Searching PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office

PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office searches are performed by the Verity search engine. This chapter provides an overview of the Verity search engine and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Verity Search Engine

The Verity search engine is a third-party product that is embedded into PeopleSoft PeopleTools. The searches are not performed directly against the database but are performed by the Verity search engine against a Verity collection. The Verity collection is created based on the information contained in PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office. This collection is not updated online, but through a batch process.

The Verity search is implemented as an Application Class that receives search criteria as input and returns results in the form of resources, orders, and so on, with associated scores.

PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office uses five types of searches:

The first two of these are forward searches, meaning that they look for resources that match a certain criteria. The last three search types are reverse searches, meaning that they look for customers, contacts, and orders that match a certain criteria, typically a candidate's experience or preferences. The last three searches are combined in a single component called Opportunity Search.

The PeopleSoft product delivers a standard searching template for these search types. However, PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office customers must define their own search criteria for their organization as part of the implementation process.

To optimize searching capabilities and performance, the system extracts data from PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office records and places the data into two types of ASCII text files: BIF and DAT.

For PeopleMatch and PeopleSearch, the system can also extract information from electronic attachments such as resource resumes. However, the creation of Verity collections is slower when electronic documents are processed. To optimize performance when resume searches are needed, PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office provides a field in the Applicant and Employee components into which users can paste resume ASCII text. Using this method (instead of electronic attachments) greatly reduces Verity collection creation time. Even if users paste their resumes this way, they can still attach electronic resumes to the applicant and employee records to present them to customers.

The Search Index Creation process (FO_SRCH1_AE) captures Verity definitions (zones and fields) and generates the appropriate index files. The system applies a key to the templates according to the Verity Key field (SRCH_VERITY_CD). This key is used to identity the correct index files for the Verity search engine.

When configuring the five search types, you define the following attributes:

Note. For instructions on installing the Verity search engine with PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office, refer to the installation procedures for PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office on the PeopleSoft Customer Connection website.

Reverse Searching

Opportunity Search is a reverse search. Reverse searching consists of searching orders, customers, and contacts that would be a good match for a particular resource.

Forward Searching

PeopleMatch and PeopleSearch are forward searches. They consist of searching resources that meet a certain criteria, such as required job order and desired qualifications. Forward searches calculate both the resource qualification and preference scores. These searches can also provide resource availability information.

The choice of availability algorithm is defined in the search type configuration. For an availability algorithm to be used with a search type, the resource calendar must be current.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Verity Search Engine and Cache Administration Process

Use the pages described in this section to set up the tables and processing rules that PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office uses when running the Verity search engine processes.

You should periodically run the Cache Administration process to correct inaccuracies in the data and to reorganize the database indexes for these tables, as well as to update standings.

To set up the Verity search engine, use the Search Configuration (RS_SRCH_CONFIG) component.

To run the Verity search engine, use the Cache Administration (RS_SRCH_INDEX) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Verity Search Engine and Cache Administration Process

Page Name

Object Name



Verity Settings


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Configuration

Configure parameters for the Verity search engine.

Factor Weights


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Configuration, Factor Weights

Define the relative importance of each factor within its family.

Search Index Agent Manager page


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Index Agent Manager

View agent run status or manually start or stop an agent.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Search, Cache Administration

Specify processes to refresh cache tables and create verity collections.

Maintain Search Index


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Maintain Search Index

Capture the parameters needed to create the Verity index files.

Refresh Optimization Cache


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Refresh Optimization Cache

Recalculate and cache selected factor fit scores for all eligible resources.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Summary

Confirm the list of processes that you want to run or schedule for the future.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Verity Settings

Access the Verity Settings page.

