Setting Up Services Forecasting

This chapter provides an overview of the Services Forecasting feature and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Services Forecasting

This section lists prerequisites and provides an overview of:

Note. The forecasts in this chapter refer to only the Services Forecasting feature, not the Estimate at Completion forecast.


Ensure that you have met these prerequisites before you use the Services Forecasting feature:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBusiness Units in Services Forecasting

The Services Forecasting feature uses these business units:

The relationship between GL business units and HR business units is defined in the HR Business Unit record (BUS_UNIT_TBL_HR), which is keyed by the Business Unit field (BUSINESS_UNIT). HR business units that are associated with employees are maintained in the Job record (JOB).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForecasting Roles and Security

To provide the Services Forecasting feature users with access to application functions that are essential to performing their job tasks, you create roles and assign them to individual user profiles. Inherent in each role is access to the application pages and processes that are required to perform the job tasks. Setting up user access requires that you understand shared data and access to PeopleSoft applications.

This section discusses:

Permission Lists

The Services Forecasting feature comes with preconfigured permission lists that grant access to various pages. These permission lists support the functional roles that are delivered with the application. You can modify the permission lists to grant or revoke access to certain pages, web libraries, components, and other objects as necessary to support an organization's unique roles. To modify the access for a user's role, you modify a permission list that is linked to the role.

Important! If you modify a permission list, you change the access for all users who are assigned to roles that are assigned to the permission list.

The permission lists that begin with EPEX, EPRS, EPPC, and EPPG are associated with PeopleSoft Expenses, Resource Management, Project Costing, and Program Management, respectively. Because users of these applications are likely to use the Services Forecasting feature, PeopleSoft updated the appropriate existing permission lists to include Services Forecasting pages instead of creating new permission lists.

The following table lists the delivered permission lists that provide access to the Services Forecasting feature, the purpose of each permission list in Services Forecasting, and the roles that are associated with each permission list:

Permission List





Setup Financials/Supply Chain

Enables administrators to establish business rules for the Services Forecasting feature.

Application Administrator


Travel and Expense Employee

Provides employees access to enter forecast hours and actual hours.

Employees who log time


Manager - Time

Provides managers access to approve forecast time and actual time that is entered by an employee.

Expense Manager


Project Manager - Time

Provides access to approve and modify forecast hours and actual hours against specific projects.

Project Manager, Time Report Project Mgr Appr.


Travel & Expense Auditor

Enables auditors and administrators to enter, review, update, and submit forecasts on behalf of any employee or manager.

Expenses Auditors, Time and Expense Administrator


Project/Activity Team

Provides access to update and approve forecast hours for project team members.

Resource Manager, Project Manager, Practice Manager


RS Worker

Enables resources to enter, review, update, and submit forecasts.



RS Worker Manager

Enables managers to enter, review, update, and submit forecasts for their resources.

Resource Manager, Practice Manager

Row-Level Security

PeopleSoft provides row-level security to enable individual users or permission lists to have access to a table without having access to all rows on that table. This type of security is typically applied to tables that hold sensitive data. The Services Forecasting feature uses row-level security in three ways:

Note. Row-level security does not restrict the data that is selected by batch processes.

Other Security Features

Other security mechanisms in the Services Forecasting feature include:

User Profiles and Roles

The user must meet these requirements to access pages in the Services Forecasting feature:

The Services Forecasting feature comes with several preconfigured roles based on functional tasks that are typically performed by an individual assigned to that role. Each preconfigured role comes with access to the set of pages within the application that corresponds to the functional tasks of that role. For example, employees can enter and submit their own forecasts and project managers can modify and approve forecasted hours only for projects for which they are designated as the project manager.

User profiles define individual PeopleSoft users. After you create user roles, create user IDs and link them to roles. The values for a user's page access and authorized actions, such as add, update, or review, are inherited from the associated roles.

This table lists the sample security roles that the Services Forecasting feature provides, the role descriptions, and the permission lists that must be associated with each role to use the full functionality of the Services Forecasting feature:




Related Services Forecasting Permission Lists



Manages system security; specifies installation and business unit options; administers batch processes; grants authorized user access.


