jwsUpgrade Command

The jwsUpgrade command updates web service (JWS) files created in WebLogic Workshop 7.0 to include changes necessary for them to compile in WebLogic Workshop 8.1.

The jwsUpgrade command is available in the BEA_HOME\weblogic81\workshop\upgrade directory. Note that you must run the command from this directory.

For more information on upgrading your application to WebLogic Workshop 8.1, see Upgrading Workshop Applications.


jwsUpgrade [-help] [-p{roject} <project-directory>] [-a{ll}] [-x{exclude} <file-name>] [-v{erbose}] [<file-name>]



Prints help for this command.

-project <project-directory>

Specifies the project directory to upgrade.


Specifies that all JWS files in the project should be upgraded.

-exclude <file-name>

Specifies a file that should be excluded from the upgrade process.


Prints upgrade information to the console.


Specifies a specific JWS file to upgrade.


You can use the jwsUpgrade command to upgrade JWS files that were created in the previous version of WebLogic Workshop. Before it makes any modifcations to your project, jwsUpgrade creates a /bak directory at the same level as the project and copies the original, unmodified JWS files to that directory. It then modifies the original JWS files. No other file types in the project are modified.

Note: In order for jwsUpgrade to update your JWS files, the files must be writable. If the WebLogic Workshop project that you are updating is in a source control system, the files may be read-only. In this case jwsUpgrade will write a message to the log file, jwsUpgrade.log, stating that a FileNotFound exception occurred. You should make your project files writable before running jwsUpgrade.

The jwsUpgrade command modifies the JWS class file in the following ways:

The jwsUpgrade command writes all output, including extended error information, to the jwsUpgrade.log file in the BEA_HOME\weblogic81\workshop\upgrade directory. If you include the -v flag, upgrade information is written to the console, including error information, but you may have to look at the log file to see extended error information.

The jwsUpgrade command also alerts you to the following conditions, in the console if the -v flag is specified, and otherwise in the log file:

The following is an example of how you might run the jwsUpgrade command to upgrade all JWS files in a project created in WebLogic Workshop 7.0, with verbose output:

    jwsUpgrade -p c:\WebServiceProject -a -v

Related Topics

Upgrading Workshop Applications