Search Type

Displays the types of search:

  • CNTSR: Contact Search

  • CSTSR: Customer Search

  • ORDSR: Order Search

  • PLSRC: PeopleSearch

  • PMSRC: PeopleMatch

Verity Model

This is a display-only field that directs the Verity search engine to read a specific collection. All delivered searches create two sets of search collection files—collection A and collection B. When Verity collections are being created or updated, users cannot search them. Therefore, the system keeps a backup collection file to be available to users while another collection is created or updated. For PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office to add new rows into the search collection, the system alternates between collection A and collection B. When collection A is in use, all updates are done on collection B. After the updates are completed for collection B, the system automatically moves users to collection B and collection A is released. This alternating approach enables the system to add new rows into the collection without forcing users to log out.

File Settings

Enter the location of the style files in the Style Files field. The directory specified here must contain the delivered style files. The Search Style files are located in PS_HOME/Data/Search, under a folder named <search type>_Master.

Note. Verity needs to know the actual directory path and that path needs to be accessible from your process scheduler server by the user ID that runs the process scheduler.

When you select a PeopleSearch (PLSRC) or PeopleMatch (PMSRC) search type, the Resume Files field also appears, in which you can enter the location of the folder where you store your resume files. The system reads the resumes in the folder when building the Verity collection. This applies to PeopleSearch and PeopleMatch only. The resume attachment feature for applicants and employees allows applicants to attach their own resumes to PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office. The attachment process uses FTP to move the resumes from the users’ own workstations into a designated system directory. Verity needs to know the location of that system directory before it can incorporate the resume into the Search File Creation process.

Note. The applicant and employee components capture resumes both in the form of electronic document attachments and in an ACSII text field. When configuring the Verity searches for PeopleMatch and PeopleSearch, you can have the system include the attachments in the Verity collections and indexes by specifying c:\resumes, for example, in the Resume Files field. If you do decide to include electronic attachments, the creation of Verity indexes may be slower. As an alternative, leave the Resume Files field blank so that the system will only search on the resume ASCII field. You can still attach resume documents to your applicant and employee records to present them to your customers, but they will not be part of the Verity index.

Performance Settings

Define the size of your result set by entering a value in the Buffer Resultset Size (in rows) field.

Availability Method

Enter a method to that the system will use to calculate availability scores in the verity search results: Daily Summarization or No Availability Calculation.

Note. This group box appears only if you select the PeopleSearch (PLSRC) or PeopleMatch (PMSRC) search type. When Daily Summarization is selected, the system calculates the percentage of time that a resource will be available between the start and end dates specified in the Order or in the PeopleSearch component. When No Availability Calculation is selected, the system does not calculate availability scores and users may have to rely on other information such as the count of active assignments to infer whether a resource is available or not.

Search Agent Processing

The search agent accomplishes these goals:

Enable Agent

Select this check box to enable search agent processing.

Language Code

Select the language to run the agent against.

Note. If a specific language is chosen, all other languages will remain outdated until the next time those languages are selected for updating.

Maximum Number of Services

Specify how many times the application engine will go through the sleep time before rescheduling itself and ending.

Sleep Interval (secs)Sleep Interval (seconds)

Specify how often the agent will check the log for updates.

Minimum Row Threshold (rows)

Specify how many rows are needed for the application to start.

Maximum Wait Tolerance (secs)Maximum Wait Tolerance (seconds)

Specify the maximum times a row of data can wait before it is updated in the search collection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Factor Weights

Access the Factor Weights page.

Preferences and Qualifications

The Staffing Front Office search components present the results with their associated search score. The score is a weighted average of several factors. For each factor family grouping, enter the relative importance of each factor, such as Accomplishments Competency Proficiency, or Resume. Values are 0 - Not at all important, 1 - Much less important, 2 - Less important, 3 - Important, 4 - More important, or 5 - Much more important.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Records and Fields

Access the Configurable Fields page.

Sort Order

Enter a number to change the order of the fields on the page. This field controls in which order the fields are listed on the actual search page.


Enter the category to which you want to group fields.

Note. You can define views to join multiple records and use that view for the Verity index creation. You can also create views with complex joins or outer joins, but this is considered a specific customer configuration. Note that complex joins, outer joins and joins with multiple tables and views may significantly decrease the performance of the verity collection creation process.


