Creating and Managing Limits

This chapter provides an overview of limits and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Limits

Government contractors bill and recognize revenue for their contracts according to terms and conditions specified by the government. Once funding is received for a contact, the contractor may bill or recognize revenue for a specified amount over the duration of the contract within a specified date range (referred to as the Period of Performance, or POP). Although any costs incurred during the completion of the contract must be tracked and managed, the contractor may only be able to bill or recognize revenue for a portion of those costs depending on the terms of the contract. PeopleSoft Contracts uses limit processing to enable you to set limits on the amount billed, revenue recognized, or fees processed for a government contract, as well as, enable you to set limits on specific transactions (such as labor, materials or travel) that occur against a government contract.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFunding and Revenue Limits

PeopleSoft Contracts enables you to define funded limit amounts for your rate-based contract lines, and define separate funded, revenue and fee limit amounts for rate-based contract lines associated with a fee type (cost-plus). You can define period of performance controls and determine if the system should enforce those controls for billing and limit processing by contract line.

The funded limit amount is the maximum amount that you can bill or recognize revenue for your rate-based contract lines over the life of the contract. For rate-based contract lines associated with a fee type (cost-plus), the funded limit amount represents the maximum amount that you can bill for the contract line, and if the Separate Billing and Revenue option is selected on the Installation Options - Contracts page, then a separate revenue limit amount may be defined that represents the maximum revenue that can be recognized. Fee limits are also defined for rate-based contract lines associated with a fee type (cost-plus). After you define your limits and the contract is active, any limit changes must be performed using amendment processing.

Funded and revenue limit amounts are visible on the contract header and line, and can also be viewed and managed using the Limits Review online inquiry page. Any changes made to the limits over the life of the contract, must be performed at the contract line level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransaction Limits

The funded and revenue limit amounts defined for a government contract line represent the maximum amounts that can be billed and recognized as revenue. Limit processing is associated with these amounts, and represent the limit ceiling for the contract line. However, within the overall funded and revenue limits, you may have sub-limits on certain transactions such as travel, labor, or materials. PeopleSoft Contracts enables you to set up transaction level limits, in addition to overall funded and revenue limits for your government contract lines. Transaction limits enable you to apply multiple limit amounts to multiple transactions for a specific contract line. Transaction limits are only visible, and must be managed at, the contract line level.

Transaction limits consist of the following main elements:

Transaction Identifiers

Transaction identifiers are configuration elements that enable you to set up limits on specific transactions. You define the transaction identifier using a combination of the PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartField values (source type, category, and subcategory).

You associate the transaction identifier with a transaction limit, and subsequently associate the transaction limit with a contract line. Transaction identifiers enable you to apply specific limits to transactions when PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartField values match the contents of the transaction identifier for a specific contract line. Transactions matching the contents of a transaction identifier for a transaction limit for a contract line must first pass the transaction limit before they can be checked against the contract line funded and revenue limit. Transactions that do not match the contents of a transaction limit transaction identifier are only applied to the contract line funded and revenue limit that you define on the Contract Amounts page.

Warning! After a transaction identifier is defined and associated with a transaction limit, it should not be modified, as data conflicts may occur for any transactions already processed using the transaction identifier.

Transaction Limit Amounts and Sequence Numbers

After you have defined transaction identifiers, you assign them to the transaction limit. A contract line can have multiple transaction limits, each with its own associated transaction identifier and limit, to enable you to stack limit processing and perform more complex limit processing scenarios. For example, you can set up multiple transaction limits to apply to the various transaction types that occur against your contract line, or you can set up your transaction limits to overlap one another to restrict processing for specific transactions.

If assigning multiple transaction limits to one contract line, the system utilizes sequence numbers that you assign to the transaction identifier and limit amount row to determine the order in which a limit amount is applied to a transaction. These sequence numbers must be unique. In the event that you set up overlapping limits, the system uses the sequence numbers to identify which transaction limit should be drawn against first.

Limits processing always considers transaction level limits first, and then funded and revenue limits defined at the contract line level, when determining if a transaction can pass limit checking. Only transactions that pass transaction limits, or transactions for which transaction limits are not applicable, are checked against overall funded and revenue limits. Depending on your limit setup, when a transaction is processed, a portion of the transaction could be determined to be over-the-limit for the transaction level limit, even though it might have been within the available overall funded and revenue limit amount.

