Creating Price Lists

This chapter provides an overview of price lists and discusses how to set up price lists.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Price Lists

Price lists are groups of date-controlled product prices that are defined by currency code and linked to related business objects or price rules. These product prices are intended to replace the product list price when they are associated with a transaction by way of the related business objects or price rules.

Price list-related business objects are objects to which a price list is associated. These business objects are a subset of the price-by fields, or entities, that are already defined for the transaction. A price list can have more than one related business object, such as customer, customer group, product ID, and business unit.

The system uses the appropriate pricing transaction to determine the available price list related business objects. The system attempts to match a particular transaction to one or more price lists based on the transaction values and the price list related business objects. For example, if you are taking an order for customer ABC and customer ABC is defined as a related business object for a specific price list, that price list applies to this order. Furthermore, if any product on the order appears on this price list, the price from the price list is used as the base price for all further pricing calculations, instead of the product's list price. If more than one applicable list is found, the price list lookup that is defined for that transaction on the Price By Key Field page determines which price is used:

If the system does not find a base price from the price lists, it searches for a base price in the product list price definition (assign list price). If the system does not find a product price in the transaction currency, it searches for a product price in the base currency that is defined for the transaction.

After locating the base price for the product, the system performs a separate search of the price rules to find the appropriate adjustments to that price. If you do not set up price lists, or the system fails to find the product on an active relevant list, the system uses the list price that is defined for the product as the default base price for any further price adjustments.

The system also allows the use of cost, alternate cost, and buying agreement as a default base price for calculating price adjustments.

Note. This option is used in PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management (PeopleSoft SCM).

Quantity Breaks within Price List

You can enter high and low quantity breaks for the price list. When computing the list price Enterprise Pricer will match the quantity breaks. To match the quantity break, the sum of the product by UOM for the whole order is used.

An example of a price list broken down by high and low quantity is “Buy 1–50 of Product ID 10050 at a list price of USD 4.00 each. Buy 51–99 at list price of USD 3.00 each. Buy 100 or more at USD 2.00 each.”

Create a price list where the Product 10050 contains a different list price for 1–50 items, for 51–99 items, and for 100–99999 items.

Note. The quantity breaks for the same product/UOM should not overlap.

To set up the scenario on the Price List, complete these steps:

  1. Add a new price list to the system.

  2. Type the Product ID 10050 in theAdd Product field, and click the Add button.

  3. On the Pricing Information tab, enter the UOM for the quantity break. Enter EA in this example.

  4. Specify the Start and End Date for the price list.

  5. Set the low quantity to 1 and the high quantity to 50.

  6. Set the list price to 4.00 and click the Add a New Row button.

    Note. The currency for the list price is determined by the currency specified when you first created the price list.

  7. A second row appears with the same Product ID. Set the UOM to EA. Set the Low Quantity to 51 and the High Quantity to 99.

  8. Set the list price to 3.00 and click the Add a New Row button.

  9. A third row appears with the same Product ID. Set the UOM to EA.Low Quantity to 100 and the High Quantity to 9999999999.

  10. Set the list price to 2.00 and click the Add a New Row button.

  11. Click Save.

To match the quantity break, the sum of the product by UOM for the whole order is used. For example, if the customer purchases 100 units on several different lines of the sales order, they will receive the units at the 2.00 per unit price.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Price Lists

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

See Also

Enterprise Pricer Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Values are:

Active: Product prices on this list automatically supersede the product list price in transactions involving any related business objects.

Inactive: This list is ignored when calculating product prices.


Use to search for a product ID, enter a new product ID, and view the product IDs that are in a price list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Price Lists

Page Name

Object Name



Price List Search


Pricing Configuration, Create Pricing Information, Price List Advance Search

Use to search price lists by related business objects.

Price List


Pricing Configuration, Create Pricing Information, Price List Maintenance

Set up price lists in multiple currencies and create start and end dates for each product's price.

Product Notes


Click the Recurring Note button on the Additional Information tab of the Price List page.

View notes that are associated with the product.

Note. This option is only used in PeopleSoft CRM.

Related Objects


Click the Related Objects tab on the Price List page.

Associate a price list with related business objects, such as a customer, customer group, or region, and to associate price rules directly to a price list.

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Access the Price List page.

Currency Code

Use to establish the same price list with the same price list ID in multiple currencies. The price list is considered if the transaction is entered in the same currency as that of the price list.

Note. In PeopleSoft CRM, if a price is not available in a price list using the transaction currency, but a price list is available for the base currency, the system accesses the price from the price list in the base currency and converts it to the transaction currency. The currency is converted as long as conversion rates are defined between the transaction and base currency. You must also define rate types for the customer and business unit for the currency conversion.



Click to select the price list detail based on the search criteria and view additional price list information. The price list detail appears in the Pricing Information tab. Click the Clear Search button to remove the search criteria.


Search for products by using elements of the product description or product ID.

Add Product

New Product ID

Use to add a product ID to price list. Add additional information for the product in the Pricing Information grid.


Click after you enter the product ID. This adds the product to the price list.

Note. You cannot add new products to price lists that are created by the Pricing Load process in PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Pricing Information Tab

Select the Pricing Information tab.


If an error exists in the price list definition, a red square box appears in this column. This field appears only if an error exists. Correct the error as necessary. Position the mouse cursor on the red square box to view the error detail.

Pricing UOM (unit of measure)

The unit of measure for pricing the item. The pricing unit of measure can differ than the ordering unit of measure. This is common in certain industries such as paper where the customer orders in rolls but the items are priced in hundred count weight.

Start Date and End Date

Use to define the effective period (start and end date) for the list price entry. The start and end date on the transaction is evaluated against the date indicated on the arbitration plan.

Low Quantity and High Quantity

Use to specify the low and high quantity breaks for the price list.

Note. In order to use the list price in the price list, the quantity of the products on the order must fall within the quantity break for the UOM. Also, if the Use Quantity in Price List option is not enabled for the application, the quantity break is ignored.

List Price

Use to enter a list price for the products that are on the price list.


Use to select a recurring frequency in PeopleSoft CRM Order Capture. If you select this option, the amount that is in the List Price field represents a recurring charge. If not, the list price represents a onetime charge.

Options include: Annually, Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, and Weekly.

Note. This option is not used in PeopleSoft SCM installations.

Additional Information Tab

Select the Additional Information tab.

Recurring Note

Click this button to enter and view notes relating to recurring charges for the product. These notes are informational only and separate from the standard product notes that are defined in the product definition component.

Note. This option is only available in PeopleSoft CRM installations.


If you select the check box, the system does not apply adjustments to the base list price. The price-protected flag on the transaction is activated.

Note. If a product with the same price is on two different price lists and one is price protected, the price-protected one is used in the transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Related Objects with a Price List

Access the Related Objects page.


You select a transaction to define the related objects to associate with the price list. The transaction determines the list of available values to select in the Related Objects group box. You can associate a price list to more than one transaction code.

Note. Related business objects are not maintained for price lists created by the Pricing Load process in PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Field Name

Select a value to tie a business object to the price list. The values are defined when you establish the price-by keys for each transaction on the Price-by key Fields page.


Enter values for the business object. You can enter multiple values by separating them with a comma.

If the field name and identifier criteria match those that are on a particular transaction, this price list is considered for that transaction.


Select a price rule to tie the price list to the price rule.

You can associate a price rule directly with the price list. The price rule conditions define the part of the transaction that must match before the price list is considered at pricing time.

Note. Price rules are used to define more complicated conditions. Business objects are used to define simpler, less complex conditions.