Application Administrator

Sample - App Administrator

Establishes and maintains business rules for various PeopleSoft Financials and PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management applications.



Sample - Employee

Enters own forecast of project hours and personal hours.


Expense Manager

Sample - Expense Manager

Ensures the submission of forecast time by employees who are direct reports. Approves actual time, expense, and travel authorizations for these employees.




Enters own forecast of project hours and personal hours.


Resource Manager or Practice Manager

Resource Manager or Practice Manager

Ensures that resources submit forecasts by deadlines. Manages resource utilization; views and modifies resource schedules and profiles; approves assignments; submits recommendations for resources.



Project Manager

Project Manager

Ensures accurate project forecasts and has the authority to modify and approve all hours forecasted for a project.



Time and Expense Administrator, EX_AUDITOR

Sample - Time/Expense Admin, Expenses Auditors

Enters, monitors, and approves forecast time and actual time and expense for employees, supervisors, and project managers who either have not complied with the process or need assistance. Ensures that processes of submitting forecast and actual data proceed smoothly.



Time Report Project Mgr Appr.

Approves and manages time and expense that are charged to a project against budget targets. Updates and approves forecasts of hours against a project.


See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForecast Configuration Options

Before using the forecast collection tool you must configure certain forecast-related settings. You can establish different forecast configurations for each setID. Consider the following points:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProject Forecast Options

You can establish forecast default settings for all new projects at the project business unit level. You can later override the settings at the individual project level. To set the forecast defaults, you can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTRCs and Task Categories

You can map nonassignment task categories in PeopleSoft Resource Management to the TRCs that are used in the Services Forecasting feature. This mapping enables the forecast prepopulation process to load resource forecasts with appointments from their resource schedules in PeopleSoft Resource Management. The forecast prepopulation process does not include nonassignment time for which no task category to TRC mapping exists, and it does not include project assignment time to which no project has been associated.

Time that is associated with a resource's assignment loads to the forecast without having its task category mapped to a TRC, as long as the assignment is associated with a project.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForecast Control

The Establish Control Application Engine process (FC_CTRL_LOAD) creates the current forecast iteration for all, one, or specified GL business units. You create a forecast iteration for each business unit according to the rules identified on the Forecast Configuration page and Program Management Options page. You cannot create more than one current forecast iteration for a single GL business unit.

The Establish Control process closes the previous forecast horizon and creates a new forecast horizon beginning with the next available start date. For example, if you configure biweekly forecasts to begin on a Saturday, the Establish Control process creates a two-week forecast horizon that begins on the first Saturday following the end date of the previous forecast horizon.

This process must be completed for each forecast iteration, or you cannot enter a forecast. You can establish forecast control for the next forecast iteration anytime after the start date of the previous forecast horizon and before the start date of the next forecast horizon.

After you establish forecast control for the current forecast iteration, you can prepopulate the forecast for its forecast horizon and update, review, and submit the forecast.

Note. If you need to change the forecast frequency, such as from weekly to biweekly, you must first delete the current forecast data on the Forecast Horizon Control record (FC_CTRL_TBL) and make sure no resources are associated with the current forecast iteration. Then run the Establish Control process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForecast Prepopulation

This section discusses:

Forecast Prepopulation Data Sources

The Services Forecasting feature prepopulates a resource forecast from these data sources, if available:

You can prepopulate forecasts from the prior forecast or resource schedules in PeopleSoft Resource Management using the Populate Time Application Engine process (FC_HRS_LOAD) at the beginning of each iteration for all, one, or selected GL business units for which forecast time is collected. If you select both options, the system loads data from the previous forecast horizon into the current forecast iteration for all horizon periods except for the last one, and it loads project and personal time hours in the last horizon period for resources that are managed by PeopleSoft Resource Management.