Note. In multi-limit scenarios, the sequencing setup that you define controls how the limit process applies transactions against the transaction limit amounts. Because the over-the-limit transactions that can result from overlapping transaction limits can vary based on the order in which the limits are applied, it is important that you carefully consider your set up and any potential negative results if defining overlapping limits.

Transaction Limit Processing Examples

Transaction limits enable you to define multiple limits for multiple sets of transactions for a single rate-based contract line. The following example describe the steps and processing for a multi-limit overlapping scenario using a transaction limit for overall travel and a second transaction limit on air travel:

Note. This example assumes that the Split to Match Limit Exactly check box is selected and the Separate Billing and Revenue check box is cleared (so no revenue limits exist) on the Installation Options-Contracts page.

  1. Define transaction identifiers to include limits for airfare and travel:

    Transaction Identifier

    Source Type











  2. Define two transaction limits for the rate-based contract line:

    Transaction Identifier


    Limit Amount

    Use Sequence



    10,000 USD




    15,000 USD


  3. An expense transaction for airfare is submitted against the contract line, and contains the following details:

    Source Type





    16,000 USD

  4. When the transaction is priced, the Limits process (CA_LIMIT) is called.

    The Limits process applies the transaction to the first transaction limit amount with Use Sequence number one, splits the transaction into two, one for 10,000 USD that passes the first limit and a second for 6,000 USD that is over-the limit, and passes the over-the-limit transaction to PeopleSoft Project Costing:

    Transaction Identifier

    Analysis Type

    Source Type



    Unit of Measure

    Source Amount

    Source Currency









  5. The system applies the passed transaction to the second transaction limit amount with Use Sequence number two, and passes the following results to PeopleSoft Project Costing:

    Transaction Identifier

    Analysis Type

    Source Type



    Unit of Measure

    Source Amount

    Source Currency









  6. The billable (BIL) row is passed to PeopleSoft Billing, and the over-the-limit (OLT) row remains in PeopleSoft Project Costing for reporting and analysis.

    If the Airfare travel limit amount is subsequently increased, the OLT transaction row can be reprocessed and a BIL row is created for it if the limit is sufficient to pass the transaction.

Because the system processes transaction limits in the order specified by the Use Sequence, the system produces different results if the Use Sequence of the transaction limits were reversed. In this example, if the Travel transaction limit is set to the first Use Sequence, and the Airfare transaction limit is set to the second Use Sequence, then when the 16,000 USD airfare expense is processed, the system produces the following results:

Transaction Identifier

Analysis Type

Source Type



Unit of Measure

Source Amount

Source Currency

























Because the Travel limit is specified as the first limit, the system applies the 16,000 USD transaction to that limit, which results in the system creating a 15,000 USD BIL row and a 1,000 USD OLT row for the transaction identifier of Travel. Then, the system applies the 15,000 USD BIL transaction that passed the first limit to the Airfare limit, resulting in another OLT row for 5,0000 USD for the transaction identifier of Airfare, and a final 10,000 USD billable row.

The system applies the transaction to both the Travel and Airfare limits because the transaction contains the PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartField values that match the limit definitions.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Limits for Government Contracts

This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Contract Amounts


  • Customer Contracts, Determine Price and Terms, Contract Terms, Contract Amounts

  • Click the Contract Terms link on the Detail tab of the Contract-Lines page.

Enter billing and revenue limit amounts and limit processing criteria for rate-based contract lines. You can also navigate to the Transaction Limits page to define transaction limits.

Transaction Identifiers


  • Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Project Costing, Transaction Options, Transaction Identifiers

  • Click the Transaction Identifiers link on the Transaction Limits page

Define the transaction ChartFields that comprise an identifier set that you associate to transaction limits. Transaction limits are assigned to contract lines. Any transactions with ChartField values matching the criteria defined in the transaction identifier will have transaction limits applied during limit processing for that contract line.

Transaction Limits


  • Customer Contracts, Determine Price and Terms, Transaction Limits

  • Click the Transaction Limits link on the Contract Amounts page.

  • Click the Transaction Limits link on the Related Projects page.

Define multiple transaction level limits for rate-based contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Contract Amounts

Access the Contract Amounts page.

Limit Details

The Limit Details group box enables you to define the limit amount that the system uses to control the amount billed or revenue recognized for the individual rate-based contract line. For rate-based contract lines associated with fee types (cost-plus), the Limit Details group box enables you to define billing, revenue and fee limits, as well as, access the revenue fee worksheet (if the Separate Billing and Revenue check box is selected on the Installation Options-Contracts page).

