Processing Asset Mass Changes

This chapter provides an overview of mass changes in Asset Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mass Changes in Asset Management

Regular business cycles sometime require you to make the same change to a large group of assets. In these situations, Asset Management provides Application Engine processes that you request from the processing menu within the application. In addition, the PeopleTools Mass Change application can be used for most processing needs. This section provides information about Mass Change and its uses in Asset Management.

Suppose a business restructuring requires you to transfer all assets from the marketing department to the corporate communications department. Transferring these assets manually would be onerous and likely to introduce errors. Mass Change, on the other hand, enables you to select a particular set of assets from the database, define the desired changes on those assets, and make those changes online or in the background using scheduled processing.

Because most businesses perform the same types of mass changes repeatedly, you can define mass changes using templates. These templates simplify mass change definition by storing information that enables you to select certain data from the database and modify it in specific ways. (Usually, you have to modify only selection and replacement values.) Asset Management is delivered with a full complement of Mass Change templates that serve the needs of most business applications. You can also create your own templates as needed.

Note. Because Mass Change can modify a large number of assets during scheduled processing, only the most experienced users should use Mass Change functionality. These users should have both a solid understanding of SQL and an extensive knowledge of Asset Management.

Processing mass changes with Asset Management consists of a definition phase and a processing phase. First, you define the selection criteria and changes to be made to the selected data, and then you run the Mass Change process (either online or in the background). You can run most types of mass changes online; however, there are a few types that you can run using only Process Scheduler.

To process mass changes in Asset Management:

  1. Select a mass change template and use it to define a mass change.

    Outline the criteria for selecting rows and identify the columns and values to modify.

  2. Run the mass change process (RUN_MASSCHNG) to select, change, and transfer the data to the loader tables.

  3. (Optional) Preview the data for suitability.

  4. Run the Transaction Loader Application Engine process (AMIF1000) to load the data from the loader tables into Asset Management tables.

  5. Run the batch depreciation program.

You must run depreciation when the mass change process is complete. You might also want to empty the INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B loader tables to free valuable disk space.

Note. The U.S. tax 40 percent rule states that if more than 40 percent of your total aggregate depreciable basis (other than residential property, nonresidential real property, and railroad grading and tunnel bores) is placed in service during the last three months of the year, all assets must be depreciated using the mid-quarter convention. Assets placed in service and disposed of during the same tax year are not taken into account. To comply with the U.S. tax 40 percent rule, you must write a report to select all eligible assets, calculate their aggregate basis, and divide this basis into your total asset aggregate basis. If the result is more than 40 percent, you then must run the mass change process on the eligible assets to change the depreciation convention to a mid-quarter convention, and recalculate life-to-date depreciation.

See Also

Retiring Assets

Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Mass Changes

Before you run the mass change process that transfers and alters data, you must provide information about the changes that you want to make. Use the pages in the Mass Change Definition (MC_DEFN) component to do so.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Mass Changes

Page Name

Object Name



Asset Mass Change Definition - Description


Asset Management, Mass Change, Define Criteria

Add or update a mass change definition.

Asset Mass Change Definition - Criteria and Defaults


Asset Management, Mass Change, Define Criteria, Criteria and Defaults

Specify the mass change criteria for selecting rows, and identify the columns and values to be changed.

Asset Mass Change Definition - AM Specific Fields (asset management specific fields)


Asset Management, Mass Change, Define Criteria, AM Specific Fields

Complete mass change information that is unique to and required by Asset Management mass changes.

Asset Mass Change Definition - Generate SQL


Asset Management, Mass Change, Define Criteria, Generate SQL

Generate and check the SQL text that is generated by a mass change definition before you run it.

Asset Mass Change Definition - Execution History


Asset Management, Mass Change, Define Criteria, Execution History

Determine the last time that a mass change definition was run and identify the specific input parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Updating Mass Change Definitions

Access the Asset Mass Change Definition - Description page.

If this is a new mass change definition, select a mass change template. After you enter a template and move out of the Mass Change Template field, the field becomes unavailable for entry and the page is populated with data from the template.

Note. You may need to execute a group of mass changes in series. The mass change functionality makes it possible to define groups of mass changes and execute them all using one run control. Use the Mass Change Definition page to do this. No mass change groups are shipped with Asset Management.

See [famp] PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management 9.0 PeopleBook, Processing Asset Mass Changes, Reviewing Asset Management Mass Change Templates and Types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Mass Change Criteria and Defaults

Access the Asset Mass Change Definition - Criteria and Defaults page.