Enter the name of the field as you want it to appear in searches.


Choose the record field to use for a default. The lookup page consists of a list of available fields, listed by the field description. If you do not select a default, the fields will remain blank when users enter the search component.

Note. This field is not available for the PeopleSearch search type. Additionally, any defaults entered for Contact Search, Customer Search, and Order Search will not display in Opportunity Search when accessed from the menu navigation.

Not all fields have defaults available. Users can enter any set value in fields that do not have predefined values.

Show In Search

Select to indicate which fields display on the search page. Selecting a given check box causes the system to include that field as a searching field. When generating the SQL to extract the raw data for the Verity collection, the fields with this check box selected are named in the SQL. When creating the Verity ASCII text files, the system writes out the field as a data field. In addition, the fields are also included in the Verity STYLE.UFL file.

Show In Results

Select to indicate that the system should display this field in the search result set.

Free Form

Select to make Verity treat the field as a free-form search—that is, a search with no field edits. Generally, a free-form search is used for text searching (for example, searching for a description). All fields defined as free-form are considered zone fields in Verity.

Allow Compare

Select to enable the use of comparison operators (such as <, >, and =) when searching.

Note. To make searching faster, the system treats all fields as Verity zones. When a field is treated as a Verity zone, you cannot use comparison operators. If you select the Allow Compare check box, the field is treated as a Verity field and you can use the <, >, and = comparison operators.

This table lists search types and fields with available defaults.

Search Type


Available Defaults



Bill To Customer City

Worksite Customer City



Bill To Customer State

Worksite Customer State



Bill To Customer Postal

Worksite Customer Postal


Desired Start Date

Start Date

Date Created

Date Open

Current Date


Minimum Rate

Pay Rate/Max Total Income


Primary Branch

Order Branch


Employee Status

Default to Active

Opportunity Search — Customer


Home Address City

Mailing Address City

Opportunity Search — Customer


Home Address Postal

Mailing Address Postal

Opportunity Search — Customer


Home Address State

Mailing Address State

Opportunity Search — Customer

Job Title

Qualifications Job Titles

Opportunity Search — Customer

Operator ID

Ownership Information User ID

Opportunity Search — Contact


First three digits of Preferred Phone

Opportunity Search — Contact

Job Title Code

Qualifications Job Code

Opportunity Search — Contact

Operator ID

Ownership Information User ID

Opportunity Search — Order


Ownership Information Branch

Opportunity Search — Order

Business Unit

HR Business Unit

Opportunity Search — Order

Estimated End Date

Last Date Available

Opportunity Search — Order

Max Salary Range

Minimum Acceptable Pay Rate Amount

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Search Fields to Create the Verity Index Files

Access the Available Configurable Fields page.


Enter the name of the category into which you want to group fields.


Enter the name of the field as you want it to appear in searches.

Record (Table) Name

Enter the actual record name.

Field Name

Enter the actual field name.

Result Column

Select the check box to indicate that the system should use the field for result display purposes.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Understanding PeopleSoft Process Scheduler"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging the Search Index Agent

Access the Search Index Agent Manager page.

This page lists the searches that have the agent enabled.

Search Type

Displays the search type.

Run Status

Displays the status of the agent for each search type.

Process Instance

Displays the process of instance of the agent.

Last Run On

Displays the date and time the agent was last run.

Last Activity

Displays the date and time of the last activity. This field is used in conjunction with the Run Status field.


Click this button to manually start the search agent.


Click this button to manually stop the search agent.


Click this button to refresh the information in the grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefreshing Cache Tables and Building the Verity Indexes

Access the Miscellaneous page.

Refresh Current Eligible Resources

Select this check box to update the Eligible Resource Cache table (RS_ELGBL_WRKR) with current eligible resource information. In addition to tracking the current, eligible resources, the table stores the resource’s job-related information such as job code and location. The program is required when routine changes are made to a resource's job-related information.

Run this program nightly and as required.