Limit amounts defined for rate-based contract lines and rate-based contract lines associated with fee types (cost-plus) are summarized and appear on the contract header. You can navigate to the Transaction Limits page to define transaction limits and access the Review Limits page to review remaining limit amounts, transactions processed to date and transactions in excess of the limit from this page. You can also initiate the Limits process, for the individual contract line only, by clicking the Perform Limit Checking button when limit amounts are modified, either prior to contract activation if transactions occur against the contract prior to contract activation that require limit checking, or in amendment mode, but only after the amendment has been processed.

Note. Transactions occurring against a contract prior to activation cannot be billed or processed for revenue recognition until the contract is in an active processing status and billing and revenue recognition plans (and events if needed) are assigned to the contract lines and set to a ready processing status.

The Limit Details page appears differently for rate-based contract lines associated with fee types (cost-plus). The fields that appear are specific for the fee type assigned to the contract line. The Limit Details page for cost-plus contract lines is discussed in the Creating Cost-Plus Government Contract Lines chapter of this PeopleBook.

See Defining Cost-Plus Contract Lines.


Enter the full amount of the contract awarded by the government (for the life of the contract). This amount is not used in limit processing, but is used by the system as an edit to prevent the funded amount from exceeding the awarded amount. This field is controlled by amendment processing.


Enter the limit amount for billable costs for this contract line. You can edit this amount over the life of the contract using amendment processing, but cannot enter an amount that exceeds the amount entered in the Awarded field or is less than the amount already billed.

Transaction Limits

Click the Transactions Limits link to access the Transaction Limits page. Transaction limits enable you to limit the amount of specific transactions that can be billed or recognized as revenue for this contract line.

Review Limits

Click the Review Limits link to access the Review Limits page. The Review Limits page enables you to view remaining limit amounts, transactions processed to date against the limits, and transactions in excess of the limits.

Perform Limit Checking

Click the Perform Limit Checking button to initiate limit processing for the contract line when limit amounts are changed or limit checking is needed outside of batch processing. If this is a rate-based contract line associated with a fee type (cost-plus), and theSeparate Billing and Revenue check box is selected on the Installation Options - Contracts page, the system runs limit checking for both billing and revenue. For a rate-based contract line associated with a fee type (cost-plus) where the Separate Billing and Revenue option is not selected, or for rate-based contract lines with a fee definition of None, the system runs limit checking for billing only.

Note. When you run limit processing from the Contract Amounts page or Transaction Limits page, the system automatically runs the Limits process with the Recalculate Totals Only check box cleared.

To update limit totals only, run the limit checking process using the Process Limits run control page, and select the Recalculate Totals Only check box.

Period of Performance

The period of performance represents the date range authorized by the Government Contracts office within which all billing for the contract lines must occur.

Start Date

Enter the start date for the period of performance date range for which invoicing can occur for this contract line. After the contract is active, the date is no longer editable if the Control Limits and Billing option is selected.

This is a required field.

End Date

Enter the end date for the period of performance date range for which invoicing can occur for this contract line. Once the contract is active, you can edit this date throughout the life of the contract using amendment processing. However, it cannot be changed to a date that is earlier than the current system date.

This is a required field.

Control Limits and Billing

Select the Control Limits and Billing check box to indicate whether invoicing can occur outside the period of performance date range specified for this contract line. By selecting the check box, the Limits process and the Contracts/Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC) only selects billable transactions from the Project Transaction table that have a transaction date that falls within the period of performance start and end dates.

Selecting this check box does not limit revenue processing for transactions that only fall within the period of performance date range, (if the Separate Billing and Revenuecheck box is selected on the Installation Options - Contracts page). Any transactions that occur against the contract line are eligible for revenue and revenue limit processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Transaction Identifiers

Access the Transaction Identifiers page.

See Defining Transaction Identifiers.

Warning! Do not modify existing transaction identifiers. Any change to an existing transaction identifier may affect other contracts using the same transaction identifier. Create a new transaction identifier if necessary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Transaction Limits

Access the Transaction Limits page.

Transaction Identifier

Enter the predefined transaction identifier to identify the transactions to which the limit will apply. The transaction identifier is a configuration element that defines a set of transactions. Each transaction identifier may contain multiple transaction ChartField criteria and each contract line may be associated with multiple transaction identifiers.

