Appendix: PeopleSoft Manufacturing Report Descriptions

PeopleSoft applications offer a wide range of query and reporting possibilities. In addition to the standard reports that we deliver, we also provide reporting tools that you can use to create new reports from scratch.

If you purchased any of these PeopleSoft applications in addition to PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you’ll find the reports applicable to these applications in their respective PeopleBook:

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Manufacturing Reports: General Description

This table lists the PeopleSoft Manufacturing reports. All the reports that are listed are SQR reports. If you need more information about these reports, refer to the report details at the end of this appendix.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


BOM Report

Lists the components on either manufacturing or engineering BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, Bills of Material

  • Engineering, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, Bills of Material, EBOM Report



Routing Report

Lists the routing information for manufacturing or engineering routings.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Routings, Routing Report

  • Engineering, Routings, Engineering Routing Report, Routing Report



Compare Routings Report

Lists the differences between two manufacturing routings, two engineering routings, or one manufacturing routing and one engineering routing. Comparisons can also based the same item with different routing codes.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Routings, Routing Comparison Report, Routing Compare Report

  • Engineering, Routings, Eng Routing Comparison Report, Routing Compare Report



Master Routing Where Used Report

Lists all items that reference another item as its master routing along with production data. This report is used in both Manufacturing and Engineering.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Routings, Master Rtg Where Used Report

  • Engineering, Routings, Eng Master Routing Where Used, Master Rtg Where Used Report



Resources Where Used Report

Lists where resources are used on work centers, tasks, routings, and in production.

Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources Where Used Report



Compare BOMs Report

Lists the differences between a manufacturing and an engineering BOM, or two engineering BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, BOM Comparison Report, BOM Compare Report

  • Engineering, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, EBOM Comparison, EBOM Compare Report



Work Centers Where Used Report

Lists the tasks, routings, and production associated with either a selected work center or a range of work centers within a particular business unit.

Manufacturing Definitions, Tasks and Work Centers, Work Centers Where Used Report



Tasks Where Used Report

Lists the routings and production associated with either a selected task or a range of tasks within a particular business unit.

Manufacturing Definitions, Tasks and Work Centers, Tasks Where Used Report



BOM Cost Report

Lists the component costs on either manufacturing or engineering BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, BOM Costed, BOM Costed Report

  • Engineering, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, EBOM Costed Report



Item Where Used Report

Lists all the BOMs on which an item appears either as a component or a substitute for a component. You’ll find this information useful when you want to analyze the impact component changes can have on all existing BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, Item Where Used

  • Engineering, BOMs and Revisions, Reports, Item Where Used



Production Close Process Report

Lists closed production schedules or production IDs, and details the variances incurred. Combine sort options to narrow down the production close information that is reported. For example, close only those production IDs within a selected production area for a single item. Use the Report Only Mode to view the production that can and can’t be closed as well as the variances that can be generated as a result of an accounting close.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Close Production



Production Reopen Process Report

Lists the before and after status of the production ID or area/item that needs to be reopened. Combining numerous sort options assists in narrowing down the production reopen information that is reported. For example, reopen production only for those production IDs within a selected production area for a single item. Use the Report Only Mode to provide a preview of the financial impact of reopening production without creating reversing entries.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Reopen Production



Production Variance Report

Lists variances for production IDs or production schedules for a specified production due date/shift and above a minimum monetary amount. Variances include configuration, usage, component yield, lot size, routing process, rework, teardown, production mix variance, and outside processing.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Production Variance Report



Potential Production Variance Report

Lists potential production variances that exist in production above a monetary amount, prior to closing for accounting production IDs and schedules. The report can be generated when in a production status of in process, pending complete, complete, and closed for labor. Variances include configuration, usage, component yield, lot size, routing process, rework, teardown, production mix variance, and outside processing.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Potential Prdn Variance Report



Material Shortage Report

Lists production shortages as well as surplus inventory. Report options include a summary report or a report that ignores surplus quantities.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Shortage Report



Dispatch List

Lists production ID or production schedule information, including operation and task details for each work center or range of work centers. Use this document to review the type and quantity of production that will be occurring at a particular work center or range of work centers for a specified date or range of dates. Selects production information by production start date or due date, or lists production that is past due. Additional report information includes component information for each work center/operation, operation start and due dates/times, subcontracted operation information, and production and operation level text.

