Creating and Maintaining Hedges

This chapter provides an overview of hedge creation and maintenance and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Hedge Creation and Maintenance

This section discusses:

See Also

Understanding Hedge Analytics and Accounting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you create and maintain hedges, you must:

  1. Analyze cash position and settlements using Cash Management.

  2. From cash position and settlements information, identify investing or borrowing instruments using Deal Management.

  3. Calculate and analyze your risk based on the cash and deal information and decide if you must create a hedge.

See Also

Defining Risk Management Processing Options

Managing Position Worksheets

Capturing Deals and Trade Tickets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Chapter

Initial Fair Value Attributable to Hedged Risk and Fair Value

Displays the fair value (mark to market) of a treasury deal, or the fair value or cash flows of a hedged item.

Initial Fair Value Adjustment and Fair Value Adjustment

Displays the (cumulative) adjustment amount excluded from the calculation of the change in fair value of a deal or hedged item. This amount corresponds to amortized cost for investments and to ¶ 19 adjustments for a hedged item.

Use Zero

Select this check box to use zero value for calculation, instead of initial fair value amount.

Use Values

Select this check box to use entered values for calculation, instead of initial fair value amount.

New Value

Click to calculate the new value of the hedge per specified parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Hedge Life Cycle

Here’s an overview of the entire hedge life cycle:

See Also

Risk Management and Hedge Accounting

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Hedges

This section discuss how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Hedges

Page Name

Object Name



Other Hedgeable Items


Risk Management, Analyze Hedge, Other Hedgeable Items

You can import a database record from another PeopleSoft application or third-party system.

Hedge Designation


Risk Management, Analyze Hedge, Hedges

Capture descriptive information about your hedging purposes and strategies to meet disclosure requirements.

Hedging Instrument


Risk Management, Analyze Hedge, Hedges, Hedging Instrument tab

Capture information about the deal you will use to protect the hedged exposure.

Deal Accounting


Risk Management, Analyze Hedge, Hedges, Deal Accounting tab

View the accounting associated with your hedging relationship.

Hedged Item


Risk Management, Analyze Hedge, Hedges, Hedged Item tab

Set up the exposure that you will hedge.

Hedge Transaction Details


Click the Details link on the Hedged Item page.

Capture higher resolution data about your hedge.

Item Accounting


Risk Management, Analyze Hedge, Hedges, Item Accounting tab

Set up accounting and effectiveness testing of your hedge

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAutomatically Importing Hedge Information

Access the Other Hedgeable Items page.

Select the type of item whose risk exposure you want to minimize, and select the status:




Forecasted Transaction

Firm Commitment or Asset / Liab (asset / liability)

Forecasted Transaction

No Longer Probable

Probably Will Not Occur

If the type is a Forecasted Transaction, enter earnings information in the available grid.

Net Investment in a Foreign Op (net investment in a foreign operation)


Net Investment in a Foreign Op


Recognized Asset or Liability

Recognized Asset or Liability

Sold or Bought or Written Off


Unrecognized Firm Commitment


Recognized Asset or Liability

Unrecognized Firm Commitment


Note. Fields and available status values change depending on the value you select in the Type field.

Risk Type

Select a type of risk for the hedged item.

Financial Type

Select Financial Item or Non-financial Item. If the risk to be hedged is financial, enter its Amount and its currency (in the field next to the Amount field). If the risk is non-financial, enter its Quantity, and select the appropriate Unit of Measure.

Foreign Currency Denominated

Select if the hedge is in a foreign currency, and select the appropriate value in the CurrencyCurrency field.

Period Start and Period End

Select the active period start and end dates for the hedge.

Review Date

Select the final review date for the hedge.

Final Earnings Effect

Select to include the effect of the specified amount and percentage on hedge final earnings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Hedge Designation Information

Access the Hedge Designation page.

Note. The page display changes depending on the Hedge Type.

Hedge Type

This field is a read-only. The hedge type is selected at the business unit level on the Treasury Options page.

