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7. Running the application

In this step, we will create server configurations, deploy and run the JSF application.

7.1. Add Context Listener and update application configuration

Our application uses the DataStoreBean class which should be available in application scope. You have been provided a Servlet Context Listener called ContextListener which registers an instance of DataStoreBean to ServletContext at application start up.

7.1.1. Import the ContextListener class

Create a new package called listeners and copy the file from the folder workshop-JSF-tutorial/web/Resources folder to listeners package.

7.1.2. Add context listener to web.xml file

  1. Open the web.xml file. In Web Application Deployment Descriptor Design Editor right-click the Listeners node and select New Listener. Choose the listener type ContextListener as shown below:
  2. It will add a listener element for ContextListener class.
  3. Save the web.xml file and review web application configuration elements.
  4. The servlet javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet is configured to receive HTTP requests with URL-pattern .jsf
  5. The web.xml file has included tag library mappings to support JSP tag libraries.

7.2. Create Server Configurations

Workshop has the ability to run and debug applications on most of the popular web containers that are in use today. Before you can run this sample application, you must have a server installed.

  1. Click on the Servers tab. If the Servers view tab is not displayed, click Window > Open Perspective > Workshop to display it (or click Window > Show Views > Other then expand Server, click on Servers and click OK).
  2. Right click on the Servers tab and choose New > Server.

  3. Choose the type of server that you have installed. Click Next.

  4. The screen that displays next depends on the type of server that you have chosen. This screen allows you to configure your server. Choose the server settings and click Next to continue.

  5. Select the project name in the left pane and click Add to move it to the right pane. Click Finish.

  6. The new server is displayed in the Servers view.

7.4. Run the application

To run the application, right click on the register.jsp file name in the AppXplorer or Package Explorer view and choose Run As > Run on Server from the submenu.

Click Finish.

Once the server started successfully, Workshop opens register.jsf page in browser window.

The application first performs the data validation based on the rules defined for form fields. If you try to submit the data without filling in the Password field, you will get an error response.

If you enter User ID of value less than 4 characters and Password of value less than 1000, then you will get an error response.

On successful registration, the user will be forwarded to the home.jsp page.


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