Limit Amount

Enter the limit amount to apply to the transactions associated with the transaction identifier. If this is a rate-based contract line associated with a fee type (cost-plus) and theSeparate Billing and Revenue check box is selected on the Installation Options - Contracts page, the system applies the limit entered for both billing and revenue recognition. For rate-based contract line associated with a fee type (cost-plus) where the Separate Billing and Revenue check box is not selected, or for rate-based contract lines with a fee type of None, the system applies the limit only to billing.

Use Sequence

Enter the use sequence number to indicate which limit the system should draw down first in the case of overlapping limits. These use sequence numbers must be unique.

This field enables overlapping limits. For example, you have a limit on Airfare as a subset of your limit on Total Travel. The limit on Direct Travel Costs may partially overlap the limit on Airfare. This is an example of overlapping limits. However, by processing transaction limits using a use sequence number, the system enables you to indicate which limit should be used first.

Transaction Identifiers

Click to access the Transaction Identifiers page where you can view details for existing transaction identifiers or create a new one. After you select a transaction identifier, you can enter a limit amount.

Perform Limit Checking

Click the Perform Limit Checking button to initiate limit processing for the contract line when limit changes are made or limit checking is needed outside of batch processing. If this is a rate-based contract line associated with a fee type (cost-plus) and theSeparate Billing and Revenue check box is selected on the Installation Options - Contracts page, the system runs limit checking for both billing and revenue. For rate-based contract lines associated with a fee type (cost-plus) where the Separate Billing and Revenue option is not selected, or for rate-based contract lines with a fee type of None, the system runs limit checking for billing only.

Note. When you run limit processing from the Contract Amounts page or Transaction Limits page, the system automatically runs the Limits process with the Recalculate Totals Only check box cleared.

To update limit totals only, run the limit checking process using the Process Limits run control page, and select the Recalculate Totals Only check box.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Limit Process

This section provides an overview of limit processing and discusses how to process limits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Limit Processing

The Limits process enables you to apply the transaction and overall limits that you define for your rate-based contract lines to transactions. The limits process can be run using the following options:

Note. The Limits process does not process fee limits. The Fee application engine uses your fee criteria to process these limits.

Over the Limit Transaction Rows

No matter from where the Limits process is run, using the criteria that you have defined for limit processing, the system evaluates any transaction level limits first, then funding limits (for billing), and then evaluates revenue limits (optional depending on your settings).

The resulting rows are either passed as billing rows, revenue rows, or marked as over-the-limit. Billing rows that are over the limit are assigned an analysis type of OLT (Over-the-Limit). Revenue rows that are over the limit are assigned an analysis type of ROL (Revenue-Over-the-Limit). Over-the-limit transaction rows are not billed or recognized as revenue, but appear as a summarized amount in excess note within the header section of the invoice. This amount in excess represents a combination of any transaction and funded limits that were exceeded for the contract line.

You also have the option to split transactions so that the portion under the limit amount can continue with billing and revenue processing. The option to split transactions is configurable on the Installation Options - Contracts page by selecting the Split to Match Limit Exactly check box. When this option is selected and a transaction breeches the limit, the system splits a BIL row into one BIL line and one OLT line or a REV (revenue) row into one REV line and one ROL line. This enables you to reach the limit amount exactly with the BIL or REV line, and the system places the remaining transaction amount onto an OLT or ROL line.

After transaction rows have exceeded the limits that you have defined for funding (billing) or revenue, the resulting OLT and ROL rows are passed to the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE) where they can then be used for reporting or analysis. These over-the-limit rows display on the Review Limits - Detail page and are included in the Limits report run for excess amounts.

If additional funding is received later in the contract life cycle, you can use amendment processing to increase the limit amount and process the applicable over-the-limit rows through to PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft General Ledger. When you increase the limit amount and rerun the limits process, the system performs the following steps:

  1. Calculates the total amount of transactions processed to date against the transaction, funded and revenue limit amounts.

  2. Calculates the remaining amount of each limit.

  3. Applies the remaining funded or revenue limits (for a contract line) to any existing over-the-limit transactions applicable to the contract line.