Designates a hedge as either an IAS 39 Hedge, Economic/Other Hedge, a FAS 133 Hedge, or a FAS 52 Hedge. From the drop-down list box next to the right-hand Hedge Type field, you can further define your hedge using any of the following:

Cash Flow Hedge: Hedge of exposure to cash flow variability from a particular risk (¶ 18(c)).

Fair Value: Hedge of exposure to changes in the fair value of an asset, liability, unrecognized firm commitment, or identified portion thereof from a particular risk (¶ 18(b)).

FX Cash Flow: Hedge of exposure to cash flow variability from changes in foreign currency exchange rates (¶ 18(d)(3)).

FX FV of Available for Sale Security: Hedge of the change in the fair value of an available-for-sale debt security (or a specific portion) from changes in foreign currency exchange rates.

You can hedge available-for-sale equity securities if changes in fair value come from changes in foreign currency under the following conditions. You have not traded the security on an exchange (or another established marketplace) where trades are denominated in your functional currency. Dividends, or other cash flows, to the security’s holders are denominated in the same foreign currency that you expect to receive when you sell the security (¶ 18(d)(3).

FX FV of Firm Commitment: Hedge of a foreign currency exposure to variability in the functional-currency-equivalent cash flows from foreign-currency-denominated forecasted transactions and foreign-currency-denominated intercompany transactions (¶ 18(d)(2).

FX Hedge of Net Investment: Hedge of foreign currency exposure to your net investment in a foreign operation, which is viewed for accounting purposes, as a single asset versus several single individual assets and liabilities that make up a subsidiary’s balance sheet (¶ 18(d)(4).

Hedge Relationship

Select descriptors of your various risk management strategies and practices (¶ 44). It is up to you to determine a reasonable, shorthand description that parties outside your organization can correlate to your actual complex activities. It is a good idea to obtain validation from your company’s auditors. To complete the disclosure requirements in ¶ 44, Risk Management provides a 1,000-character, free-form field so that you can capture context-sensitive issues underlying your hedging activities.

Hedge Strategy

Select a hedge strategy based on the type of risk being hedged. Doing so enables the default parameters that were entered on the Hedge Strategy page for the specified hedge strategy.

Effective Assessment Methods

Retrospective Evaluations, Prospective Considerations, and Ineffectiveness Method

Effectiveness tests are means for an organization, its stakeholders, and external auditors to evaluate whether risk management strategies are on track, whether hedges are working or are likely to work as planned, and thus are within bounds for special accounting.

When you set up a transaction and its correspondent hedged deal, link the two and document them for FAS 133. You must also define and document tests of methodologies to assess hedge effectiveness. (¶ 62.)

Effectiveness assessment methods are dictated by ¶s 65 and 68-70. They are Retrospective Evaluations, Prospective Considerations, and Ineffectiveness Method. Select one of the following values for each of the fields:

Assume No Ineffectiveness: Select this value (¶s 65, 68-70) if you are using the Shortcut Method for IRS Hedge. FAS 133’s ¶ 68 permits the Shortcut Method for an IRS Hedge. You can use this method of effectiveness assessment only on interest rate swaps.

If you selected Assume No Ineffectiveness in the Ineffectiveness Assessment field, and the hedge is an interest-bearing financial instrument with an interest rate swap (¶s 68-70,114,132), then you can select the Shortcut Method for IRS Hedge check box to compute ¶ 22(b) or ¶ 30(b) amounts.

Correlation − Regression: This is a statistical correlation test between some attribute of the hedging deals compared to that attribute of the hedged items.

Cumulative Offset: Compares the cumulative changes in fair value of the hedging deal with the cumulative changes in fair value of the hedged item. In each period in which this comparison is made, the two amounts must match within a tolerance of 80 percent to 125 percent.

Note. In addition, when you perform the periodic assessment of effectiveness, you must do more than just run the Assessment reports or process (such as the Hedge Effectiveness report and the Regression test). You should also reassess your expectation that the hedge will continue to be highly effective. This would involve reexamining all appropriate factors, including those described in DIG issue G10.