Production Control, Process Production, Release Production, Print Dispatch List



Production Documents

Lists the component list, operation list, and work center, resource, and schedule information for a particular production ID. Print production documents for production IDs with a production document status of Ready to Print, reprint production documents, or print production documents for the specified production IDs regardless of the production document print status.

Production Control, Process Production, Release Production, Print Production Documents



Production Report

Lists all scheduled production for a specified range of actual start dates, production statuses, and production IDs and production schedules. Sort by actual due date, item ID, production area, production due date, or production start date.

Production Control, Define Production, Reports, Production Report



Efficiency and Utilization Report

Lists variances and utilization by operation, work center, production ID, and production area/item for both labor and machine. Report earned and actual labor by work center with or without the production ID or production schedule detail.

Production Control, Close and Analyze Production, Efficiency and Util Rpt



Component Where Used in Prdn Report

Lists the production IDs or production schedules where specified components are used in production. This report can be sorted by item ID, production due shift, production start date, or production ID. Also lists substitute information for the component, and can include production with a status of Firmed, Released, In Process, Pending Complete, Complete, Closed for Labor, and Closed to Accounting.

Production Control, Define Production, Reports, Component Where Used Report



Production Schedule by Area Report

Lists total production quantities by item for each calendar day within a 14-day period for each business unit and production area. Includes number of items scheduled for completion for each day. Sort by inventory item and production due date.

Production Control, Define Production, Reports, Schedule by Area Report



Subcontracted PO Report

Lists purchase orders and PO numbers for subcontracted production IDs with the statuses of Firmed, Released, In Process, Pending/Complete and Complete. Sort by production start date of the subcontracted production ID, by the purchase order due date, production area, production item, purchase order number, or purchase order due date.

Production Control, Process Production, Subcontract Production, Subcontracted PO Report



Subcontract Components Report

Lists the production IDs and the components associated with subcontracted operations.

Production Control, Process Production, Subcontract Production, Subcontract Components Report



Material Picking Plan

Generates picking plan instructions for stockroom processing. Lists all items to be picked by location, component, or production ID and production schedule for a specified production start date range. Picking plan options include the PUSH or PULL method.

Production Control, Process Production, Issue Materials, Create Picking Plan



Genealogy Exception Report

Generate a report that lists those serial production IDs that have genealogy inconsistencies.

Production Control, Process Production, Production Genealogy, Genealogy Exception Report


Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Manufacturing Reports: A to Z

This section contains detailed information pertaining to many reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1000 - BOM Report

Print Options

These options denote detailed information you may want to appear on the hardcopy report. You can select All attributes of the BOM or Selected attributes. Attributes include:

  • Substitutes: Substitute items for the BOM components, if any exist.

  • Lower Level Outputs: Primary, co- and by-product items at lower levels of the BOM.

  • Component Dimensions: Actual dimensions of the component such as height, length, width, and weight.

  • Reference Designators: The alphanumeric code you can use to determine where a component is placed in an assembly.

  • Component Text: Any text associated with the BOM components.

  • Component Attachments: The names of any associated assembly attachments.

  • Component Documents: The names of any associated assembly documents.

Note. The names of Component Documents print only if PeopleSoft Engineering is installed.

  • Assembly Text: Any text associated with the assembly.

  • Assembly Attachments: Names of any attachments (files) such as CAD drawings or product specifications.

  • Assembly Documents: Names of any associated documents used during assembly such as CAD drawings or product specifications.

Note. The names of any Assembly Documents will print only if PeopleSoft Engineering is installed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1001 - Routing Report

Print Options

These options denote detailed information you may want to appear on the report. You can choose either All or Selected attributes to print such as:

  • Header Documents: Any text associated with the routing header information.

  • Header Attachments: Any attachments (files) associated with the routing header information.

  • Operation Resources: Resources that are being used at the operation step.

