Using Replenishment Sources

This chapter provides overviews of inventory replenishment, vendor replenishment, and Kanban completions processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Inventory Replenishment

If you are replenishing components from a Inventory location, you use bin-to-bin transfers to move the material. With Flow Production, we provide specific functionality to streamline Kanban transfers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Kanban Transfer Process

You can create Kanban transfers either for Kanban cards or replenishment requests.

If you use Kanban transfers, you must complete the transfer and then run the Inventory Transfer COBOL process (INPTTRFR). This is a good method if you are entering multiple transfers. Express Kanban transfers are best for single transfers as the system updates the database with each transfer and you don’t need to run the Inventory Transfer process.

Understanding Kanban Card Transfers

In this scenario, the Kanban card travels back and forth between the WIP location and an inventory storage location. The Kanban card includes the inventory location and Kanban quantity. You take the card to the inventory location and enter or scan the Kanban ID so that it appears on the Kanban Transfer page. Once you enter the Kanban ID, the system provides the WIP location, item, source location, and Kanban quantity. You can override the source location and the quantity.

Replenishment Request Transfers

In this scenario, you create the replenishment request either manually or through backflushing. You can print the Kanban details on a Pull List or Pull Ticket. If you use backflushing, a worklist entry is generated. If you use a Pull List or Pull Ticket, you scan the Kanban ID into the Kanban transfer transaction. The system then provides the destination, source locations, and transfer quantity.

If the replenishment method is Workflow, the system creates a worklist entry after the request is generated. When you select the worklist entry, the system displays the Kanban Transfer page, where you can complete the transfer.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Vendor Replenishment

If you are using vendor replenishment, you can receive material that is associated with a specific Kanban ID. Purchasing must be installed to use the vendor replenishment features of Flow Production.

You can record Kanban receipts either for Kanban cards or replenishment requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceipt of Kanban Cards

You first must create a purchase order with the PO type Kanban and you must create the Kanban cards.

You send the Kanban cards to the vendor, who receives the cards and ships material based on the number of cards received. The Kanban cards include the vendor name, vendor location, item ID, quantity, unit of measure (UOM), and the ship to information so that the vendor knows where to ship the goods.

The cards are then returned on the next shipment from the vendor, and you scan the Kanban IDs so that they appear on the Kanban Receiving page.

You enter the header details, such as the carrier and bill of lading number, and then you can scan multiple Kanban IDs for the receipt. The Kanban ID includes the item ID, vendor, vendor location, quantity, UOM, and WIP location. Each Kanban ID is saved individually. When you receive all Kanban IDs for the carrier and bill of lading, you select the End of Transaction check box and save the page. You can also receive lot- and serial-controlled items.

You run the Receive Load Application Engine process (PO_RECVLOAD), which determines the PO to associate with the receipt using Purchasing defaults that you define at the item level. If multiple open Kanban POs exist, the Receive Load process selects the oldest PO schedule line that is not past due. You can include open past due PO schedule lines by selecting the Include Past Due Kanban POs check box.

The receipt lines are then processed as normal and the inventory is put away. Once you have received a Kanban ID, the system changes the status to In Process. When the material is put away, the system sets the status to Open if it is a reusable Kanban card. Otherwise, the system sets the status to Complete.

Note. When creating a PO for vendor replenishment, you must make sure that you set the PO type on the PO Header page to Kanban.

You can view the Kanban ID on the Receiving and Inventory Putaway pages, and you can view the receipt transaction in the Inventory Transaction History tables.

See Also

Running the Receive Load Process

Viewing Transaction History

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceipt of Replenishment Requests

You must first create a PO with the PO type Kanban, and you must create replenishment requests either manually or by using backflushing. The request includes the replenishment dispatch method, vendor item, and vendor quantity.

Once you create the request, you can review it using the Review Electronic Kanbans component before dispatch, and you can override the vendor and vendor location, if necessary.

Use the Dispatch Vendor Replenishment Request process (FPS1000) to distribute a request based on the dispatch method assigned to the request. You can specify either a single replenishment request or multiple requests for the combination of vendor and vendor location.

Once you run the dispatch process, the system sets the replenishment request status to Dispatched and notifies the vendor by the selected dispatch method. The vendor ships the material, and you receive it using the Kanban Receiving process.