Your accounting procedures must meet extensive criteria to qualify for the Shortcut Method, which is also known as Assuming No Ineffectiveness with an Interest Rate Swap. Refer directly to ¶ 68 of FAS 133 to ensure that your scenario qualifies for this accounting treatment of hedging.

Assume No Effectiveness does not imply that there will be no periodic assessment of effectiveness. According to DIG G9 - Cash Flow Hedges: Assuming No Ineffectiveness When Critical Terms of Hedging Instruments and Hedged Transaction Match in a Cash Flow Hedge,, “An entity is still required to perform and document an assessment of hedge effectiveness at the inception of the hedging relationship and on an ongoing basis throughout the hedge period.”

Risk Offset

Select One-sided Offset Against Gains, Onesided Offset Against Losses, or Symmetrical Offset. ¶ 20(b) and ¶ 28(b) discuss how to assess effectiveness when the hedging instrument provides only a one-sided offset against changes of the hedged item (such as when an option is used).

Inception Date

Displays the current date until you save the page. You record the entity that is creating the hedged relationship—at the data entry level—using the logon user ID. PeopleSoft Workflow can also address your organization’s management authorization process, providing further audit trails.

Discontinued Date

Use to record the actual date that a hedged relationship terminates (¶s 25 and 32). The system completes this field as you undesignate the hedge later in the hedging process. If you terminate a hedged relationship and you have sufficient reason to resume the same course with the exact variables, you must create a new hedge relationship. That is, you must create a hedge for accounting purposes that is different from the one that began and ended earlier. This requirement to create a new hedge can also apply to the maturity of a derivative contract.

Note. Once a hedged relationship terminates, it cannot be revived.

Risk Being Hedged

Per ¶ 21(a-f), you can hedge only the four risks listed:

Changes in Overall Fair Value

Select to hedge non-financial risks, such as commodities. Selecting this check box automatically clears any other hedged risk options selected.

Interest Rate Risk

Select to hedge risk of instability in interest rates.

Foreign Currency Exchange Risk

Select to hedge risk of fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rates.

Credit Risk

Select to hedge risk of credit variability.

Other and Risk Name

Select the Other field and enter a name to designate another type of risk investment to be hedged.


Click to access the Details page to record details of the hedged risk entered in the Risk Name field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Hedging Instrument Information

Access the Hedging Instrument page.


Displays the default sequence number of I.Per ¶ 18, you can have multiple deals designated as the hedging instrument. Enter the Deal Business Unit and Deal ID, which create the link to the protected deal.

Proportion Designated as Hedge

Given the difference in financial values that deals can have, use this field to define that only a certain percentage of the hedging deal actually be used for hedge purposes.

Note. FAS 133’s ¶ 18 requires that you document that you will use only a portion or percentage of a deal for hedging purposes. It states that either all or a proportion of a derivative may be designated as the hedging instrument. The proportion must be expressed as a percentage of the entire derivative so that the profile of risk exposures in the hedging portion of the derivative is the same as that in the entire derivative. (Thus, an entity is prohibited from separating a compound derivative into any such component as the hedging instrument, except as permitted at the date of initial application by the transition provisions in ¶ 49.)

Assessing Hedge Effectiveness

Define aspects of how the hedge will be evaluated.

Include All Gains or Losses

Select to assess the effectiveness of all fair value changes (¶ 63).

Exclude Time Value

Select to calculate changes in fair value where effectiveness is evaluated on a cumulative basis.

Analytics Mode

Select third-party analytics to calculate the part of your hedge used to assess hedge effectiveness.

Added to Hedge

Displays the current date as the default, which becomes part of the audit trail when the page is saved. The operator’s login user ID appears alongside the Added to Hedge field in the view-only By field.

Removed from Hedge

Enter the date the hedging relationship terminates, or the system will automatically enter the maturation date of the hedged deal as that date passes in time. (See ¶s 25 and 32.)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Deal Accounting Information

Access the Deal Accounting page.

Initial Fair Value

Enter the initial market to market value amount of the deal, which can be a positive or negative number.