If a resource has assignments in the PeopleSoft Resource Management resource schedule that fall within the current forecast horizon, or, if the resource has a forecast in the prior forecast horizon, the batch process creates a forecast for the resource for use in the current iteration of forecast time collection. For resources who either do not submit a forecast or whose last submission did not contain projects, the batch process does not create a forecast.

If you run the Populate Time process at the beginning of the forecast iteration and the forecasts become out of date, you can rerun the batch process to update and override the forecasts later in the forecast time collection iteration for forecasts that are not protected or submitted.

Important! The project end date that is specified in PeopleSoft Program Management does not control the completion date of the project in the Services Forecasting feature. If a resource's project hours load to the forecast beyond the project end date that is specified in PeopleSoft Program Management, the completion date in the forecast is set equal to the last date on which hours load.

Forecast Prepopulation Without PeopleSoft Resource Management

If PeopleSoft Resource Management is not installed, the Populate Time process uses the prior period forecast (if one is available for the resource) to prepopulate the current forecast. A resource's forecast is not prepopulated if no prior period forecast exists for the resource.

The Forecast Time process adheres to these business rules when prepopulating a forecast for resources who are not established as active resources in PeopleSoft Resource Management:

Forecast Prepopulation With PeopleSoft Resource Management

If a forecast for the most recent prior horizon exists for a resource in any status, the Populate Time process loads the current forecast with a combination of data from the prior forecast and the resource schedule in PeopleSoft Resource Management. The prior forecast data loads into the horizon periods that overlap from the last forecast horizon, and the PeopleSoft Resource Management schedule data loads into the newest horizon period.

If a forecast for the most recent prior horizon does not exist for a resource, the entire resource schedule is loaded from PeopleSoft Resource Management for scheduled entries with an end date that is greater than or equal to the forecast beginning date. Historical days of an assignment that occur before the forecast beginning date do not load to the forecast.

If an assignment appeared on a resource schedule during the prior forecast horizon, and the assignment is no longer on the resource schedule in the current forecast horizon, the project that corresponds to the assignment does not automatically load to the current forecast.

The Populate Time process adheres to these additional business rules for PeopleSoft Resource Management resources:

Loading Company Holidays

The system uses this logic to load company holidays into a new forecast:

The Populate Time process checks the resource's holiday schedule (HOLIDAY_SCHEDULE) in the Job record, finds the holidays that corresponds to the holiday schedule in the Holiday Date record, and loads company holiday hours to the horizon period. If no holidays for a holiday schedule are found in the Holiday Date record on or after the current date (indicating that the organization did not load company holidays into this HR record), the company holidays are loaded from the PeopleSoft Financials Business Calendar record that is associated with the resource's GL business unit.

Project hours that are allocated with a period that includes a company holiday are distributed to the period evenly on the days that are not company holidays. For example, if a resource normally works a five-day work week and there are 40 project hours to allocate in a week that has only four work days (due to a company holiday), the 40 hours are distributed as four 10-hour days.

Unlike a project, a resource schedule has no specific start and end dates. For this reason, personal time loads only to horizon periods that are included in the current forecast. Personal time does not load to the Remaining Effort field.

Click to jump to parent topicGranting Security Access to Forecasts

For purposes of reviewing, modifying and approving forecasts, you can grant security access to any employee ID to act on behalf of another user ID. This security controls a user's access to the Review Forecasted Time (supervisor review) page and Review Forecast by Project (project manager review) page.

This section discusses how to grant security access to forecasts.

Note. This section is required. You must grant security access before you can use the Services Forecasting feature.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Grant Security Access to Forecasts

Page Name

Object Name



Authorize Users


Travel and Expenses, Manage Expenses Security, Authorize Expense Users

Authorize access to employees to the forecast collection pages for themselves and on behalf of other employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuthorizing Access to Forecasts

Access the Authorize Users page.

Access the page with the employee ID or name of the employee whose authority is shared with another user.

Authorized User ID

Select a user ID to grant the ability to enter forecasts on behalf of the employee. You can authorize more than one user ID for an employee.

For each employee that is required to submit a forecast, you must authorize the employee's user ID with the employee. This grants employees permission to access their own forecasts.

