Clustering Workshop Applications

Clusters provide scalability and support failover for web resources. The basic clustering model consists of the following elements:

  1. One administration server that manages state and configures the other servers in the cluster
  2. One HTTP proxy server—either a hardware or a software proxy server—which receives requests from clients and distributes jobs to the other servers in the cluster
  3. Any number of managed servers that actually do the work of servicing requests from clients

All configuration of the cluster takes place on the administration server: all other servers in the cluster use the copy of config.xml on the administration server. (There may be local copies of config.xml on the managed servers in the cluster, but, these copies of config.xml are ignored in favor of the copy on the administration server.)

The following three required WebLogic Workshop resources must also be deployed homogeneously across all servers in a cluster:

A JMS Server is also a required Workshop resource, however, it can only be deployed to one server in the cluster.

Configuring Clusters in config.xml

Complete syntax for the config.xml file can be found at WebLogic Server Configuration Reference in the WebLogic Server 8.1 documentation.

The following sections highlight some of the most important elements within a cluster-defining config.xml file (located on the administration server), including the <Cluster> element, resource deployment, and database support.

The <Cluster> Element

The ClusterAddress attribute specifies a DNS name that maps to the list of IPs of the servers. ClusterAddress does not give the DNS name of the multicast address, which does not require a DNS name. The cluster as a whole can be used as a deployment target. To deploy a J2EE resource to the entire cluster, use the value of the Name attribute as the target of the deployment. To learn more, see the -targets parameter of the deployment tool, Deployment Tools Reference, in the WebLogic Server 8.1 documentation.

Resource Deployment

Resources in the cluster—such as database connection pools, data sources, and JMS servers—are defined in the administration server's config.xml file. Resources are not by default universally available across the cluster. The servers they are deployed to are specified by their Targets attributes.

The connection pool, conversational datasource, and queue connection factory that Workshop relies on is defined on each managed server in the cluster. For example, the Targets attribute on the JDBConnectionPool and JDBCDataSource elements specifies each managed server, and each managed server has its own pool of connections.

However, the JMSServers can only be targeted at one server in the cluster. Currently Workshop only uses one JMSServer that is targeted, by convention, at the first managed server in the cluster.

Proxy Server Setup

Clusters can use a software proxy server to distribute HTTP requests across the cluster. The proxy server is also called the sprayer or load balancer. This software proxy is implemented as a web application deployed to the proxy server. You configure the proxy by editing the web.xml descriptor in the proxy application’s WAR file. There are entries in the descriptor for specifying what IP addresses and ports the proxy should distribute requests to. For more information about configuring the proxy server see Configure Proxy Plug-Ins in the WebLogic Server 8.1 documentation.

When using a proxy, it is necessary to set the hostname, HTTP, and HTTPS ports on the target cluster, otherwise the target cluster will not know how to interpret the requested URLs coming from the proxy. You set the hostname and ports by (1) setting the FrontEnd information through the WebLogic Server console and (2) in the target cluster's the wlw-runtime-config.xml file.

Editing the application's wlw-config.xml file is not recommended, because these values are fixed at compile-time. It is generally best to configure the hostname and ports through the wlw-runtime-config.xml file, which overrides the values in the wlw-config.xml.

To set the FrontEnd host and port information using the WebLogic Server console, open the console, and navigate to

    [your_domain]-->Servers-->[your_server]-->Protocols tab-->HTTP tab-->Advanced Options

Then edit the Frontend Host, Frontend HTTP port, and Frontend HTTPS port fields. Note that the Frontend host must be set on each managed server in the cluster, but should not be set on the administration server. All servers in the cluster must be restarted for this change to take effect. Configuring Web Server Functionality for WebLogic Server

To set the host and port information in the wlw-runtime-config.xml file see wlw-runtime-config.xml in the WebLogic Workshop reference documentation.

Related Topics

How Do I: Configure a Cluster for a WebLogic Workshop Application?