PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts Preface

This preface discusses:

Note. This PeopleBook documents only page elements that require additional explanation. If a page element is not documented with the process or task in which it is used, then it either requires no additional explanation or is documented with the common elements for the section, chapter, or PeopleBook.

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Products

This PeopleBook refers to these products:

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Application Fundamentals

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts PeopleBook provides you with implementation and processing information for your PeopleSoft Contracts system. However, additional, essential information describing the setup and design of your system resides in companion documentation. The companion documentation consists of important topics that apply to many or all PeopleSoft applications across the Financials, Enterprise Service Automation, and Supply Chain Management product lines. You should be familiar with the contents of these PeopleBooks.

The following companion PeopleBooks apply specifically to PeopleSoft Contracts:

Click to jump to parent topicPages with Deferred Processing

Several pages in PeopleSoft Contracts operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields on these pages are not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button, link, or tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page—for example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or otherwise refresh the page.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Application Designer

Click to jump to parent topicAbout These PeopleBooks

A companion PeopleBook called About These PeopleBooks contains general information, including:

See Also

About These PeopleBooks Preface

Using PeopleBooks

Managing the PeopleSoft Online Library and PeopleBooks

ISO Country and Currency Codes

Glossary of PeopleSoft Enterprise Terms

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This PeopleBook


ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for corporate accounts.

Activity ID

PeopleSoft Project Costing activity identifier.


ChartField used to map transactions between business units when using a single interunit account. Used as one approach for interunit journal processing and consolidated reporting.

Alternate Account or Alt Acct

ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for statutory accounts. This field appears only if you enable the Alternate Account option for your organization and for the general ledger business unit.

Bill To Customer

Customer receiving the invoice.

Billing Business Unit

PeopleSoft Billing business unit.

Note. The PeopleSoft Billing business unit and PeopleSoft Contracts business units should both use the same PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.

Budget Ref or Bud Ref (budget reference)

ChartField that identifies unique control budgets when individual budgets share budget keys and overlapping budget periods.

Business Unit

Identification code that represents a high-level organization of business information. Use a business unit to define regional or departmental units within a larger organization.


ChartField that identifies a particular appropriation when you combine it with a fund, department ID, program code, and budget reference ChartFields.

Group of customers in a trade, such as grocers or mass merchandisers.

Contract or Contract Number

Unique identifier for a contract.

Contract Admin (contract administrator)

Responsible party in charge of administrating the contract.

Contract Classification

Enables you to specify one of four contract classification at the time the contract is created. Values include: Standard, Internal, Government, and Federal Reimbursable Agreement. This value cannot be changed on the contract. The classification that you select determines the functionality that is available for that particular contract type. For example, contracts with a classification of Government have functionality that is not available with a standard contract.

Contract Status

Provides you with an indicator of where your contract is within the contract life cycle, and designates when a contract is available for lookup and processing.

Contract Type

Enables you to categorize your contracts for reporting purposes.

Department or Dept

ChartField that indicates who is responsible for or affected by the transaction.

Effective Date

Date on which a table row becomes effective; the date that an action begins.


ChartField that represents structural units for education and government accounting. Can also represent a divisional breakdown in your organization.

Fund Affiliate or Fund Affil

ChartField that is used to correlate transactions between funds when using a singe intraunit account.

GL Unit (PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit)

PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.

Legal Entity

Organizational or legal owner of the contract. While this legal entity is not directly tied to the legal entity in PeopleSoft General Ledger, this field enables you to capture which legal entity contracted with the customer on each contract.

OM Business Unit (PeopleSoft Order Management business unit)

PeopleSoft Order Management business unit.

Operating Unit or Oper Unit

ChartField that is used to identify a location, such as a distribution warehouse or sales center. It can also be used for responsibility reporting, such as a profit center.

Operating Unit Affiliate or Opr Unit Affil

ChartField that is used to correlate transactions between operating units when using a singe intraunit account.

Product ID or Product

PeopleSoft Order Management product identifier. Products are the goods and services that you sell to your customers on a contract.

PC Business Unit

PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit.

Price Type

Products in contracts are rate-based, amount-based, or recurring. Rate-based products have a price type of Rate, amount-based products have a price type of Amount or Percent, and recurring products have a price type of Recurring.

Process Monitor

Click this link to view the status of submitted process requests.


ChartField that captures additional information that is useful for profitability and cash flow analysis by product sold or manufactured.


ChartField that identifies groups of related activities, cost centers, revenue centers, responsibility centers, and academic programs. Tracks revenue and expenditures for programs.


ChartField that captures information for project or grants accounting.

Project ID

PeopleSoft Project Costing project identifier.

Quantity or Qty

Enter or change the quantity on the contract line, billing plan, or Negotiated Amount Allocation page.

Note. Changing this value on the contract line is for audit trail purposes only. A change to the quantity on an active contract line does not impact the amount on the Negotiated Amount Allocation page, the quantity on the billing lines of the associated billing plan, or the quantity on the sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Report ID

Report Identifier.

Report Manager

Click this link to view report content, check the status of a report, and see content detail messages.


Click this button to specify the location where a process or job runs and the process output format.

Run Control ID

Identification code that identifies the run parameters for a report or process.


Identification code that represents a set of control table information or tablesets. A tableset is a group of tables (records) necessary to define your company’s structure and processing options.

Ship To Customer

Location receiving the products and services specified on the contract.

Sold To or Sold To Customer

Customer buying the products and services specified on the contract.

Source ID

PeopleSoft Project Costing resource identifier.

Statistics Code or Stat

ChartField that identifies nonmonetary statistical amounts. Statistics codes are associated with a specific unit of measure.

Unit of Measure (UOM)

Enter or change the unit of measure on the contract line, billing plan, or Negotiated Amount Allocation page.

Note. Changing this value on the contract line is for audit trail purposes only. A change to the quantity on an active contract line does not impact the amount on the Negotiated Amount Allocation page, the unit of measure on the billing lines of the associated billing plan, or the unit of measure on the sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management.

User ID

System identifier for the individual who generates a transaction.