By authorizing users on this page to act on behalf of another user, you can give the administrator access to act on behalf of supervisors and project managers. For example, if you authorize an administrator to act on behalf of an employee who is a supervisor of a department of five resources, the administrator can access the forecasts of those five resources on the Review Forecasted Time page. Alternatively, if you authorize the administrator to act on behalf of a project manager, the administrator can access on the Review Forecasts by Project page the projects and project team members for which that project manager is specified as the project manager.

Note. Authorizing a user to act on behalf of another user with a different role does not automatically assign the authorized user to another role. If the users are associated with different roles, make sure that the authorized user has access to the required pages.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Forecasts

To configure forecasts, use the Forecast Configuration component (BUS_UNIT_OPT_FC).

Before using the forecast collection tool, you must define certain settings at the general ledger (GL) business unit level. These settings are keyed by setID so that they can be shared by multiple business units.

This section discusses how to configure forecasts.

Note. This section is required. You must configure forecast time periods before you can use the Services Forecasting feature.

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Page Name

Object Name



Forecast Configuration


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Program Management, Forecasting, Forecasting Options, Forecast Configuration

Define forecast collection options at the setID level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Forecast Time Periods

Access the Forecast Configuration page.

Forecast Frequency

Select how frequently you want to estimate and collect forecasts. Options are: Weekly, Biweekly, Semimonthly, Monthly, and Quarterly. The selection determines how frequently forecasts are updated and controls how the horizon periods appear on the Forecast Time - Summary page and Forecast Time - Forecast by Period page.

Forecast Horizon

Enter the number of horizon periods to include in each forecast horizon. This determines the number of periods for which the resource must report a detailed forecast in each forecast time collection iteration.

The maximum number of horizon periods is 13.

Ending Day of Period

For weekly or biweekly forecast frequencies, specify the day of the week that the horizon period ends so that the system knows when to begin the next horizon period.

This field is required only for weekly or biweekly forecast frequencies and is not used for all other forecast frequencies.

Note. If PeopleSoft Expenses is installed, the Forecast Frequency and Ending Day of Period settings should match the time reporting options in PeopleSoft Expenses. For example, if expense periods end on Saturday, horizon periods should also end on Saturday. This enables users to report actual time and forecast time on the same schedule, which makes it easier to compare and analyze the information.

Allow History Adds/Updates

Select to enable resources or their supervisors to create and submit forecasts for past forecast iterations, and to enable resources to change or submit a pending forecast that was never submitted.

Note. Even if you allow history adds and updates, you cannot modify submitted forecasts from prior forecast iterations. The purpose of history adds and updates is primarily to enable users to submit prior forecasts if they forgot to submit one or want to correct one that is not yet submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Services Forecast Options

You can specify default settings at the project business unit level for all new projects. These settings can be overridden later at the individual project level.

This section discusses how to:

Note. This section is optional. If you want to accept the forecast option default values that appear on the Program Management Options page, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section. You can continue to the next step in the implementation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define PeopleSoft Program Management Forecast Options

Page Name

Object Name



Program Management Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Program Management, Business Unit Options, Program Management Options

Specify default values at the project business unit level for automatic forecast approval, forecast level, and standard rate.

Program Management


Program Management, Project Definitions, General Information, Program Management

Override automatic forecast approval, standard rate, and forecast-level default settings that are defined at the project business unit level for an individual project.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Business Unit Forecast Options

Access the Program Management Options page.

Forecast Capture Group Box

Automatic Forecast Approval

Select this option to indicate that the project manager does not have to approve the forecasts to make them accessible to the PeopleSoft Program Management application. Clear the option to indicate that approval is required on the Review Forecast by Project page before the forecasts can be used.

The default value is No (check box cleared).

Note. Forecast data is available for utilization interactive reports and ESA Portal Pack pagelets, with or without approval.

Forecast Level

Select Project (project) or Project/Activity (activity) as the level of forecasting to occur.

The default value is Project/Activity.

Warning! If you select Project, the activity is not required when you enter a forecast. This affects the organization's ability to report forecasts at the activity level.

