLogic Workshop menu, choose Tools —> WebLogic Server —> Start WebLogic Server.
  5. If WebLogic Server is running, the following indicator is visible in the status bar at the bottom of the WebLogic Workshop visual development environment:


  6. After the Server is running, from the WebLogic Workshop menu, click Build —> Build Application. WebLogic Workshop builds your project.
  7. If necessary, correct any errors in the project.
  8. Click image on the WebLogic Workshop menu bar.
  9. A Web browser is launched to display the Workshop Test Browser, through which you can test your business process using sample input values.

    The Workshop Test Browser contains the following tabs:

For more information about the different tabs in the Workshop Test Browser, see Workshop Test Browser. For specific information about how to use the Test Form, Message Broker, and Process Graph tabs, see To Test the Public Methods of Your Business Process, To Test a Message Broker Channel, and To View a Process Graph.

To stop the Test Browser, return to WebLogic Workshop and click image on the tool bar.

Warning: As you use the Test Browser, take care to not run very large or data intensive business processes. Doing so may cause the Test Browser to fail.

Testing the Public Methods of Your Business Process

To Test the Public Methods of Your Business Process

  1. Launch the Workshop Test Browser. (To learn more, see To Launch the Test Browser.)
  2. If necessary, click Test Form.
  3. You can enter data that your business process can receive as part of a client request directly on the Test Form page. Alternatively, you can browse your file system and upload a file which contains your test data.

  4. If your client operation accepts input, enter the required information in to the field or fields.
  5. Note: To upload a file to test data, click Browse beside the xml myfile: (file value) field to open the file browser, then select the file that contains the test data you want to use.You can also enter the test data by entering (copy/paste) the content of a file into the field.

  6. Click the button labeled with your business process's method name to invoke the method with the values you entered. The Test Form page refreshes to display a summary of your request parameters and your business process's response:
  7. When the business process finishes, a message similar to the following is displayed in the Message Log:
  8. Instance instanceID is Completed. 

    In the preceding line, instanceID represents the ID generated when the first method in your business process was called.

  9. Click the Test SOAP tab.
  10. The Test SOAP tab displays the XML data that is being sent to your business process when you test its methods in the soap body field. You can use this page to examine and modify the XML data that is passed to a method of your business process.

  11. Click the button with the name of your method to start a new conversation.The Test Form page refreshes to display a summary of your request parameters and your business process's response.
  12. When the business process finishes, a message similar to the following is displayed in the Message Log:

    Instance instanceID is Completed. 

    In the preceding line, instanceID represents the ID generated when the first method in your business process was called

To stop Test View, return to WebLogic Workshop and click image on the tool bar.

Testing a Message Broker Channel

To Test a Message Broker Channel

  1. Launch the Workshop Test Browser. (To learn more, see To Launch the Test Browser.)
  2. Click Test Form and enter test data that can be used for to test the public methods that are published on your channel. To learn more, see To Test the Public Methods of Your Business Process.
  3. Click the Message Broker tab.
  4. The Message Broker test tab is displayed with details of the conversation routed through your channel. The conversation id is displayed in the message log. Click any of the methods displayed in your message log to view details on the right side of the window about the external services communications (callbacks and responses).

Viewing the Process Graph

The Process Graph tab of the Workshop Test Browser provides a SVG graph of your process as it is running. The graph represents your business process and its interactions with clients and resources, such as databases, JMS queues, and file systems.

The interactive instance graph is a fully expanded version of the view provided in the Design View. The interactive process graph requires Adobe SVG Viewer Version 3.0. The first time you open the Process Graph tab, you will be asked if you would like to download the Viewer from the Adobe Web site. You can also download the viewer directly from the Adobe Web site at the following URL: 

This viewer is not available for some configurations that the WebLogic Platform 8.1 supports. For details, please see "Browser Requirements for the Interactive Graph" in Process Monitoring in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL: 

For detailed information about the operating systems and browsers WebLogic Platform supports, see BEA WebLogic Platform Supported Configurations at the following URL: 

To View a Process Graph

  1. Launch the Workshop Test Browser. (To learn more, see To Launch the Test Browser.)
  2. Click the Process Graph tab.
  3. The Adobe SVG Viewer displays the interactive view. The Process Graph Visual cues are provided to indicate node status as described in the following table:

    If the node . . .
    And the tracking level is . . .
    The node appears . . .

    Has been visited

    Full or Node




    Is currently executing

    Full or Node




    Has not been visited

    Full or Node




    To learn about business process tracking levels, see "Viewing and Changing Process Details" in Process Configuration in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:

    The top panel of the Process Graph tab displays selected process properties. To learn more about the properties displayed, see "Viewing Process Instance Details" in Process Instance Monitoring in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:

  4. Do any of the following:

To stop the Test Browser, return to WebLogic Workshop and click image on the tool bar.

Understanding the Service URL

In the Test browser, a URL is displayed in the upper-right corner of the Test Form tab. The URL you see when you launch Test View for your business process should be similar to the following URL:


In the preceding line:

Related Topics

How Do I: Test A Web Service Using WebLogic Workshop's Test View?

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