Click to recalculate a new fair value and add a new line to the Fair Value History grid. The Calculate button appears only if the Exclude Time Value checkbox is selected on the Hedging Instrument page.

Use Values

Select this check box to use specified values in the Fair Value and Fair Value Adjustment fields for calculation, instead of calculated values from Risk Analytics.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Hedged Item Information

Access the Hedged Item page.

Hedged Item Source

Select Treasury Deal (a deal resident in the PeopleSoft system) or Other Hedgeable Item to indicate what you are hedging.

Financial Type

You can set up the hedged deal as a Financial Item or a Nonfinancial Item.

Note. The page changes depending on the financial type that you selected.

Hedged Item/Transaction


Select what portion or percentage of your hedged item or transaction will be used in the hedging relationship:

All: Use the entire hedged item or transaction.

Embedded Option/Cap/Floor: Enables you to handle embedded derivatives that do not require separate accounting, for example if the deal can pass a portability test (¶s 21(a) to 22(c)).

Percentage: Select to enable thePercentage field so that you can specify the exact percentage that you will use.

Residual Value in Lease: Available only for fair value hedges.

Selected Cash Flows: Available only for cash flow hedges.

Exposure Business Unit

Select the business unit for the exposure.

Added to Hedge or Removed from Hedge

Enter the effective date for the fields.


Click if you are removing the item from the hedge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Hedged Transaction Details

Access the Hedged Transaction Details page.

You can capture hedge information and add the level of detail necessary for your internal monitoring of deals. For example, if you hedge commodities, you will have commodity values available from a PeopleSoft table, such as Crude Oil. The Hedged Transaction Details page enables you to record grades of crude oil, the regions they are from, or other distinguishing traits.

Available fields depend on the hedge type that you specify.

Hedge Type

Available Page Fields

Cash Flow

Expected to Occur Period Start, Expected to Occur Period End, Expected Cash Flows, Expected Currency Amount, and Quantity

Foreign Exchange

Exchange Period Start, Exchange Period End, Purchase, Sale, Fixed Price, or Face Value

Fair Value

Hedged Item End Date, AssetLiability, or Face Value

Note. In the context of FAS 133’s language, the free-form text field enables you to explain your hedging with “sufficient specificity.” This can include references to the Purchase Order numbers that you hedge or other details that your risk managers and auditors consider relevant for meeting the intent of FAS 133.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Item Accounting Information

Access the Item Accounting page.

Note. Available fields depend on the hedge type selected at the business unit level.

Hedge Type

Page Fields


Cash Flow Hedges

Initial Future Cash Flow Attributable to Hedged Risk

The fair value (mark to market) of a treasury deal, or the fair value or cash flows of a hedged item.

Cash Flow Hedges

Fair Value Adjustment

The (cumulative) adjustment amount excluded from the calculation of the change in fair value of a deal or hedged item. Corresponds to amortized cost for investments and to ¶ 19 adjustments for a hedged item.

Fair Value

Amortize Carrying Amount Adjustment

Select this check box if the adjustments of the carrying amount of the hedged item should be amortized to earnings (¶ 24).

Fair Value

Amortization Period Begin/End

Define date parameters for the amortization period calculation.


As of Date

The fair value calculation is based on this date.

Fair Value

The value of the deal on the As of Date.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Hedges

This section discuss how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Hedges

Page Name

Object Name



Hedge Maintenance


Risk Management, Analyze Hedges, Hedges, Hedge Maintenance tab

Dedesignate the hedge relationship or remove the hedged deal from the hedge, or adjust AOCI.

AOCI AE Run Control


Risk Management, Analyze Hedges, Hedge AOCI Adjustment

Run the Adjust Hedge AOCI Application Engine process (HDG_AOCI_ADJ) to perform AOCI adjustments on your hedges.

Hedge Effectiveness


Risk Management, Analyze Hedges, Hedge Effectiveness

Search and review cumulative offset information for specified hedges.

Hedge Summary


Risk Management, Analyze Hedges, Hedge Summary

View online report of summarized hedge information a specific hedge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRemoving and Adjusting Hedges

Access the Hedge Maintenance page.