Refresh Resource Schedule Cache

Select to update the Resource Schedule Cache table (RS_DF_WRKR_DATE) that is used to track a resource's schedule. The program purges old availability data and ineligible resource data. It is required when:

  • Implementation takes place.

  • Standard hours or default days change in the Scheduling Options group box on the Common Installation Options page.

  • New holidays are added to the holiday schedule and loaded using the Holiday Load Application Engine process (RS_HOLIDAY).

This program runs automatically for a resource when the resource's schedule changes. Run the program manually for all resources as required.

SelectCreate New orUpdate Existing

Refresh Resource Organizational Unit Cache

Select to update the Resource Organizational Unit Cache table (RS_WORKER_ORG) that stores organization information from the specified organization tree. The program is required when:

  • Implementation occurs.

  • Resources are created individually using the Establish Employee As Resource component (RS_WRKR_CREATE).

  • A node or detail value changes on the organization tree.

  • A new organization tree is implemented.

  • A resource's organization unit value changes, such as the resource's department.

Run this program nightly.

Maintain Employee Data Cache

Select this check box to update the FO_CANDIDATE_W table.

Refresh Supply/Demand Cache

Select this check box to update the cache tables for both supply and demand.

Note. This field is used by PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Refresh Supply Category Analytics Cache

Select this check box to update the cache tables for supply category analytics.

Note. This field is used by PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining and Scheduling the Verity Index File Creation Process and the Cache Creation Process

Access the Maintain Search Index page.

Process Selection

Select the Maintain Search Index check box to create the search index as part of this Cache Administration run control.

Indexing Options

Select Create New to delete the existing index and create a new one. Use this option to replace the Verity index.

Select Update Existing to update the existing index without deleting it by inserting new documents and updating those that have been changed since the last time the update process ran.

Index Language

Specify whether the index should be created for all installed languages or a single language.


Specify a Search Type for the index creation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Optimization Cache Program

Access the Refresh Optimization Cache page.

Refresh Optimization Cache

Select to include the Refresh Optimization Cache Application Engine process (RS_DF) as part of this Cache Administration run control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Cache Administration Program

Access the Summary page.

The following check boxes will be selected or cleared according to the options chosen on the previous pages:


Click this button to run the cache administration program.

Process Monitor

Click this link to review the status of the process scheduler job you initiated when you clicked the Run button.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Searches

The five PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office searches can be executed from these components:

This section discusses how to:

Note. Your system administrator establishes the search criteria fields during implementation. If you want to search for additional characteristics, contact your system administrator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Perform Searches

Page Name

Object Name





Staffing, Search, PeopleSearch

Search for applicants, employees, and contractors who possess particular qualifications.

Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups


Click the Add Resource Group link on the PeopleSearch page.

Add resource groups that can be used as criteria for your PeopleSearch.

Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details


Click the Add button on the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page.

Specify details about resource groups.

Qualification Detail: Language


Click the Details link for languages specified as qualification criteria on the PeopleSearch page.

Enter language proficiency information.

Qualification Detail: License


Click the Details link for licenses specified as qualification criteria on the PeopleSearch page.

Enter location information for the license.

Note. The other qualifications refer to flexible factors, but the flexible factors are only applicable to PeopleSoft Resource Management and are not available to PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office.

Resource Qualifications - Select Qualification Profile


Click the Profile button on the PeopleSearch page.

Add qualifications from a qualification profile.

The functionality of this page is similar to that used when adding customers to the system.

See Adding General Customer Information.

Resource Qualifications - Search for Qualifications


Click the List button on the PeopleSearch page.

Add qualifications from the qualifications list.

The functionality of this page is similar to that used when adding customers to the system.

See Adding General Customer Information.

Resource Qualifications - Select Competencies


Click the Competency Tree button on the PeopleSearch page.

Add qualifications from a competency tree.

The functionality of this page is similar to that used when adding customers to the system.

See Adding General Customer Information.

Opportunity Search


Staffing, Search, Opportunity Search

Search among current customers, contacts, and orders for potential new placements for existing employees.

