@jc:timer Annotation

Specifies configuration attributes for a Timer control.

Note: The @jc:timer annotation appears in Timer controls with the .jcx extension. Timer controls with the .ctrl extension, which were created in a previous version of WebLogic Workshop, use the @jws:timer annotation. Controls with the .ctrl extension continue to be supported in WebLogic Workshop.





[coalesce-events="true" | "false"]


These attributes determine the default behavior of the Timer control. The Timer control may be configured during its lifetime by calling methods of the TimerContol class. To learn more about the TimerControl class, see TimerControl Class.


Optional. Specifies the time between a call to the Timer control's start or restart method and the Timer control's first onTimeout callback. When the timer expires, the Timer control's onTimeout callback is called.

The timeout attribute expects a relative time specification; for example, 1 second. Specification of an absolute time as the value of the timeout attribute is not supported. Absolute time may only be specified by calling the TimerControl.setTimeoutAt method.

To learn how to specify values for the timeout attribute, see Specifying Time on a Timer Control.

Default: 0 sec. The timer will fire immediately after being started.


Optional. Specifies the interval between subsequent firings of the Timer control after the first expiration. If a valid interval greater than "0 seconds" is specified, the Timer control will continue firing at that interval until stopped.

The repeats-every attribute expects a relative time specification. For example, 1 second. Specification of an absolute time as the value of the repeats-every attribute is not supported.

To learn how to specify values for the repeats-every attribute, see Specifying Time on a Timer Control.

Default: 0 sec. The timer will fire once (at the time specified by the timeout attribute) but will never fire again.


Optional. Specifies whether multiple undelivered firing events of a Timer control are delivered as a single onTimeout or as separate callbacks. At times, a Timer control may be unable to deliver one or more callbacks to its referring service. This may occur because the referring service is busy or because high system load delays delivery. A set of undelivered callbacks may accumulate. If the coalesce-events attribute is true, these accumulated callbacks are collapsed into a single callback when the service becomes available. If coalesce-events is false, the accumulated callbacks are delivered individually.

Default: false.


The following rules apply to this annotation's use:

A Timer control callback will never interrupt the current thread of execution of a web service operation (a method marked with the @common:operation annotation). If a Timer control expires during execution of a web service operation, the onTimeout callback will be invoked immediately after the current web service operation completes.

Related Topics

Timer Control

Using WebLogic Built-In Controls