  • Operation Time: The times necessary to complete this operation. This may include tasks and run rates such as fixed run, post production, run, and setup times.

  • Conversion Code: Cost codes that determine the labor, machine, outside processing, and overhead cost of the operation.

  • Operation Documents: Lists the names of any documents associated with the operation such as CAD drawings or product specifications.

  • Operation Attachments: Lists the names of routing operation attachments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1002 - Compare Routings Report

This report includes baseline routing and target routing.

Baseline Routing (RTG1):

Select a Routing State: Engineering or Manufacturing.

Select an Item ID range and a valid Routing Code.

Target Routing (RTG2):

The Routing State defaults to Engineering; it is a display-only field.

Select an Item ID and a valid Routing Code.

To compare one routing code to another (for example, the primary routing to one of the item's alternates), enter the primary routing code (1) as the From and To routing for the Baseline Routing (RTG1). Then enter as the Target Routing (RTG2) the alternate routing code to which you'd like to compare the primary.

To see if any of an item's routings are comparable to another item's routing, enter the Baseline routing codes (1 to 99 to compare the primary and all alternates) and the Target's routing code to which all routings will be compared.

Print Options

These options denote detailed information you may want to appear on the report. You can select All of the listed attributes or Selected attributes. Attributes include:

  • Header Detail: Information such as routing type, routing code, and routing state is printed on the report.

  • Header Documents: Any documents associated with the routing header information.

  • Header Attachments: Any attachments (files) associated with the routing header information.

  • Ops Sequence (operation sequence): The operation step that components or tasks may be added.

  • Subcontractor Detail: If the operation step is a subcontracted operation, the vendor information will be printed on the report.

  • Operation Text: Any text associated with the operation step.

  • Conversion Code: Cost codes that determine the labor, machine, outside processing, and overhead cost of the operation.

  • Operation Resources: Resources that are being used at the operation step.

  • Operation Time: The times necessary to complete this operation. This may include tasks and run rates such as fixed run, postproduction, run, and setup times.

  • Operation Documents: Lists the names of any documents associated with the operation such as CAD drawings or product specifications.

    Note. The Operation Documents print option is available only if you have PeopleSoft Engineering installed.

  • Operation Attachments: Lists the names of routing operation attachments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1003 - Master Routing Where Used Report

Print Production Details

Select this check box if you want to print production information for All dates or a Range of dates. The report will include all production whose start date falls within the criteria selected.

Status Selection

You can include production by selecting any of these statuses:

  • Entered

  • Firmed

  • Released

  • In Process

  • Pend Complete (pending complete)

  • Complete

  • Clsd Labor (closed to labor)

  • Clsd Acctg (closed to accounting)

  • Canceled

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1004 - Resources Where Used Report

Report Request Parameters

You can select All, None, or a Range for these resources:

  • Crew Name

  • Machine Code

  • Tool ID

Select Print All Usages or Print Selected Usages and one of these check boxes:

Work Centers

Lists all work centers where the selected crew, machine, or tool is specified as a primary or alternate resource.


Lists all tasks that use selected crew, machine, or tool resources.


Lists all routings that use selected crews, machines, or tool specified as a primary or alternate resource. However, differences might occur when changes have been made to the specific item’s routing.


Lists all production IDs or production schedules that use selected crew, machine, or tool resources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1005 - BOM Compare Report

Use the BOM Compare Report to compare any two engineering BOMs or a manufacturing BOM and an engineering BOM within the same business unit. Using this report, you can compare one or more baseline BOMs to one target BOM. In the Baseline BOM (BOM1) group box, specify the Item ID BOM that will serve as the basis for comparison. The baseline BOM may have an Engineering or Manufacturing BOM state. The Item ID you specify in the Target BOM (BOM2) group box is the BOM you are comparing with the Baseline BOM (BOM1). The Target BOM has an Engineering BOM State.


This field behaves the same way for all pages in this group. It displays the differences between the two BOMs.

  • Added: The Component ID has been added to the compare BOM (BOM2).

  • Deleted: The component has been deleted from the compare BOM (BOM2).

