Managing Cash Collections

This chapter provides an overview of the cash collections feature available in the Business Service Provider model and discusses how to:

Note. The cash collections feature is not available in the Buyer Direct model.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cash Collections

The cash collections feature enables suppliers to send late payment emails and follow-up reminders to buyers that have past due invoices. To use this feature, you must set up a cash collection notification for the supplier and define the number of days that can elapse before the system sends the first dunning letter and the reminder dunning letter to the buying organization.

If an invoice line status is Disputed Invoice Line, the system sends dunning letters until the issue is resolved. If one invoice line is disputed on the same day by multiple users, the system attaches internal date/time stamps to each dispute to ensure correct processing when you use the Notify Later Application Engine process (EM_NOTIFLATR).

If the system administrator did not enable cash collections at the supplier location level, cash collections is not be available at the agreement level.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Cash Collections

The system administrator sets up cash collections at the supplier setID level. These can be overridden by the supplier administrator at the location and at the agreement level.

To set up cash collections, use the following components:

This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Define Supplier Notifications - Define Notification Types


eSettlements, Administration, Define Supplier Notifications, Define Supplier Notifications - Define Notification Types

The supplier administrator views and overrides the email notifications set up by the system administrator at the setID level.

Review Agreement Details - Supplier Notifications


eSettlements, Supplier Information, Review Agreement Details, Review Agreement Details - Inquiry

Click a link in the Buyer column on the Review Agreement Details - Inquiry page.

The supplier administrator overrides parameters for cash collections notifications.

Review Supplier Details - Define Notification Types


eSettlements, Supplier Information, Review Supplier Details, Review Supplier Details - Existing Suppliers

Click a link in the Supplier column on the Review Supplier Details - Existing Suppliers page.

Click the Notifications button on the Review Supplier Details - Locations page.

The supplier administrator overrides parameters of cash collections notifications for existing suppliers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Cash Collection Notifications

Access the Define Supplier Notifications - Define Notification Types page.

The supplier administrator accepts the roles that display here and that were previously defined for the supplier organization by the system administrator—at the setID level or the supplier location level—or can override them by specifying the To/cc and Recipient column selections.

On some of the notification types you can also specify the available Late Payment Days and Days Before Sending Reminder values.

See Also

Specifying Supplier Location Notifications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Cash Collection Notification Parameters

Access the Review Agreement Details - Supplier Notifications page.

In the cash collections Enter Routings grid, enter the information for all the buyers to which you want to send notifications. You can also copy supplier users on the dunning letters.

Specify Overrides

Click this button to override notification parameters. You can override the values specified by the system administrator at the setID level.

Cash Collections

Select to enable cash collections. Only the system administrator can enable cash collections during supplier notification setup. The supplier administrator can then override the late days, reminder days, and roles and user IDs that the system administrator specified.

To/cc (to or carbon copy)

Select one to specify whether the recipient is the primary or secondary audience for the notifications.


Select Role or User ID to define routing.


Enter a role name or user ID to receive the notification.

Late Payment Days

Enter the number of days after the due date the supplier wishes to send a payment reminder email.

Days Before Sending Reminder

Enter the number of days after the first reminder that a second email is sent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Supplier Location Notification Parameters

Access the Review Supplier Details - Define Notification Types page.

Specify Overrides

Click this button to alter the parameters of the various notifications for the supplier location.

Restore Defaults

Click this button to restore the default parameters of the various notifications.

Note. Only the system administrator can select this button at the supplier location level; the supplier administrator cannot.

However, at the agreement level the supplier administrator can specify overrides and restore defaults.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Cash Collections

This section provides an overview of cash collections processing and lists the page used to run the cash collections process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cash Collections Processing

The Cash Collections Notification Application Engine process (EM_CCEMAILAE) can be run on demand or scheduled to run regularly. This process selects all invoices that have not been paid and have exceeded their payment due date by the number of late payment days, and selects any invoices that still remain outstanding beyond the late payment days and the reminder days. It selects all past due invoices for suppliers that specified cash collections notifications be sent, and generates an email to each buyer role and user ID whose account is delinquent. The system references those roles and user IDs defined in the notification setup. The system also tracks these emails to ensure the same notice is not sent twice.

The system administrator runs or schedules the process to generate payment reminder emails. Notifications are sent to the buyer and supplier roles and user IDs specified on the notification setup.

The process uses specific criteria to select invoices requiring dunning emails. All of the following criteria must be true for each notification, respectively:

Email Notification Type


Late Payment

  • Invoice has not been paid.

  • Invoice is not in error.

  • Invoice match status is M (matched) or N (not applicable).

  • No holds exist against invoice payments.

  • The payment due date is earlier than—or the same as—the current date less the value of the Late Payment Days specified for the cash collections notification type on the Define Supplier Notifications - Define Notification Types page.

  • Payment is not External type.


  • Late payment email was sent.

  • Invoice has not been paid.

  • Invoice is not in error.

  • Invoice match status is M (matched) or N (not applicable).

  • No holds exist against invoice payments.

  • The payment due date is earlier than—or the same as—the current date less the Days Before Sending Reminder value defined for the cash collections notification type on the Define Supplier Notifications - Define Notification Types page.

  • No payment has been made.

  • Payment is not External type.

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Process Workflow - Run Control Parameters


eSettlements, Batch Processes, Process Workflow, Process Workflow - Run Control Parameters

Run the Cash Collections Notification Application Engine process (EM_CCEMAILAE) to generate and send payment reminder emails to buyers.