    Over-the-limit transactions applicable to the contract line's funded or revenue limits that are converted to BIL and REV rows are not reapplied against the contract line's transaction limits, but instead are passed to PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft General Ledger. Any existing over-the-limit transaction rows are always processed first by the Limits process and converted to BIL and REV rows either in full or in part when possible.

  4. Applies the remaining transaction limit to any existing over-the-limit transactions that are specifically identified with that transaction limit and converts the rows to BIL and REV rows when possible.

    Reapplies all the remaining transaction limits to all newly converted BIL and REV rows that are applicable to the transaction limits. The reapplication of transaction limits is required to ensure that each transaction passes all applicable transaction limits, because funding and revenue at the transaction level are only recorded as passed when each transaction passes all applicable transaction limits. For over-the-limit transactions specific to a transaction limit, the transaction has, in effect, not passed any transaction level limits.

  5. Applies the remaining transaction limits to any new BIL and REV transactions.

  6. Applies the remaining funded or revenue limits against any new BIL and REV transactions that have passed limit checking at the transaction limit level, or for which transaction limits are not applicable.

  7. The billing processes adds the new billable rows to the current invoice and updates the amount in excess invoice line with any new amounts.

  8. The revenue processes pass the new revenue rows to the general ledger.

Note. If manual adjustments to invoices in PeopleSoft Billing are performed, it is recommended that you run the Limits process with the Recalculate Totals Only check box selected prior to running your limit reports.

See Amending Limits.

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Process Limits


Customer Contracts, Update Contract Progress, Process Limits

Run the Limits Process as a standalone process using specific parameters such as business unit, contract, contract line, or contract type. Optionally, run this process to recalculate totals only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Limit Process

Access the Process Limits page.

Recalculate Totals Only

Select this option to update limit totals after making manual adjustments to invoices in PeopleSoft Billing. This option will update your limit totals that are displayed on the Review and Manage Limits component (CA_LMT_MGMT) and on the Limits report.

Process Revenue

Select this option to run the limits process for revenue limits only.

Process Billing

Select this option to run the limits process for billing limits only.

Contract Options

Use the fields in this group box to limit the transaction data that is included in the run of this process. Filter by PeopleSoft Contracts business unit, contract type, contract classification, contract, contract line, sold to customer, or contract administrator. If you leave all fields blank, the process picks up all available transaction activity in PeopleSoft Contracts.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Limit Processing

This section provides an overview of reviewing limit processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Reviewing Limit Processing

Throughout the life of your contract, you may need visibility to the limit amounts for your contract lines, including the amount of the limits that has been used to date, the amounts remaining, and any amounts that have exceeded your limits. PeopleSoft Contracts delivers an online inquiry page that provides both a summarized and detail view of this information. Using filtering capabilities, the system enables you to view only the information that you need to effectively manage the limits that you have defined for your contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Limit Amount

Displays the transaction, funded and revenue limit amounts for the contract lines displayed.

Processed Amount

Displays the total of all transactions billed or booked as revenue, plus all transactions that have passed limit processing and can be billed or booked as revenue the next time that the Contracts/Billing Interface (CA_BI_INTFC) and As-Incurred Revenue (PSA_ACCTGGL) processes are run respectively. This value is populated when the Limits process is run. Transactions that are outside of the period of performance dates are excluded from this total for contract lines that have the Control Limits and Billing check box selected.

Note. Any manual adjustments to invoices in PeopleSoft Billing that occur in between runs of the Limits process are not reflected in the total Processed Amount displayed. To update the total to the most current value, run the Limits process with the Recalculate Totals Only check box selected. Any amendments to limits require running the Limits process with the Recalculate Totals Only check box cleared to reapply the new remaining limit against previously over-the-limit transactions and update all amounts to their most current values.

Remaining Amount

Displays the calculated total of the Limit Amount less the Processed Amount.

Transaction Identifier

Displays the contract line's associated transaction identifier for a transaction limit.

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Review Limits


  • Customer Contracts, Adjust Revenue and Billing, Review and Manage Limits, Review Limits

  • Click the Review Limits link on the Contract Amounts page.

Review limit and transaction limit information for specified contract lines.

Limit Details


Click the value in the Excess Amount column of the Review Limits page.

Review the details of over-the-limit transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Limits

Access the Review Limits page.

Search Criteria

Use the fields in the Search Criteria group box to filter search results by entering specific values in these fields. If you leave fields blank, the search returns all limits for all Active contract lines within your system. At a minimum, you must enter the Business Unit, Sold To Customer, Limit Type and Review By fields to perform a search request. Click the Search button to carry out a search based on the search criteria that you entered. Search results appear in the Limits scroll area. Amounts appear in the contract currency.