You enter the header details, such as the carrier and bill of lading number. Then you can scan multiple Kanban IDs for the receipt. The Kanban ID includes the item, vendor, vendor location, quantity, UOM, and WIP location. Each Kanban ID is saved individually. When you receive all Kanban IDs for the carrier and bill of lading, you select the End of Transaction check box and save the page. You can also receive lot- and serial-controlled items.

You run the Receive Load process to determine the PO to associate with the receipt based on rules defined at the item level. The receipt lines are then processed as normal and the material is put away. Once you receive a Kanban ID, the system changes the status to In Process and when the material is put away, the system sets the status to Complete.

Note. When creating a Purchase Order for vendor replenishment, you must make sure you set the PO type in the PO Header page to Kanban.

You can then view the Kanban ID in the Receiving and Inventory Putaway pages, and you can view the receipt transaction in the Inventory Transaction History tables.

See Also

Entering Purchase Order Line Details

Viewing Transaction History

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Kanban Completions Processing

If you are replenishing a component from a feeder line, you use the Kanban Completions process to initiate the replenishment. You can record Kanban completions either for Kanban cards or replenishment requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicKanban Card Completions

You collect the Kanban card from the WIP location and take it to the production area or feeder line that is specified on the card. This card is used as a request to start production of the subassembly, and it is attached directly to the subassembly on the feeder line. At the end of the feeder line, you scan the Kanban ID so that it appears on the Kanban Completions page.

Once the transaction is completed, if processing a one-time Kanban card, the system sets the Kanban status to Complete. If processing a reusable Kanban card, the status remains Open.

You then need to run the Completions/Scrap Update process (SFPDCDRV) in Manufacturing. Once you run this process, the system logs each Kanban completion transaction, including the Kanban ID, to the Inventory Transaction History table. You can then use the Transaction History Inquiry page to track the Kanban card.

See Also

Running the Completions Update COBOL/SQR Process (SFPDCDRV)

Viewing Transaction History

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReplenishment Request Completions

For Kanban completions, you generate the replenishment request manually or through backflushing. You then print a Pull Ticket with the relevant item, quantity, and production area details.

Note. You can’t set up Kanban IDs with the replenishment mode Pull List or Workflow if a feeder line sources the Kanban IDs.

As with Kanban card completions processing, you print the pull ticket or request to start production, and you attach it to the subassembly on the feeder line. At the end of the feeder line, you scan the Kanban ID so that it appears on the Kanban Completions page.

Once the transaction is completed, the system sets the Kanban status to Complete. You then need to run the Completions/Scrap Update process in Manufacturing. Once you have run this process, the system logs each Kanban completion transaction to the Inventory Transaction History table. You can then use the Transaction History Inquiry page to track the Kanban ID of the replenishment request.

See Also

Running the Completions Update COBOL/SQR Process (SFPDCDRV)

Viewing Transaction History

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Inventory Replenishment

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you create Kanban transfers, you need to:

  1. Set the replenishment source to Inventory for the items that you are transferring.

  2. Create Kanban cards or replenishment requests for the items.

  3. Print Kanban cards or replenishment requests so that they have the status Open.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Inventory Replenishment

Page Name

Object Name



Kanban Transfer


SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Scan Kanban Transfers

Enter or scan in Kanban transfers. Use the Item Transfer transaction code (0601).

Inventory Transfers


SCM Integrations, Process Transactions, Storage Location Transfer, Inventory Transfers

Update the Inventory records with Kanban transfer transactions.

Kanban Transfers


Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Kanban Transfers

Update the database directly for each Kanban transfer that you enter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Kanban Transfer Transactions

Access the Kanban Transfers page.

The system displays the business unit, last control ID, and transaction code. Use the Item Transfer transaction code (0601) for Kanban transfers. The DeAssociate Item from Container transaction code (0604) and the Debuild Full Container transaction code (0607) are used for inventory transfers for components stored in containers.

Enter a Kanban ID and press Tab.

For the original location, the system displays the storage location information, item ID, Kanban quantity, and standard UOM. If you are transferring lot- or serial-controlled items, select a lot ID or serial ID.

You can override the destination location that the system provides.

