Working With the Pricing Simulator

This chapter provides an overview of the pricing simulator and discusses how to run the pricing simulator.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Pricing Simulator

The pricing simulator enables you to test the pricing information that you set up. Use it to view the outcome of pricing under different scenarios, or use it to test specific pricing criteria with a particular customer. You can adjust the price rules, price lists, and arbitration plan until you receive the desired pricing adjustments. For those transactions that use the header and line structure such as the sales order, you can enter criteria and view the adjustment at the header and line level.

If the installation includes PeopleSoft Order Management, you can also test pricing on the Pricing and Availability page.

The Pricing Simulator is used to review basic pricing simulation. Price rules with historical data, such as Period-to-Date price rules, One-time-only price rules, and price rules specifying a maximum quantity are not simulated.

Additionally, the pricing simulator cannot simulate PeopleSoft Order Management-specific features such as Grace days, Exclusive Pricing, and Buying agreement. Finally, you cannot use the pricing simulator to view product-specific data including product cost and KVI/NDP values. These values are not retrieved during simulation, however, you can enter them on the Simulator page.

Viewing Simple Item Adjustments in the Pricing Simulator

A price rule exists where Customer 1005 will receive a discount amount of 10.00 euro for purchasing between 1–10 units of product 10050. This is valid for the period through the end of the year.

To test the scenario in the simulator, complete these steps:

  1. Create one new price rule:

  2. Create a simple arbitration plan on the Arbitration page with Pricing Key as the Arbitration Type. Select both Sold To Customer and Product ID in the Pricing Keys section.

  3. On the Pricing Keys section of the Simulator page, enter the 1005 Sold to Customer and 10050 Product ID.

Viewing Product Adds in the Pricing Simulator

Enterprise Pricer enables you to create price rules that giveaway products, discount products, and even offer buy-one-get one deals to customers.

  1. Create one new price rule:

  2. Create one simple arbitration plan on the Arbitration page. It should have the Arbitration Type of Price Rule and identify the price rule you just created.

  3. In the Header group box of the Simulator page attach the newly created arbitration plan.

See Also

Checking Price and Availability

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Pricing Simulator

This section lists common elements and discusses how to run the pricing simulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Section

Key field code

Represents the transaction field that is used to match to the price rules. The available values are based on the pricing keys established for the transaction.

Note. You can update the pricing keys in the simulator in two places. Update the header level pricing keys on the main page of the Simulator page. The line-level pricing keys are updated on the Pricing Keys page.


Represents the transaction value of the key field code. The available values are based on the selection in the Key field code field.

Note. Line-level information that is entered in the Header Information section is applied to all lines in the simulation unless other values are entered explicitly for each line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Pricing Simulator

Page Name

Object Name





  • Pricing Configuration, Create Pricing Information, Simulator

  • Promotions, Manage Promotions, Simulate Pricing

    Click the Simulate Pricing link on the Promotions, Manage Promotions, Create Customer-Specific Promotion, Product Details or Product Prices page.

Use to test the pricing information that is set up with Enterprise Pricer and to select values for the transaction price-by keys that are used in the pricing simulation.

Pricing Keys, User Dates/Variables


Click the Pricing Keys, User Variables button on the Simulator page.

Use to select and view the line-level pricing keys that are used in the pricing simulation. It also enables you to enter test values for user dates and user pricing variables.

Header Adjustments


Click the Adjustments button on the Simulator page.

View the details of the adjustments that apply to the header.

Note. The link for this page is only available if adjustments apply to the header.

Line Adjustments


Click the Adjustments button on the Simulator page.

View the details of the adjustments that apply to the line. You can view the adjusted unit price and the price rule, formula, and keys that are used for the adjustment.

Note. The link for this page is only available if adjustments apply to the line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Pricing Simulator

Access the Simulator page.

Note. When you use the simulator page, enter the arbitration plan, pricing key values, and product information. You must enter all applicable values for the transaction that you are trying to simulate, otherwise the system does not create the adjustments.

If you don't receive the desired results using the simulator, check that:

Review the text in the Rule Definition group box on the Conditions page to ensure that it accurately reflects how the conditions for the rule are applied.


Enter descriptive text for each of the simulations that you are testing. For example, you might create one for giveaways, price overrides, and so on. You can save a simulation for later use and modify it as you make changes to the price lists, rules, and arbitration plan.

Header Information

Select information to simulate the transaction header and lines.

Currency Code

Enter the currency code of the simulated transaction.

Base Currency

Enter the base currency of the business unit for the simulated transaction.

Transaction Date

Used to determine applicable price formulas. The current date appears by default.

Arbitration Plan

The list of available options is based on the transaction that you select. If you don't select an arbitration plan, the default is used.

Line Information

Select the Line Info tab.

Select product, ordering unit of measure, pricing unit of measure (if applicable) and quantity to simulate the transaction line detail.

Unit Cost

Enables you to specify the unit cost for the item directly in the simulator.

List Price

View the list or base price for the product.

Net Unit Price

View the price after the adjustments are applied.

Recurring Price and Frequency

Retrieves from the list price that is applied to the line. These fields appear only if you use PeopleSoft Order Capture.


Select if the product is price protected on the applied price list.

Click the Pricing Keys, User Variables button to edit or view the pricing keys, user dates, and user variables for additional line level transaction information (in addition to the pricing keys on the Simulator page). You can use the page if you want to price the line by different values that the header or entire order. The available values are based on the pricing keys that are established for the transaction.

Click the Adjustments button to view the line-level price adjustments for the simulation. The button is visible only if there are header or line adjustments that match the criteria of the price simulation.

Additional Information Tab

Use to enter the schedule ship and arrival dates for the order as well as to simulate different pricing for KVI, NDP, and regular products.

Pricing Details Tab

Use to view a summary result of the pricing process for the line.

Pricing Quantity

View the quantity in the pricing unit of measure that is used in the pricing calculation.

List Price Origin

View the origin of the list price.

Price List: The price is retrieved from a price list. The price list ID appears next to Price List Origin field.

Price List (base): The price is retrieved in the base currency from a price list. The price list ID appears next to Price List Origin field.

Note. This value is used in PeopleSoft CRM only.

Product Price: The price is retrieved from the Product Price definition.

Product Price (base): The list price is retrieved in the base currency from the Product Price definition.

Price List ID

View the ID for the price list from which the list price is retrieved.

Pricing Base Price

View the base price for the item in the pricing UOM.

Pricing List Price

View the list price for the item in the pricing UOM.

Pricing Net Unit Price

View the net unit price for the item in the pricing UOM.

Payment Terms

View the terms that are retrieved from the price rule that matches the simulation.

Note. This option is used in PeopleSoft SCM installations only.

Margin Violated

This box is checked if the line violates any minimum or maximum margin rules.

Product Adds

Additional lines for the Product Adds sorted and matched by the arbitration plan appear here.

Transaction Total

View the total net price for the simulated transaction including adjustments that apply to the entire order (total order discounts and total order surcharges).


View statistical results of the simulation.



Click to calculate or recalculate the price simulation and view the price adjustments.