Multichannel JSP Tags

Following are the Portal Multichannel JSP Tags. The are contained in client_taglib.jar.

cscm:default Renders its contents only if the client's classification has been mapped to "default" or if the client is not recognized.
cscm:not-default Renders its content only if the client classification has been mapped to anything other than "default."
cscm:recognized Renders its content if the client has been mapped to any classification, even "default."
cscm:not-recognized Renders its content if the client has not been mapped to any classification.
cscm:when Renders its content for any client classification listed in this tag's "client" attribute that matches the client classification name in the HTTP request.
cscm:when-not Renders its content for any client classification not listed in this tag's "client" attribute. The client name comes from the HTTP request.