Fields in the Criteria scroll area define the columns that are used as a basis for selecting data from the database. You must specify the operator and the value to which the column is to be compared.

For example, to select all the rows for department 21101, use the = operator and a value of 21101. To specify a range of values, use the Between operator and specify the two values, for example 12000 and 21000.

This table lists the values in the Operation drop-down list box, how they are used, and an example of each operator as used on a set of hypothetical business units, including M02, M04, M04A, M04B, M04C, M06, and M30:





Between Value A and Value B

Between two values



M04, M04A, M04B, M04C, M06

Equal To

Equal to

= M06


Greater Than

Greater than

> M06


Greater Than or Equal To

Greater than or equal to

> = M06

M06, M30

In Subset

In a subset of

IN M04

IN M06

M04, M06

Is Blank

Equal to a space character. Used for character fields.



Is Not Blank

Not equal to a space character. Used for character fields.


M04, M04A, M04B, M04C, M06, M30

Is Not Null

Not equal to no characters. Used for date fields.



Is Null

Equal to no characters. Used for date fields.



Less Than

Less than

< M06

M02, M04, M04B, M04C

Less Than or Equal To

Less than or equal to

< = M06

M02, M04, M04B, M04C, M06


Used for wildcard searches.


M04, M04A, M04B, M04C, M06

Not Between

Not between value A and value B



M02, M30

Not Equal To

Not equal to

< > M06

M02, M04, M04B, M04C, M30

Not In

Not in a subset of (complement)

IN M04

IN M06

M02, M04A, M04B, M04C, M30

Not Like

Used in wildcard searches.



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Mass Change Fields Specific to Asset Management

Access the Asset Mass Change Definition - AM Specific Fields page.

Transaction Date

Enter the date on which you made the change.

Accounting Date

Enter the date on which you want this transaction posted to your general ledger.

Intfc ID (interface ID) and Open Transaction ID

Displays the next available ID. You can change these values, but they must be unique.

User ID

Appears automatically. You can change this value.

Note. If you reuse an existing mass change definition, be sure to insert a value in the Next Intfc ID field by clicking the New button. After you select New, Save the page, the system displays a new interface ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Mass Change SQL Text

Access the Asset Mass Change Definition - Generate SQL page.

Note. Whenever you change a table, mass change type, or mass change template, you must regenerate the SQL text for any related mass change definitions.


Click to generate the SQL text. Generating SQL might take several minutes.

Clear Sw(clear switch)

Click to clear the SQL text for instances in which you want to change your mass change definition and regenerate the SQL. Clearing SQL might take several minutes.

SQL Statement

This scroll area lists the records on which a SQL statement operates and in what manner. Each record is processed in sequence. This scroll area also contains the SQL text for each statement, which you can view but not change. You can change statements only by altering the mass change type or template on which this definition is based, or by altering the field criteria and defaults on the Mass Change Definition page.

Execute SQL Upon Saving

While online, select to run the SQL as soon as you save the page. Your user security determines whether you can run mass changes online. If you do not select this check box, you can save this mass change definition and then run it in the background using a run control.

Execution Seq (execution sequence)

Indicates the order in which the SQL statements are run. Scroll through the execution sequences to view each statement.


Click this button when you are satisfied with the SQL text that is generated.

Note. If the SQL execution fails, the system rolls back all statements in the mass change definition. Commits to the database are made only when all statements have completed successfully.


After you have generated and saved your SQL text, click to display the number of rows of data that were affected by this mass change. You can click this button only on mass changes that run online.

Some execution sequences are based on previous sequences that have inserted rows into an interim table. In these instances, clicking the Count button makes sense for only some execution sequences.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Mass Changes

You can run most mass changes either online or in the background, although you must run some through Process Scheduler using an application structured query report (SQR), such as the Physical Inventory SQR report.

This section discusses how to run mass changes.

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Page Name

Object Name



Run Mass Change


Asset Management, Mass Change, Run Request

Run a mass change or mass change group in the background.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning Mass Changes

There are three methods for running mass changes:

Running Mass Changes Online

Use the Asset Mass Change Definition - Generate SQL page.

Running Mass Changes Using Process Scheduler

You must run mass changes that are based on the following mass change types through Process Scheduler using an application SQR:

Mass Change Type


PI Extract

Physical inventory extraction. 

