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Step 2: Create the VisitBean Entity Bean

In this step you'll create the source code for your entity bean. As described in the WebLogic Server topic, How Do Applications Use EJBs?, an entity bean represents a set of persistent data. In the case of this application, the data is stored in a database. An entity bean representing database data will typically represent a single row in the database.

You can also think of entity beans as representing things your application interacts with. In this case, the thing is a visit.

In this section, you will:

To Create VisitBean Source Files

Here, you'll create the package and source file to contain the code for your entity bean.

  1. In the Package Explorer, expand VisitEJBProject.
  2. Right-click src and select New > Package.
  3. In the New Java Package dialog, in the Name box, enter hello, then click Finish.
  4. In the Package Explorer, right-click the hello package you just created and select New > WebLogic Entity Bean .

  5. In the File name box, enter VisitBean, then click Finish.

In the generated source code, you'll see a few annotations — code that begins with an @ sign.

These annotations are used at compile time by the WebLogic Server EJBGen tool to generate Remote and Home classes, as well as the deployment descriptor for the entity bean. All of the generated files are needed for developing entity beans, but the annotations you'll add remove the need for you to create the files yourself — you need only create one.

Note: For general information about the classes and interfaces that make up Enterprise JavaBeans, see EJB Anatomy and Environment in the WebLogic Server documentation on eDocs. For other WebLogic-specific information, see Create EJB Classes and Interfaces, also on eDocs.

Throughout code in Workshop for WebLogic, you can use annotations as an efficient way to automate these and other development tasks. There are many annotations and attributes that can be applied to an entity bean class such as VisitBean. To see all of the applicable annotations, use the Annotations view.

By default in the Workshop perspective, the Annotations view should be visible at the right side of the IDE. With the Annotations view docked at the right side of the IDE and your cursor in the source code on the VisitBean class name, you should see something like the following illustration:

The annotations listed here apply to the class, but most are set to their default values. When you edit annotations or attributes to non-default values, the annotations and attributes are written into the source code, as shown in the source. You can scroll in the Annotations view to find the annotations whose attributes have been set to default values. They're shown in bold, as in the following illustration:

The annotations with default values include:

Note: If you're experienced with EJBGen annotations in platform versions prior to 9.0, you will notice that the syntax has changed. As of version 9.0, EJBGen uses Java 5 annotations based on JSR 175, and supported in JDK version 1.5.

To Set Annotation Values

The annotations provided here are a starting place for your development work. You'll need to edit some of the values so that they are useful for your specific EJB. You can edit annotation values directly in source code or in the Annotations view. Procedures in this tutorial will usually use the Annotations view so that you can become acquainted with it, but these topics will also show the updated annotation code.

  1. In the the source code, put your cursor in the @Entity annotation.

    Notice that Annotations view displays values for this annotation only.

  2. In the Annotations view, ensure that the Entity property is expanded, then locate the tableName attribute.
  3. Change the tableName attribute value to EJB_Visits.
  4. Locate the primKeyClass attribute. Change the value to java.lang.String.

    This change is in preparation for the method changes you will make below. The updated annotation code should appear something like this:

    @Entity(ejbName = "VisitBean", dataSourceName = "cgDataSource", 
        tableName = "EJB_Visits", primKeyClass = "java.lang.String")

To Define CMP Fields for Entity Data

Now you'll add code that defines two container-managed persistence (CMP) fields. CMP fields are "virtual" fields represented by columns in a data source, rather than variable definitions in this class. Using the accessors you'll add, VisitBean will get its data from the cgDataSource you specified above in the dataSourceName attribute. The annotations specify the details of the entity bean's correspondence to the data source row.

  1. Delete the methods getKey() and setKey(String key) from the class.
  2. 	/**
    	 * IMPORTANT: Automatically generated primary key field getter method. 
    	 * Please change name and class as appropriate.
    	@CmpField(column = "key", primkeyField = Constants.Bool.TRUE)
    	public abstract java.lang.String getKey();
    	 * IMPORTANT: Automatically generated primary key field setter method. 
    	 * Please change name and class as appropriate.
    	public abstract void setKey(java.lang.String key);
  3. Add the following methods to the body of the VisitBean class to define two container-managed persistence (CMP) fields.
    	@CmpField(column = "visitorName", primkeyField = Constants.Bool.TRUE)
    	public abstract java.lang.String getVisitorName();
    	public abstract void setVisitorName(java.lang.String visitorName);
    	@CmpField(column = "visitNumber")
    	public abstract int getVisitNumber();
    	public abstract void setVisitNumber(int number);

Note: If you're copying and pasting code into your source window, you can format it in Workshop for WebLogic by right-clicking and selecting Source > Format.

This code includes the following annotations:

To Add ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate Methods

Now you'll add ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods. EJBs live out their life in a container, which is a server feature that creates entity beans, manages their relationship with the data source with which they're associated, and so on.

The EJB container will use these new methods to create new VisitBean entity beans. It will call the ejbCreate method before writing the bean's state to the database. After this method has finished executing, a new database record based on the CMP fields will have been created. The container calls the ejbPostCreate method after the bean has been written to the database and its data has been assigned to an EJB object.

  1. Edit the body of the ejbCreate method so it appears as follows. Code to add appears in bold. Make sure to remove the line setKey(key) from the method.
  2. public String ejbCreate(String visitorName)
            throws CreateException{
        return null;

    This method will be called to create a new VisitBean. When it's called the visitor name and visit number will be added to the database that stores values for the VisitBean.

  3. Beneath the ejbCreate method code, edit the ejbPostCreate method so it appears as follows. Code to edit appears in bold
    public void ejbPostCreate(String visitorName){}
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+S to save your work.

You've written all the code you'll need for your entity bean. In the next step, you'll create a session bean that will keep track of visits.

Related Topics

Developing Entity Beans

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