Managing Inventory Status

This chapter provides an overview of inventory status and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Inventory Status

The inventory status pages enable you to define and modify status information for the stock in the business unit. You can assign inventory statuses and identify material that is unsuitable for commercial or internal use. The available statuses are Open, Restricted, Hold, and Rejected. These statuses, combined with the Incl Non Open in Avail (include non-open in available) option on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page, affect how stock is handled during inventory transactions and which stock is considered part of the available quantity in a business unit.

There are three important factors to note:

This table lists how inventory status affects various transactions:

Inventory Status




Physical Accounting









Yes, through the Material Picking Feedback page, but not included on pick batch ID.




No, unless in an inspection location.








This table lists how lot status (for lot-controlled items) and location status affect inventory status and how the available quantities are calculated:

Lot Status

Location Status

Inventory Status

Available Quantity for the Business Unit

Available Quantity for the Lot




Always included.

Always included.




Included if Incl Non Open in Avail check box is selected when defining the business unit.

Never included.




Included if Incl Non Open in Avail check box is selected when defining the business unit.

Never included.




Never included.

Never included.




Included if Incl Non Open in Avail check box is selected when defining the business unit.

Never included.




Included if Incl Non Open in Avail check box is selected when defining the business unit.

Never included.




Included if Incl Non Open in Avail check box is selected when defining the business unit.

Never included.




Never included.

Never included.

These statements summarize how the inventory status is derived:

See Also

Managing Item Lots

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


Click to access the pages where you define parameters for the element with which you are working.


Click to access the Copy to All Selected Items (Where Allowed) page, where you enter an item status. The information that you enter on the page is assigned to all items that appear.


Click to access the pages where you modify element details.

Location On Hold

Places the storage location on hold. Clear this check box to remove the location from hold. You cannot put a location on hold if there is quantity reserved for any item in the location (excluding lot-controlled items with non-open lots). Changing the location status may affect items in the location that do not appear on the page (that is, items that did not meet the search criteria).

Retest Date

Enter a date to schedule retesting of items.

Status Type

Provides detail about why items are assigned a status other than Open. For example, for defective material, you can set up a status type called DEF (defective) and a reason code specifying why the inventory is defective. Set up status types on the Inventory Status Types page.

Reason Code

Provides details about inventory adjustments. Establish codes on the Reason Codes page under the General Options menu.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Inventory Status

This section discusses how to:

  1. Define inventory status.

  2. Copy a status to selected items.

  3. Modify location statuses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Inventory Status

Page Name

Object Name



Inventory Status


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Inventory Status

Define or modify the status of inventory.

Selection Criteria


Click the Search link on the Inventory Status page.

Select items for status maintenance.

Copy to All Selected Items (Where Allowed)


Click the Copy link on the Inventory Status page.

Copy status information to all lines on the Inventory Status page. Only statuses that can be changed at the individual item level can be copied.

Location Status


Click the Details link on the Inventory Status page.

Change storage location status information.

Inventory Status (inquiry)


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Inventory Balance Info, Inventory Status

Inquire about inventory statuses by viewing the status of items in an inventory business unit.

Inventory Status (details)


Click the Details link on the Inventory Status page.

View inventory status details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Inventory Status

Access the Inventory Status page.

Storage Location

Displays items meeting the criteria sorted by storage location. Because the status of items with non-open lots cannot be changed on this page, these items do not appear. You can also change the location status on the Material Storage Locations.

Quantity and Qty Reserved(quantity reserved)

Displays the amount of the item and its reserved quantity at the storage location. Both values are extracted from the PHYSICAL_INV table.


Displays the status of item inventory balances at the storage location. The status cannot be changed if there is a negative available quantity (onhand minus reserved). You can change the status once the available quantity becomes zero or greater. Select a status for items that are not lot-controlled. Possible statuses include:

Open: Permits regular processing of the item. You cannot change an item with this status if there is a quantity reserved (that is, if quantity in the location has been allocated to a demand line).

Restricted: Provides a warning when material transactions are performed. Items with this status are excluded from the total available quantity unless you select the Include Non-Open in Avail Qty (include non-open in available quantity) option on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page.

Hold: Prevents material transactions for the item. Items with this status are excluded from the total available quantity, unless you select the Include Non-Open in Avail Qty option on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page.

Rejected: Prevents material transactions for the item. Items with this status are never included in the available quantity total.

Status Type,Reason Code, and Retest Date

Select the appropriate status type and reason code, which become available depending on the status field option.

Note. If you are using a Warehouse Management System (WMS) application for this business unit, you should not make status changes on this page. If you make status changes on this page, the changes are not sent to the WMS application and, as a result, the available and unavailable balances in PeopleSoft and the WMS application can become unsynchronized.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying a Status to Selected Items

Access the Copy to All Selected Items (Where Allowed) page.


Select a status to copy to each item that appears on the Inventory Status page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Location Statuses

Access the Location Status page.

If the location is not an inspection location, you can select the Location On Hold check box. This information appears in the Location On Hold field on the Inventory Status page.

See Also

Searching for Material Storage Locations

Defining the Negative Inventory Option

Managing Inventory by Item Status

Understanding Warehouse Management Systems

Click to jump to parent topicRecording Inventory Item Comments

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Searching for Material Storage Locations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Record Inventory Item Comments

Page Name

Object Name



Inventory Comments


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Inventory Comments

Enter comments for an item in a specific business unit and storage location.

Selection Criteria


Click the Search link on the Inventory Comments page.

Search for the items that you want to appear.