Job Scorecard


Click the score link for any candidate in the search results grid of the PeopleMatch or PeopleSearch pages.

View scoring information for a candidate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing PeopleSearch to Find Resources

Access the PeopleSearch page.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the date range for which you want to check the availability of resources.

Note. These fields appear only if the search type is configured to use an availability algorithm.

Resource Group ID

Select a group of resources on which to search.

Add Resource Groups

Click this link to add resource groups to your search possibilities.

Candidates per Page

Enter the maximum number of candidates that you want to appear in the Search Results grid. When you perform the search, Verity retrieves all matching resources. This field determines the number of rows that appear at one time.


Type and Description

Displays the overall qualification type, such as Competency, Degree, or Language, and the more specific description of the qualification.


Indicates the relative importance of the qualification, such as Desired or Required. Required criteria filter non-matching records from the search results. Desired criteria do not filter records from the search results, but they do affect their score.

Years of Work Experience

Enter the number of years of experience that the resource should have for the qualification.


Enter the level of proficiency for the qualification, such as 0-None, 1-Little, 2-Fair, 4-Very Good, or 5-Expert.


Enter the main field of study for degree qualification types.

Search Also in Resume

Select this check box to have the system check candidate's resumes.

Profile, List, and Competency Tree

Click a button to add qualifications to the search criteria.

The functionality of these buttons' destination pages is similar to those used when adding customers to the system.

See Adding General Customer Information.

Key Word Search

Enter text to search for in resumes.

Note. This field is only available for the PeopleMatch and PeopleSearch search type.


Enter the relative importance of each factor on the overall score. The factor weight values are:0 - Not at all important, 1 - Much less important, 2 - Less important, 3 - Important, 4 - More important, and 5 - Much more important. The Qualifications factor reflects the competencies, honors, and accomplishments from the Qualifications page, as well as the configurable fields that are found in the Applicant or Employee component.


The availability factor refers to the resource's schedule and how it matches the start and end dates specified.


The preference factor refers to the preferences field on the Qualifications page of the Applicant and Employee component.


The resume factor refers to the number of matches in the resource's resume to the keyword search.

Note. This drop-down list box only appears on the PeopleSearch and PeopleMatch pages.

Other Search Criteria

Configurable fields are used in PeopleSearch and PeopleMatch to search for data that do not fall under qualifications in candidate’s profiles. The configurable search fields fall under five categories: Assignments, Availability, Personal data, Resume, and Tests. Examples of configurable fields include candidate’s address information, test performances, rate information, and so on.

These fields can be either free-form or comparable, as defined in the setup and specified as required or desirable in the search.

Saved Search

Select a saved search to use.

Search Results



Displays the percentage of the search criteria that the candidate matched.

Click this link to view the candidate's job scorecard.

Avail. (availability score)

Displays the percentage of time that the candidate is available between the start and end dates specified in the search criteria.

Click the link to view the candidate's resource calendar.

Note. The Resource Calendar must be enabled as part of the ataffing installation options to use this functionality.

Candidate Type

Indicates whether the candidate is an applicant, an employee, or a non-employee.


Displays the candidate's name. Click a link in this column to view the employee record.

Per Status (personnel status)

Displays the candidate's status: Applicant, Employee, or Non employee.


Displays the candidate's job status. Possible values includeActive, Hire Pending, Invalid, Pending, and Terminated.


Displays the candidate's phone number.


Displays the candidate's city of residence.


Displays the candidate's state of residence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Opportunity Search to Find Positions

Access the Opportunity Search page.


Profile, List, and Competency Tree

Add qualifications by clicking the appropriate button.

Note. The functionality of these buttons and their destination pages is the same as those that you use when adding customers to the system.

See Adding General Customer Information.

Search Orders, Search Customers and Search Contacts

Select the appropriate check boxes to have the system search for resource requests, customers, and contacts that request the qualifications indicated in the opportunity search criteria.

Max Results (maximum results)

Enter the maximum number of records that you want to include in the search results.