PI Scan Scope

Physical inventory scan scope. 

PI1 - Asset Table Update

 Physical inventory asset table update.

PI2 - Asset Location Changes

 Physical inventory asset location changes update.

PI3 - Department Transfers

 Physical inventory department transfers update.

PI4 - Retire Assets Not Found

 Physical inventory retired assets not found update.

PI5 - Add Assets Found In PI

 Physical inventory add assets found update.

PI6 - Asset Custodian Changes

 Physical inventory asset custodian update.

PI7 - Inventory History Insert

 Physical inventory history insert.

IUF-IU Transfer to Foreign BU

Interunit transfer to a foreign business unit.

PRC - Parent Recategorization

Parent and children category update.

Process Scheduler runs the processes that you select at user-defined intervals.

You can run only those mass changes online that you are authorized to run online and that are based on authorized templates. Mass change user security grants permission to run mass changes online.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook, “Security Administration.”

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook, “PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.”

Running Mass Changes in the Background

Access the Run Mass Change page.

Select a mass change run type. Each run type requires an additional execution parameter as described in this table:

Run Type

Execution Parameter

Execute single mass change.

Mass change definition.

Execute mass change group.

Mass change group ID.

Download file preparation.

Download data file name.

Download table to a file.

Download data file name.

Upload file preparation.

Upload data file name.

Upload file to a table.

Upload data file name.

Click to jump to parent topicVerifying Data in the Loader Tables

You can see what data was loaded by the mass change process into the Asset Management loader tables (INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B). Viewing these tables provides the opportunity to preview the data that loads into Asset Management tables when you run the Transaction Loader process. If you find errors, you can either fix them online using your SQL query tool, or (preferably) modify the mass change definitions and run the mass change again.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Verify Data in the Loader Tables

Page Name

Object Name



Financial Transactions


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Financial Information, Review

View data in the financial interface tables. Verify the financial data (which the Transaction Loader process uses when populating Asset Management tables) and change incorrect data.

Physical Transactions A


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Review-A

Preview the physical load data. View the data one row at a time and change incorrect data.

Physical Transactions B


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Review-B

Preview the physical load data. View the data one row at a time and change incorrect data.

Lease Transactions


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Lease Information, Review

View records that you might have loaded for lease transactions (the INTFC_LEASE table). Use this page only if you’re converting leases from a previous system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Data in the Financial Loader Tables

Access the Financial Transactions page.

The contents of the Financial Transactions table (INTFC_FIN) appear here, one row at a time, as populated by the mass change.

Errors normally involve assets that have recently undergone a financial transaction or transactions. The transaction date that is assigned to the mass change is compared with the transaction date of each asset on which that change is performed. If the asset transaction date occurs after the mass change transaction date, the system marks the load line as an error.

Auto Approval Status

Selected if you previously selected the Auto Approval Status check box on the Asset Mass Change Definition - AM Specific Fields page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Physical Load Data

Access the Physical Transactions A or Physical Transactions B page.

Auto Approval Status

Selected if you previously selected the Auto Approval Status check box on the Asset Mass Change Definition - AM Specific Fields page.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Changes

After you have run the mass change process and populated the loader tables, you might need to approve all changes before loading the resulting data into the Asset Management tables.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Approve Changes

Page Name

Object Name



Approve Financial


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Financial Information, Approve

View and approve the data in the financial loader table.

Approve Physical A


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Approve-A

View and approve all changes that are pending approval in the physical loader tables.

These changes are grouped by transaction load ID and load type. A load type is similar to a transaction type, but at a greater level of detail. Each transaction type in Asset Management can generate several different load types.

Approve Physical B


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Approve-B

View and approve all changes that are pending approval in the physical loader tables.

These changes are grouped by transaction load ID and load type. A load type is similar to a transaction type, but at a greater level of detail. Each transaction type in Asset Management can generate several different load types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Financial Loader Data

Access the Approve Financial page.

The system groups financial transaction changes by transaction load ID and load type. A load type is similar to a transaction type, but at a greater level of detail. Each transaction type in Asset Management can generate several different load types.

