Creating User Segments

You can target visitors with Web content, automatic e-mails, and discounts by defining and using groups called user segments (as in segments of a population). Instead of being groups of hard-coded users, user segments are groupings of characteristics, such as gender, the type of browser being used, and date or time information. If users match the characteristics, they are automatically and dynamically members of that user segment. When user segments are used in content selectors and campaigns, users belonging to those user segments are targeted with the Web content, e-mail, or discounts you determine.

To create a User Segment

  1. In the WebLogic Workshop Application window, right-click the data\segments\GlobalClassifications folder and choose New --> User Segment.
  2. In the New File window, enter a name for the User Segment in the File name field. Make sure you keep the file extension.
  3. Click Create. The User Segment designer appears.
  4. From the WebLogic Workshop Palette window, drag the conditions you want to use into the user segment designer. For each condition you add to the user segment, click the condition link to set the conditions.

    For example, if you drag the condition "The visitor has specific characteristics" into the user segment designer, click the link in the designer to select the user profile properties and their values that will make a user a member of the user segment.

    Properties for the user, HTTP session, and HTTP request conditions are based on the user profile, HTTP session, and HTTP request properties you have created.
  5. Save the file.

You can use the user segment in content selectors and campaigns.

For more information on conditions, see the Personalization Conditions Reference.

To modify and delete User Segments

To modify a User Segment, open its file by double-clicking it in the Application window.

To delete a User Segment, select it in the Application window, press the Delete key, and click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Related Topics

Personalization Conditions Reference

User Segment Designer

Creating Campaigns

Creating Content Selectors