Standard Rate

Select Resource (employee), Job Code (job code), or Role (project role) to determine how the system looks up the standard rate per hour per resource. This rate is used to calculate costs and revenue.

The default value is Role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Forecast Options at the Project Level

Access the Program Management page.

On this page you can override for an individual project the Automatic Forecast Approval, Standard Rate, and Forecast Level default settings that are established at the project business unit level on the Program Management Options page.

See Also

Defining Program and Project Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up TRCs and Mapping Task Categories

This section discusses how to:

Note. If you are using PeopleSoft Resource Management with the Services Forecasting feature, you must map the task categories that are used in PeopleSoft Resource Management to the TRCs used in the Services Forecasting feature for personal or policy time that is not associated with projects and activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up TRCs and Map Task Categories

Page Name

Object Name



Time Reporting Code


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Expenses, Management, Time Reporting Codes, Time Reporting Code

View or create TRCs to classify personal hours.

Task Categories


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Calendar, Setup Task Categories, Task Categories

Assign each task category to one TRC per setID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up TRCs

Access the Time Reporting Code page.

Note. You must set up TRCs if you want to forecast personal time. TRCs are not used to forecast project time.

Enter a time reporting code and description. Indicate whether it is used for business holidays.

Important! Select only one TRC to use for business holidays.

See Also

Setting Up Time Reporting Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping TRCs to Task Categories

Access the Task Categories page.

Note. This section is optional. If you are not using PeopleSoft Resource Management to prepopulate forecasts, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

Use this page to map task categories in PeopleSoft Resource Management to the TRCs that are used in the Services Forecasting feature if you are using PeopleSoft Resource Management to prepopulate forecasts.

Important! You must configure forecast time periods before you map task categories to TRCs.

See Also

Defining Task Categories and Mapping to TRCs

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Forecast Control

To establish forecast control, use the Run Forecast Control component (RUN_FC_CNTL).

This section discusses how to run the Establish Control Application Engine process (FC_CTRL_LOAD).

Important! This section is required. You must complete the Establish Control process every time that you want to create a current forecast iteration by either running it manually or scheduling it by using the Process Scheduler. Otherwise, you cannot enter a forecast.

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Establish Control


Program Management, Forecasting, Establish Control, Establish Control

Establish a current forecast iteration for one or more GL business units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Forecast Control for Business Units

Access the Establish Control page.

Use this page to run the Establish Control process to create the current forecast iteration. You can create a recurring instance of this process that runs at an interval that corresponds to your for the frequency, which eliminates the need to run this process manually each time that you want to establish a new forecast iteration. For example, if all business units submit monthly forecasts, schedule the process to run monthly to create a new forecast iteration automatically for all business units each month. You can also group business units by time zone to schedule the process to run at a time of day that is sensible for the majority of users in a region.

Note. Group the Establish Control process with the Administer Cache Application Engine process (FC_CACHE_AD) in the same job and schedule the Administer Cache process to occur immediately following the completion of the Establish Control process.

Select All

Select this option to create forecasts for all GL business units.

GL Business Unit (general ledger business unit)

Alternatively, if you do not select the Select All option above, specify one or more business units for which you want to create forecasts.

Note. If the GL business unit prompt does not return any values, confirm that you have configured the forecast for the setID that is associated with the GL business unit.


Save the run control and click Run for the Establish Control process to create a forecast for each specified business unit according to the rules that are identified on the Forecast Configuration and Program Management Options pages.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicRefreshing the Forecast Cache

To refresh the forecast cache, use the Run Forecast Cache Administration component (RUN_FC_CACHE_AD).

This section discusses how to run the Administer Cache process to refresh forecast cache tables.

Note. This section is required. You must complete the Administer Cache process, by either running it manually or scheduling it by using the Process Scheduler, every time the Establish Control process completes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Refresh the Forecast Cache

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Object Name



Administer Cache


Program Management, Forecasting, Administer Cache, Administer Cache

Refresh forecasting cache tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefreshing Forecast Cache Tables

Access the Administer Cache page.