Qualifications and Preferences

Enter the level at which the system weights these attributes.


The percentage of the qualification criteria specified in the search that the order, customer, or contact matched.

Business Unit

Business unit of the resource request found by the search.

Service Order ID

Service order ID of the resource request found by the search.


Line number of the resource request found by the search.


Click the associated link to view additional information for the following:

  • Orders Matched

    Displays resource requests (order lines) found by the opportunity search.

  • Customers Matched

    Displays customers found by the opportunity search.

  • Contacts Matched

    Displays contacts found by the opportunity search.

Customer ID and Customer Name

Displays the ID and name of the customer found by the opportunity search. Click a View link to view the customer information in the customer component.

City,State, and Postal Code

These fields are related to the customer address.

Contact ID, Contact Name, and Phone

The ID, name, and phone number of the contact found by the opportunity search. Click a View link to view the contact information in the contact component.

Order Fields

The order fields are configurable and enable users to search on criteria other than qualifications. The criteria is defined through system configuration and can include fields such as business unit, service user, order status, and so on. For each field specified, indicate whether the criteria is Required or Desired.

Customer Fields

The customer fields are configurable and enable users to search on criteria other than qualifications. The criteria is defined through system configuration and can include fields such as zip code, city, state, and so on. For each field specified, indicate whether the criteria is Required or Desired.

Contact Fields

The contact fields are configurable and enable users to search on criteria other than qualifications. The criteria is defined through system configuration and can include fields such as phone number (for area code searches), contact owner, and so on. For each field specified, indicate whether the criteria is Required or Desired.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Required Versus Desired

Select the fields to be required by selecting the Required option next to the corresponding search criteria. These required fields narrow the result set. Items that do not meet these required criteria will not appear in the result set.

The Desired option does not exclude records from the result set. Rather, those items that match criteria marked as desired have a higher score than the records that do not match that criteria.

Note. Selecting the Desired option neither extends nor narrows the result set. It only increases or decreases the result that appears in the Score field accordingly.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScoring Results

The system performs calculations and returns results based on four scores: qualifications, preferences, resumes, and availability (the availability score can only be calculated for PeopleSearch and PeopleMatch).

In the search pages, the user can define the weight that qualifications, preferences, resumes, and availability have in the consolidated score. Additionally, when configuring the searches, you can associate each Qualification factor with a weight within its factor family.

The system calculates scores differently based on how a user enters their search criteria. A weighted average is calculated for each row in the result set.

If a user enters search criteria for four fields, the system assigns 25 percent of the total score to each field. If the user enters a list of key words connected by AND or OR in one of the fields, the system assigns the results a fraction of the 25 percent total for the field following these rules:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Job Scorecard Information

Access the Job Scorecard page.

The staffing job scorecard contains a grid, which provides a detailed breakdown of the list of values from the search criteria and the level to which the candidate’s values match the search criteria. The grid captures each value that is entered in the search criteria from both the Qualifications and Other Search Criteria tabs.

Select Candidate

Select this check box to add this candidate to the Considering grid.


Displays the candidates score based on the search criteria.

Availability Score

Click this link to view the candidates resource calendar.

Note. This option is only available if Resource Calendars are enabled as part of the installation and the candidate is an employee.

Match Status

Displays the match level indicator.


Displays the search type category being searched on.


Displays the description of the value being searched on.


Displays the various criteria for a competency or skill that a candidate could match. For example, the importance, proficiency, or years of work experience. The criteria may differ depending on the type of search criteria being evaluated.


Displays the candidate's results for the criteria being evaluated.


Displays the desired or required status of the search for this value.

Interest Level

Displays the candidate's interest level in the competency being evaluated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExplaining Job Score Search Results

The search values specified on the Qualifications tab for PeopleSearch and PeopleMatch are derived from three sources: Qualification Profile, Qualifications List, and Competency Tree. On the Qualifications tab, the search fields are classified by the following six search type categories:


This table defines the possible values of the fields in the Competencies search type:




The candidate’s proficiency level is equal to or higher than the level searched forand the number of years of experience of the candidate in that competency is greater than or equal to the years of experience selected in the search.