Note. Fee limits do not appear on this page. Fee limits for rate-based contract lines associated with a fee type (cost-plus), can be viewed on the Billing and Revenue Worksheet pages and Contract Amounts pages for the contract line.

Limit Type

Select a limit type to have the system retrieve all limits with the specified limit type. If you leave this field blank, Funded and Billing is the default value for this field. Limit type values include:

  • Funded and Billing: Select this option to view all funded and billing limits for your contract lines.

  • Revenue: Select this option to view all revenue limits associated with the contract line.

Review By

Select the Review By criteria that the system uses to display your results. Review By values include:

  • All: Select this value to view all limit amounts including any remaining amounts and amounts that have exceeded the limits for contract lines meeting your selection criteria.

  • Excess: Select this value to view only those amounts that have exceeded the limit amount for contract lines meeting your selection criteria. If you select this value only the Excess and Date pages display.

  • Remaining: Select this value to see the remaining available limit amounts for contract lines meeting your selection criteria. If you select this value, only the Remaining and Dates pages appear.

Max Remaining % (Maximum Remaining Percentage)

Enter a maximum remaining amount percentage to restrict the results to only those contract lines with that limit amount percentage or less remaining. If you set the Review By field to Remaining, you must enter a field value greater than zero and less than 100. If you set the Review By field to Excess or All, the Max Remaining % field must be set to zero to retrieve the desired results.

Review Limits: Excess Tab

Select the Review Limits – Excess tab.

The Excess tab displays the funded or revenue limits depending on the value that you selected in the Limit Type field. Transaction limits display the transaction identifier value on the limit row, while funded or revenue limits display a blank field for the transaction identifier.

Excess Amount

Displays the excess amount for this limit. This amount indicates all over-the-limit transactions. Click the value in this field to access the Limit Details page where you can view details for the OLT or ROL transactions.

Review Limits: Dates Tab

Select the Review Limits – Dates tab.


Displays the contract currency. If a PeopleSoft Project Costing transaction is processed in a different currency from the contract currency, the transaction is converted to the contract currency by the Pricing Engine and then applied to the limit in the contact currency.

Last Transaction Date

Displays the transaction date for the most recent transaction applied against the limit for the contract line.

Last Processing Date

Displays the date that the Limits process was last run for this contract line.

Limit Reached Date

Displays the date that the limit amount was reached. If limits are increased using amendment processing such that all over-the-limit transactions can pass limit checking, this field is cleared during the next run of the Limits process with the Recalculate Total Only check box cleared.

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Access the Limit Details page.

Date Type

Select a date type to have the system retrieve all over-the-limit billing and revenue transactions within the specified date range for the contract line. Date type values include:

  • Acctg Date: Select to display all over-the-limit transactions by transaction accounting date using the date range specified.

  • Trans Date: Select to display all over-the-limit transactions by transaction date using the date range specified.

From Date and Through Date

Select specific from and through dates to have the system retrieve all over-the-limit transactions within the specified date range.


Click the Search button to retrieve the over-the-limit transactions that meet your date search criteria.

Transaction Date

Displays the transaction date of the original cost transaction from the feeder subsystem.

Accounting Date

Displays the accounting date of the original cost transaction from the feeder subsystem.

Foreign Amount

Displays the transaction OTL amount in the original cost transaction currency.

Projects Business Unit Amount

Displays the transaction OTL amount in the PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit base currency.

Limit Details: Chartfields tab

Select the Limit Details – Chartfields tab.

PC Business Unit(PeopleSoft Project Costing Business Unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit associated with the transaction.


Displays the project identifier associated with the transaction.


Displays the activity identifier associated with the transaction.

Source Type

Displays the source type associated with the transaction.


Displays the category associated with the transaction.


Displays the subcategory associated with the transaction.


Displays the description associated with the transaction. This description comes from the Target row defined for the transaction analysis type on the rate set or rate plan associated with the contract line.

Limit Details: Transaction IDs

Select the Limit Details – Transaction IDs tab.

Transaction ID (Transaction Identifier)

Displays the identifier of the OTL transaction.

Original Transaction ID (Original Transaction Identifier)

Displays the identifier of the original cost transaction.