Using Statistics

This chapter provides an overview of statistical journals and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Statistical Journals

This section lists prerequisites, provides an overview of statistical journals and discusses:

In Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger, you can use statistical data to facilitate financial analysis and reporting, as well as to form the basis for allocating certain expenses. You can use statistic codes to track nonmonetary amounts, to allocate expenses such as overhead to products, or to calculate a ratio of expense versus the number of customers for a regional expense analysis.

Units of measure determine how to quantify the statistical amount entered on a journal. You must associate each statistical account or statistics code with a standard unit of measure. This controls the units that appear in reports and enables the automatic conversion feature.

Automatic conversion enables you to post journal entries in whatever unit is convenient during journal entry. The system automatically converts entered units to standard units—for example, square yards to square feet. To do this, use the Convert To and Conversion Rate entries on the Units of Measure page. During journal entry, when you enter the statistical amount in square yards, the system converts that amount to square feet automatically, a system message confirms it, and the journal line stores the amount in square feet.

You can use one of two methods to implement statistics:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Depending on how you want to perform statistical accounting, you must define:

See Also

Understanding Ledgers

Entering Units of Measure

Defining a Detail Ledger

Defining and Using ChartFields

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStatistical Ledger and Accounts Method

Define a separate ledger to track only statistical data to segregate the statistical information from actual, budget, or other types of monetary information by ledger. To define a statistical ledger, you define a new ledger as you would any other ledger and only post statistical amounts to that ledger. If you use this method, you must use statistical accounts in your journal entries.

Define a statistical account and associate it with a unit of measure. For example, the Workstations statistical account uses EA. (each) as a generic unit of measure. The Floor Space statistical account might use SQ. (square feet), while the Work Days account would use DAY (days).

You enter two separate journal entries to accommodate the statistical monetary amount of a transaction. For example, if you purchase 100 workstations, the journal entry that records the purchase includes a line for the statistical entry (100 workstations) and an additional journal entry to record the monetary amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStatistics Code Method

An alternate way to track statistical amounts is by using statistics codes. This eliminates the need to enter an additional journal entry when there are statistics associated with the transaction. This is because you associate a statistics code with a monetary account. As with other ChartFields, there is a table of valid statistics codes that you can add or update on the Statistics Codes page. These can include items such as floor space, full-time equivalent workdays, shipment size, or generic units.

You create a journal entry where you enter the statistics on the same journal line as the corresponding monetary entry.

For example, using this method, a journal line that records the charge-back of rent expense to an individual department can include the dollar amount of the rent to be charged and the amount of floor space used to determine the charge all on one line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Statistical Budgets

The budget processor follows the rules for statistical budgets when the 'Enable Statistical Budgeting' check box is selected on the budget definition just as it does other types of budgets.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up for Journal Entries Using Statistics

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up for Journal Entries Using Statistics

Page Name

Object Name



Units of Measure


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Units of Measure, Units of Measure

Set up codes and descriptions for units of measure.



Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Account

Identify the account ChartField values that you want to use as statistical accounts.

Statistics Code


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Statistics Code

Set up statistics code ChartField values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up for Journal Entries Using Statistical Accounts

To set up for journal entries using statistical accounts:

  1. Set up the Unit of Measure (UOM) values (or select one that you want to associate with selected account ChartField values).

    Note. The data delivered with PeopleSoft products contains many UOM values.

  2. Select the Statistical Accounting check box and a UOM value on the ChartField Value - Account page for accounts in which you want to track statistical values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up for Journal Entries Using Statistics Codes

To set up for journal entries using statistics codes:

  1. Set up the Unit of Measure (UOM) values (or select one that you want to associate with selected account ChartField values).

    Note. The data delivered with PeopleSoft products contains many UOM values.

  2. On the Statistics Code page, add the statistics codes ChartFields that you want to use to track your data.

See Entering Units of Measure.

See Adding Statistics Code Values.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Statistical Journal Entries Using Statistics

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Statistical Journal Entries

Page Name

Object Name



Create Journal Entries - Lines


General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create Journal Entries, Lines

Record both monetary and statistical debit and credit amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Statistical Journal Entries Using Statistical Accounts

A ledger group of at least 2 ledgers is required in the following scenario. One ledger is dedicated to monetary entries, and the other ledger dedicated to statistical entries.

  1. Access the Create Journal Entries - Lines page.

  2. To debit and credit the statistical account ChartFields, enter the amount based on the UOM that you set up for the account ChartField.

  3. Create a second journal entry for the monetary accounts and amounts associated with the previous statistical journal entry.

  4. When you process these journal entries, the statistical data is posted in the statistical ledger associated with the business unit and the monetary amounts are posted to the appropriate monetary ledgers associated with the business unit.

When you create the journal entry using the statistical ledger and statistical account ChartFields, enter the information for the following fields on the journal line applies:

Stat (statistic)

This field is not available for entry. It is only enabled when using the statistic code method.

Stat Amt (statistical amount)

Enter the total number of units that are involved in the transaction.

UOM (unit of measure)

The unit of measure automatically appears based on the unit of measure that you select when you set up the statistical account ChartField.

See Making General Ledger Journal Entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Statistical Journal Entries Using Statistics Codes

Access the Create Journal Entries - Lines page.

Enter the data for this journal line, including monetary data, and use the following information to select a statistics code and its relevant data.

Stat (statistic)

Select a code.

Stat Amt (statistical amount)

Enter the total number of units that are involved in the transaction.

UOM (unit of measure)

The unit of measure automatically appears based on the selected statistics code.

See Also

Creating Journal Entries