Load types include the following (changes marked with an asterisk are uncommon):

Load Type


Financial or Physical Tables


Additional Cost Add



Insert Acquisition Detail

Physical *


Asset Add



Asset Cost Adjustment



Revaluation Write-off



Adjust Cost & Acquisition Detail

Financial and physical *


Add Retired Asset

Financial and physical


Asset Deletion

Financial and physical


Asset Information Update



Book Deletion

Financial *


Book Change



Selective Book Delete

Financial *


Asset Capitalization



Custodian/Location Change

Physical *


Capitalize into Composite



Conversion of First Book

Financial and physical


Conversion of Subsequent Books



Financial and Physical Add



Physical Inventory History Insert



InterUnit Transfer, In Side

Financial and physical


InterUnit Transfer, Out Side



Leased Asset Add

Financial and physical *


Non-financial Add



Open Transaction Generator

NA *


Physical Asset Change



Partial Retirement



Asset Recategorization



Asset Reinstatement



Asset Retirement



Non-financial Retirement



IntraUnit Transfer


You can approve or reject each load type by selecting or clearing the Approval check boxes. Use the scroll bar to move from one screen to the next.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Physical Loader Data

Access the Approve Physical A or Approve Physical B page.


Approve each load type by selecting its check box.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating Asset Management Tables with Mass Change Data

This section discusses how to populate Asset Management tables using the Transaction Loader process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Populate Asset Management Tables with Mass Change Data

Page Name

Object Name



Run Transaction Loader


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Transactions, Load Transactions into AM

Run the Transaction Loader process, which reads the loader tables and populates Asset Management tables with the data.

Search for transactions to run based on system source, load type, load status, and whether transactions consist of physical or financial records. You can use as many or as few of these criteria as necessary. The more search criteria that you use, the narrower your search results become.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPopulating Asset Management Tables Using the Transaction Loader Process

Access the Run Transaction Loader page.

Locate the Find Trans Load ID (find transaction loader ID) group box.

System Source

If you do not know the transaction load IDs, enter the system source that generated the transactions that you want to load, such as AM Batch or Strategic Sourcing. Also, enter the load type.

Load Type

A load type is a more detailed version of a transaction type. One transaction type can generate several different load types.

Specify the transactions to load, such as Asset Add or Phys Add (physical addition), if you know the range of transaction load IDs. You can specify transactions by system source, from transaction load ID, and to transaction load ID.

Financial Record or Physical Records

Select one depending on the type of transaction that you want to load.

Load Status

Select from the following values:

  • Consolidat: (consolidated): Transactions consolidated.

  • Errored: Transaction errors.

  • In Process: Transactions in process.

  • Loaded: Transactions loaded.

  • On Hold: Transaction on hold.

  • Pending: Transactions pending.

  • Replaced: Replaced by other interface records.

  • Unitized: Transactions unitized (will not be loaded).

Click to jump to parent topicDepreciating Changed Assets

To ensure that all the entries in the loader tables INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B have been loaded, review the tables and check the load status of each entry. Each entry should have a load status of DON (done).

If any entries have a status of ERR (error), the entries have been marked as errors. You might need to complete them manually through the appropriate pages. Check the error message at the bottom of the Load Preview page to determine what action you should take.

After you have corrected the errors, all that remains for you to do in the mass change process is to run the depreciation calculation process. The financial changes that you made have created open transactions for each of the affected assets. Running the depreciation calculation process (AM_DEPR_CALC) identifies these changed assets and handles their depreciation appropriately.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Asset Management Mass Change Templates and Types

This section provides an overview of mass change templates and types for Asset Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mass Change Templates and Types

In most cases, the mass change template and the mass change type on which the template is based have the same ID. If the mass change type ID is different than the mass change template ID, the type ID is provided in parentheses under the template ID.

This table lists the mass change templates (and the mass change types on which the templates are based) that are delivered with Asset Management:

Mass Change Template ID (Mass Change Type ID, If Different)

Mass Change Template Description / Asset Management

ADJ - Asset Cost Adjustment

Enables you to change the cost of a group of assets.

Archive Asset Depr Rpt Entries

This mass change type copies the specified DEPR_RPT entries into the DEPR_RPT_ARCH table. The system determines specified entries by the selection criteria of the mass change template with the same name (Archive Asset Depr Rpt entries). The system uses the Business Unit, Book, and Fiscal Year fields to select the data.

Archive NBV Entries

This mass change type copies the specified PS_ASSET_NBV_TBL entries into the PS_ASSET_NBV_ARCH table. PS_ASSET_NBV_ARCH stores the old net book value entries. You can also use this table to retrieve the entries into a sequential file. The system uses the Business Unit, Book, and As of Date fields to select the data.