Select the Kanban Complete check box when the transaction is completed. The system sets the Kanban status to Complete for replenishment requests and one-time Kanban cards. Reusable Kanban cards retain the status Open. If you leave the check box cleared—for example, if you are transferring material from multiple locations—then the Kanban status remains Open.

Note. You can reset the Kanban status to Open using the Kanban ID Maintenance page if the Kanban status is accidentally set to Complete.

For the destination location, the system provides the storage location information by default.

See Also

Making Stock Quantity Adjustments and Transfers Within the Business Unit

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Kanban Transfers

Use the Inventory Transfer process to update the Inventory records with Kanban transfer transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Express Kanban Transfers

Access the Kanban Transfers page.

Destination Location

For the destination location, the system displays the item ID, storage area information, Kanban quantity, and standard UOM. If the item is serial- or lot-controlled, the system displays the serial or lot ID. If the item is stored in containers, the system displays the container ID. The Allow Negative Inventory check box indicates whether negative inventory is allowed for the item.

You can override the original location or the transfer quantity that the system provides. You can view the location quantity available in the Original Location field.

Select the Kanban Complete check box when the transaction is completed. The system sets the Kanban status to Complete. If you leave the check box cleared—for example, if you are transferring material from multiple locations—then the Kanban status remains Open.

Note. You can reset the Kanban status to Open using the Kanban ID Maintenance page if the Kanban status is accidentally set to Complete.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Vendor Replenishment

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you receive replenishment requests by vendor, you need to:

  1. Set up the replenishment source to be Vendor for the item you are receiving.

  2. Create Kanban cards or replenishment requests for this item.

  3. Print Kanban cards so that they have the status Open.

  4. Dispatch replenishment requests so they have the status Dispatched.

  5. Create a PO with the PO type Kanban.

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Object Name



Run Controls


Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Dispatch Vendor Kanbans

Specify run control options for the Dispatch Replenishment Requests SQR process (FPS1000).

Selection Criteria


Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Dispatch Vendor Kanbans, Selection Criteria

Specify selection criteria for the Dispatch Replenishment Requests process. Print the Replenishment Dispatch report.

Process Email Queue


Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Process Email Dispatches, Process Email Queue

Dispatch replenishment requests that use the email dispatch method and that have failed during a previous run of the Dispatch Replenishment Requests process.

Kanban Receiving


Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Kanban Receiving

Use the Receive by Kanban ID transaction (0106) to receive material by Kanban ID. Use the Receipt by PO End transaction (0105) to indicate that you have finished receiving all items for a shipment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Run Control Options for Dispatch Vendor Replenishment Requests

Access the Dispatch Vendor Replenishment Requests - Run Controls page.

Note. You need to dispatch replenishment requests that have the WIP replenishment mode Manual or Backflush Controlled.

If you have a single Kanban request for a vendor, select the Kanban ID for that request. If you have multiple Kanban requests for the same vendor, enter the vendor ID, vendor location, and item ID. The system uses the appropriate default Kanban IDs based on the combination of the vendor, location, and item. The vendor location and item ID are optional.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Selection Criteria for Dispatch Vendor Replenishment Requests

Access Dispatch Vendor Replenishment Requests - Selection Criteria page.

Test Dispatch

Select this option to test the dispatch process before sending a request.

Print Copy

Select this option to print a dispatch report.

Fax Cover Page

Select a predefined fax cover page if you are using Fax as the replenishment dispatch method.

Replenishment Dispatch Methods

Select a replenishment dispatch method. Options are:

  • Print

  • Fax

  • EDX

    The system publishes an XML message which can be used as the basis for generating a Shipping Schedule EDI (shipping schedule electronic data interchange) transaction (862).

  • Phone

  • Email

If you select Fax or Email, you must set up a fax phone number or email address for the vendor in the Vendor component.

If you select EDX, the system generates an application message using the Replenishment Request Dispatch EIP. You then run the Publish Outbound Message process to publish the message to the vendor.

Repl. Req. Statuses to Incl. (replenishment request statuses to include)

Select an option. If you select Open, the system selects all replenishment requests with an Open status. If you want to redispatch a request for a particular date range, select Dispatched. The system selects all dispatched replenishment requests between the dispatch dates that you specify.

Once you run the dispatch process, the system sets the status of all selected requests to Dispatched, and the vendor is notified by the selected dispatch method.

