Running Matching

This chapter provides an overview of matching and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Matching

PeopleSoft eSettlements uses the PeopleSoft Payables Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH) to compare invoices with purchase orders and receipts to ensure that you are paying for what you ordered and received.

If buyers subscribe to notification for match exceptions, email notifications notify users that there are invoice exceptions. Depending upon the email subscription specified, suppliers may also receive email notifications indicating that invoices have match exceptions. These exceptions can either be partially or entirely overridden, the invoice can be placed on hold, or the exceptions can be left unchanged for future resolution. If the exceptions are overridden, the buyer is effectively agreeing to the discrepancies and the invoice then passes on to approval. If the invoice is placed on hold, the supplier receives email notification that an invoice is on hold and requires attention. If the exceptions are left unchanged, no notifications are sent and the invoice does not pass on to approval.

Note. Only users with match exception override capabilities on their user profiles can override exceptions.

Buyer Direct Model

In the Buyer Direct model you specify the match rule control to be used in the Matching process—and create purchase orders—in PeopleSoft Purchasing. Then, when setting up agreements, the system does not retrieve purchase order matching terms from the agreement level. Rather, if a match rule control ID exists for the particular supplier (vendor), the system obtains purchase order matching terms from the supplier. If no match rule control ID exists for the particular supplier, the system obtains the matching terms from the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit for the purchase order.

If you select the Standard Vouchers Allowed check box on the Review Agreement Details - Buyer page, invoices are not required to be associated with a purchase order. Use the standard voucher flag to control whether a purchase order is associated with an invoice or not. Whether matching is required depends on the values specified on the purchase order.

Business Service Provider Model

In the Business Service Provider model the system interfaces buyer purchase orders and receipts electronically, comparing them to invoices from suppliers. Receipts can also be entered online. Suppliers also submit invoices electronically or enter the information online.

Purchase orders, receipts, and invoices are compared according to the specifications on the agreement, tolerances defined at the item category level, and the match rules. Match exceptions are routed to those users and roles set up to receive match exception notification, either at the buyer registration level, or at the agreement level if the exceptions have been overridden at this level.

You specify the match rule control ID at the buyer registration level and at the agreement level. When a purchase order is used, the system looks to the match rule control ID at the agreement level. The match rule control ID at the buyer registration level populates by default on the agreement, and you can also change it there.

If you select the Standard Vouchers Allowed check box on the Review Agreement Details - Buyer page, invoices are not required to be associated with a purchase order. If you select the Requires Matching check box and an associated Match Rule on the Review Buyer Details - Notifications and Approvals page, invoices go through the Matching process if they are associated with a purchase order.

Here's how matching applies in the Business Service Provider model at the agreement level, depending on your selections on the Review Buyer Details - Notifications and Approvals page, and the Review Agreement Details - Buyer page:

See Also

Administering Self-Service Security and Creating New Users

Defining Processing Options

Creating Buyers

Initiating Agreements

Understanding the Matching Process


Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Matching and Notification Processes

Once the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD) has successfully completed and vouchers exist, the next step is to run the Matching process.

During implementation, at the installation level, if you select the eSettlements Matching Process check box on the eSettlements page, the invoices must be matched and approved separately, and only invoices with a match status of Matched or Not Applicable pass on to approval.

If you do not select this check box, the Matching process automatically approves invoices that are matched, eliminating the need to approve invoices separately.

The users and role types that receive email notifications are those set up at the agreement level. If you specify using the notification defaults at the agreement level, the system uses the users and role types from the buyer setID level.

Once you have successfully loaded purchase orders, receipts, and invoices into the appropriate tables, and have run the Voucher Build process followed by the Voucher Creation Notification Application Engine process (EM_VCHR_CRT), run the following processes to move the vouchers through the remaining steps:

  1. Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH).

  2. Voucher Match Error Notification Application Engine process (EM_VOMTCH_AE).

This section discusses how to generate match exception email notifications.

See Also

Specifying Buyer Notifications

Initiating the Matching Application Engine Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Matching and Notification Processes

Page Name

Object Name



Match Request


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, Matching, Match Request

Define the run control for the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH).

See Running the Matching Process in Batch.

Process Workflow - Run Control Parameters


eSettlements, Batch Processes, Process Workflow, Process Workflow - Run Control Parameters

Select the appropriate run control ID and the Voucher Match Error Notification Application Engine process (EM_VOMTCH_AE) to trigger email notifications for match exceptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Match Exception Email Notifications

Access the Process Workflow - Run Control Parameters page.

Specify a run control ID and click the Run button.

Process List

Match Exception Notification

Select this check box and click OK to generate email notification to the buyer or the supplier, or to both.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Matches and Match Exceptions

The Voucher Match Error Notification process generates a list of invoices containing match errors for buyers and suppliers. If an invoice is not successfully matched, exceptions are presented to buyers who have access to the invoice, who can then override, place on hold, or leave the invoice unchanged. Only users who have been set up to override match exceptions at the user preferences level can override exceptions; all other approvers can review only. Invoice lines that contain match exceptions are presented to the respective line approvers for review as well. Users can override match exceptions if they are set up to do so on their user preferences.