Archive Asset Open Trans

Archives asset open transaction entries in the PS_OPEN_TRANS table. This template inserts entries into the Open Trans Archive table (PS_OPEN_TRANS_ARCH) and selects from the PS_OPEN_TRANS table.

Archive Assets Acctng Entries (Archive Asset Acctng Entries)

Helps archive asset accounting entries. This definition inserts rows into the PS_DIST_LN_ARCH table and selects from the production asset accounting entry table (PS_DIST_LN). You can use the PS_DIST_LN table to hold the old accounting entries and to unload the entries into a sequential file.

ASD - Asset Deletion

Inserts asset records into the INTFC_FIN table for deletion by Mass Change.

AUP - Asset Update

Changes certain fields that are stored on the asset table. Inserts rows into the INTFC_PHY_A table that the Transaction Loader process uses to update (not insert) the asset table. You may update all non key fields on the PS_ASSET table using this mass change definition. You may copy this template or modify it to update fields as necessary.

BA - Book Addition

Adds a new book to a business unit. You must add the asset profiles for the new book before running this mass change template, and the book you are adding must already exist for the business unit before processing.

BC - Book Copy

Copies the book and cost information from one book to another. You can use this process to perform a what-if analysis. You can also add a model book to a group of assets to do some reporting. This mass change template copies the data that you need from an existing book to your model book.

The book to which you are copying must exist for the business unit before processing this mass change. Criteria for this mass change template must be entered twice; once for the non-retirement type transactions on the first execution sequence, and a second time for retirement transactions on the second execution sequence.

BKD - Book Deletion

Removes an entire book from a business unit. This template loads one row into the INTFC_FIN table with the business unit and book combination. The Transaction Loader process then deletes all rows for that business unit book from the following tables: BOOK, BOOK_TAX_CR, COST, DEPRECIATION, DIST_LN, OPEN_TRANS, and RETIREMENT.

BKS - Asset Book Change

Enables you to change depreciation methods, life, depreciation schedules, and convention combinations.

BSD - Selective Book Delete

Enables you to selectively delete books for a group of assets. You specify the business unit, book, and range of assets to delete. This differs from the mass change type BKD, which deletes information for an entire business unit/book combination.

CC - Capitalize Into Comp DB2

Capitalizes acquisition detail amounts into composite assets specifically for the DB2 environment. This mass change template sums the uncapitalized acquisition detail line amounts for the assets that are associated with a composite asset.

CC - Capitalize Into Composite

Capitalizes acquisition detail amounts into composite assets. This mass change template sums the uncapitalized acquisition detail line amounts for the assets that are associated with a composite asset.

CC - JPN Capitalize Comp DB2

Capitalizes Japanese acquisition detail amounts into composite assets specifically for the DB2 environment. This mass change template sums the uncapitalized acquisition detail line amounts for the assets that are associated with a composite asset.

CC - JPN Capitalize Composite

Capitalizes Japanese acquisition detail amounts into composite assets. This mass change template sums the uncapitalized acquisition detail line amounts for the assets that are associated with a composite asset.

CR - Composite Retirement

Retires acquisition detail amounts from composite assets. This mass change template inserts the retirement cost for each set of ChartFields into INTFC_FIN.

Delete Asset Accntg Entries (Delete Archived DIST_LN)

Deletes entries from the PS_DIST_LN table after they have been archived.

Delete Asset Depr Rpt Entries

Deletes the DEPR_RPT, DEPR_RPT_CF_SUM, and DEPR_RPT_PD_SUM specified entries that are determined by the selection criteria of the mass change template that you use. To delete archived entries, enter the same selection criteria that you used for the mass change archive of DEPR_RPT entries. To purge DEPR_RPT entries, use the Business Unit, Book, and Fiscal Year fields as selection criteria when you run the mass change.

Delete Asset NBV Entries

Deletes the entries from the Asset Net Book Value table (PS_ASSET_NBV_TBL). To delete archived entries, enter the same selection criteria that you used for the mass change archive of Asset NBV entries. To purge Asset Net Book Value entries, use the Business Unit, User ID, and As of Date fields as selection criteria when you run the mass change

Delete Asset Open Trans

Deletes open transaction entries from the PS_OPEN_Trans table after they have been archived.

