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Release Notes

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Platform Support and System Requirements

Struts Version

JSP Character Set Encoding

Release Notes for WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal

WebLogic Workshop Enhancements

Migrating from Previous Versions of WebLogic Workshop

Using Source Control with Your WebLogic Workshop Applications

Using 'DDL in Transaction' Option for Sybase Databases

Known Limitations

Installing WebLogic Workshop

Installing WebLogic Workshop Into a Directory Containing a Space on Windows May Result in Unexpected Behavior Starting Server

Windows: Use WebLogic Workshop as User with Administrator Privileges

WebLogic Workshop IDE

WebLogic Workshop Fails to Start on Linux for Some Locales

Enabling Ctrl-Tab for Cycling Files in a Linux Environment

Case Insensitivity When Compiling XML Schemas

Invalid EJB-link Value Can Result in 503 Error

Builds errors for Multiple WSDLs that Implement Conversations

Test Browser's Test XML Tab Does not Support SOAP 1.2

IDE Does Not Support Editting of Web Application Source Files While Server Processes Requests To That Application

Using log4j in Applications Deployed to the Same Server as Workshop Applications

Build Can Fail for Very Large Applications

The WebLogic Workshop Debugger Console Window Should Not Be Closed

Large Applications May Require Additional Memory Allocation

Large Schema Projects May Require Additional Memory Allocation

Class File Might Not Be Removed from File System When Corresponding Source File Is Deleted Or Removed

WebLogic Workshop Help Browser: Topic URL

EJB Control Wizard Creates EJB Control that Incorrectly References Local Rather Than Remote Interfaces

Changes Made through the XQuery Mapper Dialog are not Committed to the Web Service Source File

WebLogic Server Startup Scripts

Package Change from weblogic.jws.control.DatabaseFilter to com.bea.control.DatabaseFilter

Changes to JAR Files Modified Outside of WebLogic Workshop Are Not Automatically Reflected in Application Window

The keepgenerated Flag in JSP Configuration Section of weblogic.xml May Not Provide the Expected Behavior

Compiler May Leave Large CLASS Files on Local Machine

Application Build Fails for References to Schema Components Across Namespaces

Web Services

Restrictions on Handlers Used with Web Services

Autogenerated WSDL Files Should not be Used in Production Environment

XA Drivers and Conversational State

MS SQL Users Must Use BEA Driver with Conversation Web Services

Arrays of Attachments Not Supported for Web Services

Page Flows

Databinding to Static Variables is not Supported

Problem Using securePort Token by Standalone Page Flows in Portal Applications

Databinding to an Interface with non-public Implementation Class not Supported

Exception Occurs When Using JMS Control in Page Flows

Conversion Exception When Using RowSets and Oracle 9.20 TIMESTAMP

Avoid Using Overloaded Actions, Where Possible

Flow View Display Problem In Special Case

Can Create a Page Flow with the Same Name as Another Entity, Without Warning

The begin() Method and Other Methods in a Page Flow Controller Class

Warning appears on legitimate Struts action

XMLMaps and XQuery

Editing an XQuery Map on a Method or Callback May Result in Error


Redeployment of EAR Using the Console May Fail in Some Cases

FrontEnd Host

Self-Referencing Controls not Supported

Moving an Application to a New Domain May Result in EJB Deployment Errors

Oracle: Conversation State Tables Should Store BLOB Data in Tablespace other than USERS

TimerControl, JMS Control and Event Control are Present in Every Default Application

EJB Project

Possible java.lang.AssertionError with EJB Project


No Warning/Exception when Client Certificate is not Obtained

@common:security runAs Annotation

Database Support

MSSQL XA Drivers

WebLogic Server May Hang on Startup When Using Data Direct Driver with MS SQL

Reliable Messaging


SERVICE FAULT May Result When a Web Service Control is Invoked via a Load Balancer

Tuxedo Control

Tuxedo Control 8.1 SP04

New Features

XATMI Buffer Support

Packed Decimal Support

Japanese Localization of Tuxedo Control

Installing the Tuxedo Control

Accessing Help Files and Samples

Migrating Application that Use Tuxedo Control 8.1 to SP04

Set field table in the Tuxedo Control Insert dialog when using FML or FML32 reply buffers

Known Limitations

Tuxedo Control Import Wizard cannot import services from Tuxedo 7.1

The Tuxedo Control Wizard will not work when compression is turned on in the Tuxedo application

The Configuration Wizard in the Tuxedo Control cannot import local and remote domain information from a Tuxedo application running on Tuxedo 7.1

The Configuration Wizard in the Tuxedo Control fails when importing domain information from a Tuxedo 6.5 application if SECURITY=USER_AUTH

The Tuxedo Control does not accept serialize/deserialize circular classes

Clicking the WSL Address panel back button causes a default configuration set up dialog box to display

The Remote Tuxedo Domain Network Address panel displays twice for Tuxedo applications without a remote domain

Trailing or leading spaces in Workstation address panel causes connection failure

Tuxedo Control Problems Fixed in SP03

Tuxedo Control Problems Fixed in SP02