Partially Matched

  • Either the candidate’s proficiency level is lower than the level searched for or the candidate does not have sufficient number of years of experience in the competency as required by the search.

  • Both the candidate’s number of years of experience and proficiency in the competency are lower than the levels required by the search.

Not Matched

The candidate does not possess the qualification being searched.


This table defines the possible values of the fields in the Degrees search type:




The candidate has the degree (including the major, if specified) as specified in the search.

Not Matched

The candidate does not have the degree specified in the search.


This table defines the possible values of the fields in the Languages search type:




The candidate is qualified in the language that is being searched on and speaking, reading, and writing proficiency levels are higher than the levels, if specified, in the search details.

Partially Matched

The candidate is qualified in the language that is being searched on, but one or more of the proficiency levels (speaking, reading, writing), if specified, is lower than the levels specified in the search criteria.

Not Matched

The candidate’s profile does not have the language being searched.


This table defines the possible values of the fields in the Licenses search type:




The candidate matches all the search criteria of the license, including the country and the state, if specified, in the search details.

Partially Matched

The candidate possesses the license that is being searched, but the license is issued not from the country and the state specified in the search details.

Not Matched

The candidate does not possess the license being searched.


This table defines the possible values of the fields in the Memberships search type:




The candidate has the membership specified in the search.

Not Matched

The candidate does not have the membership specified in the search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Free-Form Fields

Free-form fields do not allow users to select a value from a prompt when entering search criteria. Examples of free-form fields include description, city, or keywords to search within resumes.

In the PeopleMatch and PeopleSearch search configuration, use the Keyword Search field to search keywords within resume documents.

When entering values in free-form fields, you can enter a value or a partial value.

Partial Values

To enter a partial value, use wildcards to define the value according to the following guidelines:


Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters.


Specifies one alphanumeric character.

Here are three examples of wildcard usage:

Note. You determine whether your search is case-sensitive by the value you enter. For example, if you do not want to differentiate between New York, new york, and NEW YORK, enter NEW YORK or new york in the field. If you enter a string in sentence case (such as New York), the search on that field will be case sensitive.

Searching Using the Logical AND and OR Operators

Within a particular search criterion, you can include multiple values and string them together with either an OR or an AND operator. If you string values together with an AND operator and you mark the criterion as required, then the system returns only search results that possess all of the criteria entered. No additional configuration is required to use this feature. You may not include AND and OR operators in the criteria for the same field. Also, the system does not support the use of parentheses.

Note. To search for the word OR or AND (for example, if you search for people living in Oregon and the state code is OR), enclose OR (which corresponds to the state abbreviation) within quotation marks to differentiate it from the logical OR. operator.

Comparative Search

You can search for values that are greater than or less than the value entered. This type of search is useful when searching on dates (such as checking for availability) or numbers (for example, number of assignments). To use this feature, you must establish the field as available for a comparative search when setting up your search configuration.

Note. Searching on a field using a comparative search results in lower system performance.

Combination Search for Test Scores

Test scores are divided into two categories based on the type of values that can be entered:

A few fields are available on the search pages where you might want to search for a combination of values. For example, when a user is searching for applicants that obtained a certain score in a particular test, the user needs to specify not only the score but also the test. This type of search is called a combination search because a relationship exists between the two fields involved in the search. If these fields are included in the search configuration, the system displays two fields on the search page (one next to the other and separated by a comparison operator). In this example, the fields are Test and Score.

This functionality is limited in that Verity, which has a limitation of 256 fields per collection, counts each field value as a separate field.

For example, if the TEST field has 3 values (Typing, Filing, and Math), the system counts this as three fields towards the 256-field limitation for the collection. Therefore, the total number of fields in the search configuration plus the total number of values for the first field of each search pair must be fewer than 256.

Note. Including combination search fields in the search configuration, even when the number of fields remains below the Verity limitation, could adversely affect system performance.