EURO1 - InterUnit Trf − New Book

Performs mass interunit asset transfers from one book to another within the same business unit. The new book might have a different currency code. An example might be if you are changing from a 13- to a 12-period calendar. You must enter the business unit, the from book twice, and a blank, which transfers all assets.

Note. If you copy this mass change template or use it as a basis to create your template, and you are changing currencies, you must populate the INTFC_FIN.MC_DEFN_ID field with the words Currency Conversion (mixed case) on the transfer IN row. It does not matter what you enter in the transfer OUT row; the name of the mass change suffices or you can leave the row blank.

InterUnit RET/Add w/Curr Conv

Performs financial asset transfers from one business unit to another, especially when the business units have different currencies and books. Assets are retired in the from business unit and added in the to business unit. This mass change template differs from others in that IUF does not perform currency conversions.

Note. New setIDs for the to business unit are assigned by the Transaction Loader process, not by Mass Change. If you preview the load transactions prior to running the Transaction Loader process, you see that the to business unit assets have the from business unit asset IDs. The Transaction Loader process assigns new IDs when adding the assets to the to business unit.

Note. To perform currency conversion when moving assets from one business unit to another, use the default profile option in the Transaction Loader process. This means that the profile IDs on the To business unit must exist for the assets that are being moved from the From business unit, and they must be the same profile IDs that were used in the From business unit. Books that are associated with the profile ID may be different.

Note. You cannot perform interunit transfers [retire/add] on group assets.

InterUnit TRF w/Attrib, War, Lic

Performs mass interunit transfers when asset attributes, warranty and license information also need to be transferred. Two Physical A and two Financial transactions are created, one for the From business unit and one for the To business unit. Entries are also created in Physical B for attribute, warranty, and license information transfers.

InterUnit TRF w/Currency Conv (InterUnit TRF w/Curr Conv)

Performs financial asset transfers from one business unit to another, especially when the business units have different currencies and books. This mass change template performs currency conversion when business unit and book currency codes are different in the From and To business units.

Note. New asset IDs for the To business unit are assigned by the Transaction Loader process, not by Mass Change. If you preview the load transactions prior to running the Transaction Loader process, you see that the To business unit assets contain the From business unit asset IDs. The Transaction Loader process assigns new IDs when you add the assets to the To business unit.

Note. To perform currency conversion when moving assets from one business unit to another, the default profile option in the Transaction Loader process is used. This means that the profile IDs on the To business unit must exist for the assets that are being moved from the From business unit, and they must be the same profile IDs that are used in the From business unit. Books that are associated with the profile ID may be different.

Note. You cannot perform interunit transfers (retire/add) on group assets.

IRC - Increase Rate Change

Performs mass change for increase in special rates and accelerated depreciation.

IUF - IU Transfer to Another BU

Performs financial asset transfers from one business unit to another.

This template does not perform currency conversion. You can also refer to the definition for the InterUnit RET/Add w/Curr Conv template.

IUT - Inter-Unit Transfer

Performs mass interunit transfers of assets. You cannot perform interunit transfers on group assets. This mass change type does not perform currency conversion. Refer also to the definition for the InterUnit RET/Add w/Curr Conv template.

JVA - Joint Venture BU Addition

Adds a new business unit to a joint venture using the joint venture's profiles.

JVP - Joint Venture BU Add (w/Prof)

Adds a new business unit to a joint venture with the participant's profile. Book table values that can be populated with default values from the profile detail table are obtained from the profile ID for the new business unit. This mass change type is similar to the JVA mass change type, except that JVP uses the joint venture participant's profiles.

JVR - Joint Venture BU Removal

Removes joint venture business units.

JVT - JV Allocation Change

Transfers the allocation percentage from one business unit to another.

PAD - Parent Asset Cost Adjust

Changes the cost of a parent asset and all of its children.

Parent Retire w/Pro/RC Absolut

Retires parent assets and their children. The system sets the proceeds and removal cost for each asset as equal to the proceeds and removal cost that were entered by the user.

Parent Retire w/Pro/RC Distrib

Retires parent assets and their children. The system proportionally distributes proceeds and removal costs by retirement amount.

Partial Parent Asset Transfer

Performs partial asset transfers for a specific parent and all of its children assets. The system transfers a percentage of cost and quantity between the specified ChartFields.

Partial Retire Parent Proc Abs

Partially retires parent assets and all of their children assets (children that are financial assets). The percentage of retirement is specified by the user.

The system sets the proceeds and removal costs for each asset as equal to the proceeds and removal cost that were entered by the user.