AOCI is an account balance associated with the hedged transaction. It represents derivative (hedge deal) gains or losses that have been set aside from earnings and parked in the AOCI account instead. In essence, ¶ 30(b) says, "Set aside derivative gains or losses, but don't set aside too much." ¶ 30(b) addresses recognizing that you have set aside too much and puts the excess into an earnings account.

For Hedged Item

The fields available change, depending on the FAS 133 Hedge Type that you selected on the Hedge Designation page.

Hedge Type

Page Fields


All hedge types.

Remove Hedged Item from Hedge

Remove hedged item from the hedge. By itself, making this selection does not terminate the hedge.

Note. This check box appears for all hedge types.

Cash Flow Hedge

FX Cash Flow Hedge

Reclassify AOCI

Select the Reclassify AOCI check box when reclassifying the adjusted other comprehensive income from cash flow hedges, and enter the Reclassify Amount. Or select the Will Not Occur AOCI Reclassify check box.

Cash Flow Hedge

FX Cash Flow Hedge

Final Earnings Effect

Select to include the effect of the specified Amount and Percentage on hedge final earnings.

Cash Flow Hedge

FX Cash Flow Hedge

Current AOCI Balance

Displays the current AOCI balance for the hedge.

FX FV of Available-for-Sale

FX FV of Firm Commitment

Fair Value Hedge

Amortize Carrying Amount Adj (amortize carrying amount adjustment)

Select this check box if the adjustments of the carrying amount of the hedged item should be amortized to earnings. (¶ 24) Also enter the Amortization Period Begin Date and End Date.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Hedge Groups

To define hedge groups, use the Hedge Group Definition component (HDG_COLLECTION_HDG_GBL).

This section discuss how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Hedge Groups

Page Name

Object Name



Define Hedge Groups


Risk Management, Administer Risk, Define Hedge Groups

Set up hedge group definition.

Add to Hedge Groups


Click the Add to Hedge Group button on the Define Hedge Groups page.

Search and add individual hedge items to a hedge group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Hedge Groups

Access the Define Hedge Groups page.

Add to Hedge Group

Click to search and add individual hedge items to this hedge group. Your selected hedge items, added to the hedge group definition, appear in the Hedge Details group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding to a Hedge Group Definition

Access the Add to Hedge Groups page.

Use the upper portion of the page to search for hedge items. All matching results appear in the lower portion of the page. Select a hedge item check box and click the Update button to add the hedge item to the hedge group.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Hedge Groups

After creating hedge items and setting up hedge group definitions, you can aggregate them into collections and maintain them from a central location.

This section lists common elements and discuss how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Section

Inception Date

Displays the active date of the hedge item.

Retrospective Evaluations

Displays the retrospective evaluation value for the hedge item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define and Manage Hedge Groups

Page Name

Object Name



My Hedge Groups


Risk Management, Administer Risk, My Hedge Groups

Aggregate and maintain your hedge groups from a central location.

Update My Hedge Groups


Click the Update My Hedge Groups link on the My Hedge Groups page.

Add or clear hedge groups from the My Hedge Groups page.

Hedge Group Manager


Risk Management, Analyze Hedge, Hedge Group Manager

Review and maintain hedge items for a selected hedge group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Your Hedge Groups

Access the My Hedge Groups page.

Update My Hedge Groups

Use to add existing hedge groups (assigned to you) to this page.

Create a New Group

Add a new hedge group on the Hedge Group Definition page.

Search for a Hedge Group

Search for a hedge group using the Hedge Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Your Hedge Groups

Access the My Hedge Groups - Update page.


Select the check box of a hedge group and then click the Update button. The selected hedge group appears on the My Hedge Groups page. To clear a hedge group from the My Hedge Groups page, clear the respective check box and click Update.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Items in a Hedge Group

Access the Hedge Manager page.

Hedge Group

Access the Hedge Group Definition page for the specified hedge group.

Hedge IDs

Navigate to data about a particular hedge item.

Add a Hedge

Add another hedge item to this group.