web.xml Configuration File

The web.xml file defines deployment descriptors for Web and Web Service projects. These deployment descriptors are described in detail in the web.xml Deployment Descriptor Elements help topic for WebLogic Server.

The following section describes how to configure the server dispatch policy in the web.xml file for JWS and JPD requests over HTTP.

Dispatch Policy For JWS/JPD HTTP Requests

In WebLogic Workshop Service Pack 4 and later, there are two servlet context properties that can be used to configure the server dispatch policy used for JWS and JPD requests (received via HTTP). Note that asynchronous requests can be assigned a dispatch policy via the <async-dispatch-policy> element in wlw-config.xml.

The servlet context properties are:

JWS: com.bea.wlw.jws.dispatch-policy
JPD: com.bea.wlw.jpd.dispatch-policy

In the following example, including these values in web.xml will configure JWS requests received via HTTP to use the weblogic.jws.sync.dispatch server dispatch-policy:

<!-- SP4 provide JWS Sync dispatch-policy assignment -->