Partial Retire Parent Proc Dis

Partially retires parent assets and all of their children assets. The percentage of retirement is specified by the user.

The system proportionally distributes proceeds and removal costs for each asset based on the cost of each asset that is retired over the total cost of all assets that are retired.

Partial Retire Proceeds Absolu

Partially retires assets. The user specifies the percentage of retirement.

The system sets proceeds and removal costs for each asset as equal to the proceeds and removal cost that were entered by the user.

Partial Retire Proceeds Dist (Part. Retirement Proceeds Dist)

Partially retires assets. Do not use this mass change type to do a full retirement. The system proportionally distributes proceeds by retirement amount.

PHY - Physical Asset Changes

Changes the physical side of assets, such as asset location and custodian.

PI Extract

Extracts asset data from multiple Asset Management tables into one physical inventory extract table.

PI Scan Scope

Scans scope for physical inventory mass change.

PI1 - Asset Table Updates (PI1 - Asset Table Update)

Processes scanned inventory data and places it in updates to the asset table.

PI2 - Asset Location Changes

Changes the location table for an asset.

PI3 - Department Transfers

Transfers departments for assets (used in physical inventory).

PI4 - Asset Retirements (PI4 - Retire Assets Not Found)

Retires assets that are not found during physical inventory processing.

PI5 - Physical Asset Adds (PI5 - Add Assets Found in PI)

Adds the “overs” into Asset Management, which are assets that were scanned in physical inventory but were not originally in Asset Management. These assets are entered as a physical add only, not financial.

PI6 - Asset Custodian Changes

Changes an asset's custodian (used in physical inventory).

PI7 - Inventory History Insert

Inserts records into the Physical Inventory Asset History table at the close of physical inventory for every asset in the Results table with a status of Inventory.

Note. You cannot run Mass Changes PI1 - PI18, PI Extract, and PI Scan Scope online. They are used only by the Physical Inventory SQR.

PRC - Parent Recategorization

Moves the cost of an asset from one asset category to another for a parent asset and all of its children.

PTF - Parent Asset Transfer

Transfers the cost of a parent asset and all of its children out of the from values and into the to values.

PTR - Partial Transfer by Dept (PTR- Partial Asset Transfer)

Performs partial asset transfers; which is where the system transfers a percentage of the cost and quantity of an asset between the ChartFields specified.

RCT − Recategorization

Moves the cost of an asset from one asset category to another.

REI - Reinstate Assets (REI - Reinstatement)

Reinstates retired assets.

REP - Reinstate Parent Assets

Reinstates retired parent assets and all of their children.

Retire w/Proceeds/RC Absolute

Retires assets. The system sets proceeds and removal cost for each asset as equal to the proceeds and removal cost that were entered by the user.

Retire w/Proceeds/RC Distribut

Retires assets. The system proportionally distributes proceeds and removal cost for each asset based on the cost of each asset that is retired over the total cost of all assets that are retired.

TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy

Copies accounting entry templates from one setID to another.

TM - Actg Ent Tmpl Copy w/in Set (TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy)

Differs from the TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy template in that this template copies from one category to another within the same setID. The TM - Acctg Entry Template Copy template copies accounting entry templates from one setID to another setID.

This mass change empties the temporary tables, dumps the template rows of the source setID and category into temporary tables, and copies the temporary rows over to the permanent accounting entry template tables for the target category that is specified.

Note. The system uses the temporary tables PS_DIST_TMPL_TMP and PS_DIST_TMPLLN_TMP.

TRF - Full Transfer by Dept (TRF - Asset Transfer)

Transfers assets from current ChartField values to the to values that are entered by the user. The Cost Balance view gives the current cost at a ChartField level and enables you to change those values.

Unload DIST_LN_ARCH to file (Archive DIST_LN_ARCH to file)

Archives the PS_DIST_LN_ARCH table to a sequential file.

Unload Open Trans to file (Unload Open Trans Archive)

Unloads entries from the Asset Open Transaction Archive table to a sequential file.

Upload Asset Acctng Entries (Load Archived DIST_LN)

Loads the production asset accounting entry table (PS_DIST_LN) from the accounting entry archive table (PS_DIST_LN_ARCH).

Upload Asset Open Trans (Upload Archive Open Trans)

Uploads open transactions into the PS_OPEN_TRANS table from the PS_OPEN_TRANS_ARCH table.