If Collaborative Supply Management is installed, once the replenishment is dispatched, vendors can view the request on the internet.

Note. When dispatching replenishment requests using email, it is recommended that you run the multistep process FPDSPTCH, which includes the Email Dispatch Application Engine process (FP_EMAIL_ALL).

See Also

Maintaining Vendor Information

Reviewing Kanban Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Email Dispatches

Use the Process Email Dispatches - Process Email Queue page to run the Email Dispatch process. This process dispatches replenishment requests that use the email dispatch method. This process is used if you do not run the multistep process FPDSPTCH when dispatching replenishment requests.

Although you can run this process by itself, it is recommended that you run it with the Dispatch Vendor Replenishment Request process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Receive by Kanban ID Transaction

Access the Kanban Receiving page.

Enter the transaction code 0106 for the Receive by Kanban ID transaction. The system displays the transaction number, device ID, date and time, and user ID.

Enter a ship to setID, ship to location, carrier ID, and bill of lading.

You can enter a Inventory business unit and Kanban ID. The system displays the item ID, vendor item ID, vendor ID, vendor location, area, and Kanban quantity associated with the Kanban ID.

Enter the quantity received and UOM. If the item is lot-controlled, a lot ID is required. For a serial-controlled item, the serial ID is required.

If you have additional Kanban IDs to receive for the shipment, leave the End of Transaction Flag check box cleared. Once you have received all Kanbans IDs for the shipment, you can select the End of Transaction Flag check box. This automatically generates a 0105 transaction to close out the shipment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Receipt by PO End Transaction

Access the Kanban Receiving page.

Use the Receipt by PO End transaction (0105) to indicate that you have finished receiving all items for a shipment. If you select the End of Transaction check box while recording a Receive by Kanban ID transaction (0106), you do not need to use this transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Receipts

After using the Kanban Receiving process, you run the Receive Load process to determine the PO to associate with the receipt based on rules defined at the item level. The receipt lines are then processed as normal, and the material is put away. Once you have received the Kanban ID, the system changes the status to In Process. When the material is put away, the system sets the status to Complete.

See Also

Running the Receive Load Process

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Feeder Line Replenishment

This section discusses how to process Kanban completions.

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Page Name

Object Name



Kanban Completion


  • Production Control, Process Production, Transact Kanbans, Kanban Completions, Kanban Completion

  • SCM Integrations, Create Transactions, Manufacturing, Kanban Completions

Replenish WIP locations from feeder lines. Use this page for both Kanban cards and replenishment requests.

Use the Kanban Completion transaction code (0217).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you create Kanban completions, you need to:

  1. Set the replenishment source to Feeder Line for the items that you are completing.

  2. Create Kanban cards or replenishment requests for the items.

  3. Print Kanban cards or replenishment requests so that they have the status Open.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Kanban Completions

Access the Kanban Completion page.

The system displays the business unit, last transaction number, and transaction code.

Enter the Kanban ID. The system provides the revision, production area, bill of material (BOM) code, operation sequence, item ID, routing code, back-through operation, completed quantity, and standard UOM. The system assigns the current date to the BOM and routing effective date. This date determines which BOM code and routing code are effective for the completion.

You can view the route-to information for the Kanban ID. The system displays the storage location levels defined for the main assembly line WIP location where the subassemblies are delivered when completed.

Enter a lot ID if the end item is lot-controlled.

If the end item is serial-controlled, enter a completed quantity and click the Refresh button. The system then creates as many Serial ID fields as the completed quantity, and you can enter the serial ID for each completed item. The quantity completed must be a whole number for serial-controlled items.

If there is an existing production schedule for the combination of the item, production area, and date, then the system records the completion against the existing production schedule. Otherwise, the system adds a new production schedule.

Run the Completions/Scrap Update process in Manufacturing to update the production and inventory records.

After you click Run, select one of these options:

Once the transaction is completed, the system sets the Kanban status to Complete if you are processing a one-time Kanban card or a Pull Ticket. If you are processing a reusable Kanban card, the status remains Open.

You can view Kanban completions and correct errors using the Maintain Transactions component under SCM Integrations.

See Also

Running the Completions Update COBOL/SQR Process (SFPDCDRV)

Understanding SCM Integration