In addition to match exception notifications, you can access matches and match exceptions from the following pages:

This section lists the pages used to manage matches and match exceptions.

See Also

Managing Matches and Match Exceptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Matches and Match Exceptions

Note. Security controls access to inquiry pages.

Page Name

Object Name



Review Match Exceptions - Inquiry


eSettlements, Buyer Dashboard

Click the Review Exceptions link on the Buyer Dashboard page.

View a list of invoices that have match exceptions. Pages accessible from this page enable you to override exceptions and view dispute details.

See Managing Disputes During Matching.

Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry


eSettlements, Invoices, Review Invoices, Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry

View invoice activity details. You access various inquiry pages depending on the View that you select.

See Reviewing Invoice Activity.

Matched Vouchers


Click the Matched button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page, the Review Invoices - Invoice Lines and Distributions page, or the Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page.

If the match type is Auto - Matched the Matched button takes you to the Matched Vouchers page.

View match information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Reviewing Matches.

Match Exception Workbench Details


  • Click the Invoice ID link on the Review Match Exceptions - Inquiry page.

  • Click the Exceptions Exist button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page, the Review Invoices - Invoice Lines and Distributions page, or the Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page.

View match information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts. You can override exceptions, correct errors, put vouchers on a match hold, and initiate the Matching process.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Reviewing Match Exceptions.

Match Overridden Workbench Details


Click the Overridden button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page, the Review Invoices - Invoice Lines and Distributions page, or the Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page.

View match override information for associated vouchers, purchase orders, and receipts. You can indicate an override reason and initiate the Matching process.

Note. The voucher displayed on the Match Overridden Workbench Details page (AP_MTCH_WB_OVRD) has not gone through the Matching process.

In the Buyer Direct model you can use the Review Match Exceptions component in PeopleSoft eSettlements to override exceptions. To undo a matched voucher you must use the Match Workbench.

In the Business Service Provider model you can use the Review Match Exceptions component in PeopleSoft eSettlements to override an exception. However, to undo a matched voucher you must use the Match Workbench in PeopleSoft Payables.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

See Reviewing Overridden Match Exceptions.

Match Overridden Workbench Details


Click the Matched button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page, the Review Invoices - Invoice Lines and Distributions page, or the Review Payment Installments - Inquiry page.

If the match type is Matched With Override, Matched with Debit Memo, or Matched with Credit Note, the Matched button takes you to the Match Overridden Workbench Details page.

View information for vouchers matched with overrides, debit memos, or credit notes.

Note. The voucher displayed on the Match Overridden Workbench Details page (AP_MTCH_WB_MOVRD) has gone through the Matching process.

See Reviewing Overridden Match Exceptions.

Review Invoices - Review Invoice Disputes


Click the Dispute button on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page.

Review, place an invoice on hold, take an invoice off hold, and enter comments.

See Reviewing, Initiating, and Resolving Invoice Disputes.

Review Match Exceptions - Review Invoice Disputes


Click the Invoice ID link on the Review Match Exceptions - Inquiry page.

Click the Set Hold Payment Actions link on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

Review and resolve disputes on invoices.

See Reviewing, Initiating, and Resolving Invoice Disputes.

Header Match Rules


Click the Header Match Rules link on the Matched Vouchers page.

View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

Header Match Rules


Click the Header Match Rules link on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

Header Match Rules


Click the Header Match Rules link on the Match Overridden Workbench Details page.

View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

Header Match Rules


Click the Header Match Rules link on the Match Overridden Workbench Details page.

View all the header match rules applied to the voucher. Also view voucher, purchase order, and receiver information associated with each header match rule.

Match Exception Workbench Summary


Click the Match Exception Summary link on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

View all invoice line errors.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

Match Override Workbench Summary


Click the Match Override Summary link on the Match Overridden Workbench Details page.

View voucher information for match exceptions that are overridden. Also view the match rule ID, match rule, and the override reason associated with the match exception.

To use this page, you must have overridden match exceptions on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

Match Rule Details


Click the Details button on the Matched Vouchers page, the Match Exception Workbench Details page, or the Match Overridden Workbench Details page.

Displays the full description of the match rule.

Associated Document Information


Click the Document Details link on the Matched Vouchers page, the Match Exceptions Workbench Details page, or the Match Overridden Workbench Details page.

View voucher, purchase order, and receiver attributes for all lines.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.

Associated Document Information


Click the Line Document Details link on the Matched Vouchers page, the Match Exceptions Workbench Details page, or the Match Overridden Workbench Details page.

View voucher, purchase order, and receiver attributes for a specific line.

Note. Field labels may be different for PeopleSoft eSettlements than for PeopleSoft Payables. Examples include a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is a PeopleSoft eSettlements buyer and a PeopleSoft Payables vendor is a PeopleSoft eSettlements supplier.