The Administer Cache process refreshes cache tables to optimize performance. Cache tables eliminate the amount of logic that the application must perform each time that it needs to identify the resources reporting to a supervisor. The Forecast Supervisor List cache table (FC_SUPR_RVW_LST) stores a list of supervisors and related forecast horizons that have associated employees. The Forecast Supervisor/Employee List cache table (FC_EE_FCST_LST) stores a list of supervisors and their current employees' job information as of the begin date of a specific forecast horizon.

Run the Administer Cache process at least once after every completion of the Establish Control process, and more frequently if supervisor changes occur frequently in the organization.

Click to jump to parent topicPrepopulating Forecasts in Batch

To prepopulate forecasts in batch, use these components:

This section discusses how to:

Note. This section is optional. If you are not prepopulating forecasts, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

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Populate Time


Program Management, Forecasting, Populate Time, Populate Time

Prepopulate forecasts by GL business unit from the prior forecast horizon and from PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Load Third Party Time


Program Management, Forecasting, Load Third Party Time, Load Third Party Time

Load forecast time from a third-party project management tool that is already loaded into the forecast staging table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrepopulating Forecasts Using Prior Forecasts or Resource Schedules

Access the Populate Time page.

Select All

Select this option to prepopulate forecast hours for all GL business units.

Load From Prior Forecast and Load Resource Management Data

The options are:

  • Select only Load From Prior Forecast for the Populate Time Application Engine process (FC_HRS_LOAD) to load data from the previous forecast horizon into the current forecast iteration for all horizon periods except the last one.

    The process calculates the hours for the last period of the forecast horizon as the number of remaining forecast hours from the prior forecast iteration minus the total number of hours in the prior forecast horizon's last horizon period.

  • Select only Load Resource Management Data for the Populate Time process to load project and personal time hours in all horizon periods for resources that are managed by PeopleSoft Resource Management.

  • Select both options for the process to load data from the previous forecast horizon into the current forecast iteration for all horizon periods except the last one, and load project and personal time hours in the last horizon period for resources that are managed by PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Select both options to take full advantage of the system's ability to prepopulate forecasts using prior forecasts and schedule data from PeopleSoft Resource Management.

GL Business Unit (general ledger business unit)

Specify one or more business units for which you want to prepopulate forecast hours. This field is available if you did not enable the Select All option.


Click Run for the Populate Time Application Engine process to populate the Forecast Time - Summary page, by resource, for the forecast horizon and rules that are defined on the Forecast Configuration and Program Management Options pages.

Important! Run the Populate Time process only after completion of the Establish Control and Administer Cache processes. Schedule all three processes in a single run control in this order: 1. Establish Control, 2. Administer Cache, and 3. Populate Time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Other Third-Party Data

Access the Load Third Party Time page.

Click Run for the Load Third-Party Data Application Engine process (PC_PC_TO_FC) to load data from a third-party project management tool after that data is loaded into the forecast staging table.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Forecast Reminder Notifications

To schedule forecast reminder notifications, use the Run Forecast Reminder component (RUN_FC_REMINDER).

In the Services Forecasting feature, you can identify employees who have not submitted the required forecasts and send them email reminders.

This section discusses how to schedule forecast reminder notifications.

Note. This section is optional. If you are not using forecast reminder options, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

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Page Name

Object Name



Email Reminder


Program Management, Forecasting, Email Reminder, Email Reminder

Send email reminders to resources who have not submitted a required forecast.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Forecast Reminders by Email

Access the Email Reminder page.

On this page, you can schedule the Email Reminder Application Engine process (FC_REMINDER) to send an email reminder to each resource in the specified GL business units who has not submitted a forecast for the current forecast iteration as of the current Run Date and Run Time on the Process Scheduler Request page.

Select all GL business units or specify them individually. Click Run to initiate or schedule the process by using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Note. The Review Forecasted Time page also includes an ad hoc email notification feature so that a reviewing manager can send a reminder or a note to the manager's own resources.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler