PeopleSoft Engineering Overview

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicExamining the PeopleSoft Engineering Product Strategy

Customers are now asking ERP software providers: “What can you do to support the engineering requirements of my business?” This is a reasonable question because companies can achieve significant benefits through improved coordination between the engineering and manufacturing sides of their businesses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Traditional MRPII Systems

Traditional MRPII systems focused on a company’s manufacturing operations through the production planning, scheduling, tracking, materials management, and accounting functions. Engineering input to that system consisted of bills of material that were often manually rekeyed into the MRP system. What happened in the product design, development, prototyping, and approval stages was invisible to the MRP system and most of its users. These engineering functions were supported by a number of computer systems including CAD systems, project management systems, project costing, and Product Data Management (PDM). When the BOM was finally approved, it was thrown over the wall to manufacturing to be rekeyed into the MRPII system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIncreasing Engineering Process Participation

In traditional systems, many manufacturing system users, who should be participants in the engineering process, aren’t able to participate because of the lack of integration between the manufacturing system and the supporting engineering systems. This list demonstrates how different enterprise participants outside the engineering department need to be involved in the process:

The engineering system is also involved with product changes that can impact all of the groups mentioned. The ability to effectively coordinate the tasks of all of the participants in the design and approval process and give them timely access to the right information can help businesses to:

This is where PeopleSoft Engineering and its workflow-enabled system comes in.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResponding to Requirements

In response to these customer requirements, PeopleSoft Engineering provides both specific functionality and openness to other systems. It provides an engineering workbench environment consisting of:

This functionality, combined with the workflow-enabled PeopleSoft architecture, enables you to manage the routing, approval, and notification of ECRs, ECOs, new BOMs or routings, and existing BOM or routing changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Change

We provide all of this because we know that while constant change is a fact of life in today’s competitive environment, how you manage that change determines your success. From a product perspective, companies are constantly looking for product improvements to differentiate themselves from their competitors. For that reason, change is good. However, product changes and new product introductions can impact nearly every part of your organization as well as your customers and vendors. PeopleSoft Engineering is a dynamic product designed to help you manage product introduction and change processes throughout your enterprise by enabling you to manage all types of product data and structures.

You can tailor the PeopleSoft Engineering implementation and complexity to meet your business needs; you can use it to simply maintain new and pending product structures or to manage the engineering change order approval process throughout your organization.

PeopleSoft Engineering delivers:

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with an Independent Engineering Workbench

PeopleSoft Engineering provides a workbench where you can create and maintain engineering data without affecting production. This workbench enables you to:

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Robust ECR and ECO Functionality

PeopleSoft Engineering provides complete change process support. While ECRs are an optional feature of PeopleSoft Engineering—you can use ECOs with or without them—they empower individuals in your organization to suggest manufacturing process improvements and to report product defects directly to the engineering department. Change requests can then be reviewed and, when appropriate, approved and converted into ECOs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIntroducing ECR Features

ECR functionality includes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ECO Features

An engineering department needs to efficiently manage and document required assembly and component changes. PeopleSoft Engineering answers this need with its engineering change order (ECO) functionality. You can use ECOs to manage the various activities that are required to implement multiple types of engineering changes.

By defining your own ECO types, you can group and classify ECOs that serve different purposes. For example, you might define one ECO type to manage complex bill of material configuration changes and supporting processes. Another you might use to define simple documentation changes that perhaps require a minimal number of steps. We designed engineering ECOs to help you define the scenarios that make sense in your environment.

ECO functionality includes:

Click to jump to parent topicManaging PeopleSoft Engineering Documents

PeopleSoft Engineering provides a complete document management solution that gives you, and selected members of your company, access to up-to-date, online information. It keeps a detailed history of changes made to any documentation and limits access to documents, where necessary.

Using an embedded document management system, you can securely vault multiple types of documents, checking documents in and out of the vault while maintaining multiple document versions. You can perform online document queries seamlessly and then view documents directly, launching them from within PeopleSoft applications. Within PeopleSoft Engineering, you can associate pertinent documents to ECRs, ECOs, item revisions, engineering bills of material and routings; within PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you can associate them to manufacturing bills of material; and within PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you can associate them to component and operation lists.

With PeopleSoft Engineering’s embedded document control you can:

See Also

Managing Documents

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating and Examining Item Costs Within PeopleSoft Engineering

There is a tight connection between PeopleSoft Engineering and PeopleSoft Cost Management. Within PeopleSoft Cost Management, you can roll up and calculate the cost of new products and determine what effect ECOs will have on an existing product’s cost. When you specify existing items as components on the engineering BOM, their costs, along with any pending item costs, are included in the calculation of item costs within PeopleSoft Engineering. By calculating costs in different engineering versions, you can compare the engineering cost version to the production cost version. Additionally, you can compare an engineering cost version to other engineering cost versions. PeopleSoft Engineering also provides a costed engineering BOM that enables you to analyze costs at all levels of the product structure.

PeopleSoft Cost Management integration features include:

Click to jump to parent topicExchanging Data Between PeopleSoft Engineering and PeopleSoft Manufacturing

PeopleSoft Engineering is tightly integrated with PeopleSoft Manufacturing. You can:

Click to jump to parent topicMaking BOM Mass Changes Using Mass Maintenance

PeopleSoft Engineering enables you to make mass engineering or manufacturing BOM changes, using the mass maintenance feature. This enables you to:

Click to jump to parent topicImporting BOMs from External Sources

With the PeopleSoft Bill of Material EIP and Item Master EIP, you can:

See Also

Getting Started with PeopleSoft Engineering

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Engineering

Click to jump to parent topicDisplaying PeopleSoft Engineering Inquiries

A diverse set of inquiries is available with PeopleSoft Engineering including:

Click to jump to parent topicCommunicating BOM and Engineering Changes to Suppliers

You can use PeopleSoft Engineering to enable suppliers to receive BOM and engineering changes.

See Managing BOMs and Engineering Changes for Suppliers.

Click to jump to parent topicListing PeopleSoft Engineering Reports

These reports are available:

Click to jump to parent topicPutting It All Together

PeopleSoft Engineering consists of many interrelated parts. This diagram provides a simplified example of how the various parts (including ECRs, ECOs, item revisions, EBOMs, ERTGs, and associated documents) can be connected. When combined with processes such as creating and viewing engineering change requests and engineering change orders, viewing BOMs, documents and attachments, you can include vendor participation as well.

Engineering change processing with document control

See Also

Managing BOMs and Engineering Changes for Suppliers