    The system determines whether a component has been deleted, by comparing the component IDs, operation sequences, and effectivity dates: this is what makes a component unique within a BOM.

  • Chg BOM1: If you have made a component change, you will see the components listed.

    The system lists a change when any information other than Component ID, Op Seq (operation sequence), or Eff Date (effective date) has changed.

  • Chg BOM2: If you have made a component change, you will see the components listed.

    The system lists a change when any information other than Component ID, Op Seq (operation sequence), or Eff Date (effective date) has changed.

The report includes component and assembly differences between the two BOMs so that you can use it to track changes.

Baseline BOM (BOM1):

Select the BOM State: Engineering or Manufacturing.

Select an Item ID and a valid BOM Code from the available options.

If you want to use the BOM with a code of 1, select 1 in both fields. You can also compare all the existing BOMs for the item to the target routing by selecting the appropriate BOM codes.

Select the All Dates/Revs check box if you want to compare all effective dates and revisions for the baseline BOM(s). If you want to compare a BOM with a specific effective date, don’t select the All Dates/Revs check box, and enter the specific Eff Date (effective date).

Target BOM (BOM2):

The BOM State field defaults to Engineering; it is display-only.

Select an Item ID and a valid BOM Code for the target BOM.

Select the All Dates/Revs check box if you want to compare all effective dates and revisions for the BOM. If you want to compare a BOM with a specific effective date, enter the specific Eff Date (effective date).

Print Options

These options denote detailed information you may want to appear on the hardcopy report. You can select All attributes of the BOM or Selected attributes. Attributes include:

  • Component Documents: The names of any associated assembly documents.

    Note. The names of Component Documents will print only if PeopleSoft Engineering is installed.

  • Component Attachments: The names of any associated assembly attachments.

  • Component Text: Any text associated with the BOM components.

  • Reference Designators: The alphanumeric code you can use to determine where a component is placed in an assembly.

  • Substitutes: Substitute items for the BOM components, if any exist.

  • Component Dimensions: Actual dimensions of the component such as height, length, width, and weight.

  • Top Level Outputs: Parent assembly items only.

  • Assembly Header: Any text associated with the assembly.

  • Assembly Documents: Names of any associated documents used during assembly such as CAD drawings or product specifications.

    Note. The names of any Assembly Documents will print only if PeopleSoft Engineering is installed.

  • Assembly Attachments: Names of any attachments (files) such as CAD drawings or product specifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1006 - Work Centers Where Used Report

Select All or a Range of work centers to be included in the report.

Print Options denote the detailed work center where-used information that you might want to appear on the hard-copy report. You can select any of these print options: Tasks, Routings, and Production.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1007 - Tasks Where Used Report

Print Options denote detailed task where-used information that you might want to print on the hard-copy report. You can select any of these print options:


Lists all routings that use selected crews, machines, or tools that are specified as a primary or alternate resource. However, differences might occur when changes have been made to the specific item’s routing.


Lists all production IDs or production schedules that use selected crew, machine, or tool resources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS1010 - BOM Cost Report

Report request parameters include:.

Item ID

Select All or Range to specify which item IDs to include.

Cost Type and Cost Version

The cost version you select must be valid for the cost type. You need to have rolled up costs using the particular combination of cost type and version in order to display the selected BOMs.

BOM Code and Routing Code

All items selected are costed using this BOM code and routing code combination. You can select any BOM code, but the system always calculates lower levels using the primary BOM code (1).

Cost as Batch

Select if the BOM has multiple outputs.

Print Lower Level Outputs

Select this check box if you want the hard-copy report to include the costs of multiple output items for components that are themselves end items.

Eff Date and Depth

Enter these values for the BOM you want to display.

Note. It’s best to select the maximum depth for revision-controlled bills of material.

Print Lower Level Outputs

If you want the hardcopy report to include the costs of multiple output items for components that are themselves end items, select this check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENS2000 - Item Where Used Report

Item ID Range

Select the radio buttons to determine which items to search for. Options are:

  • Components: Searches to see if the items are specified as a component on a BOM.

  • Substitutes: Searches to see if the items are substitute items on a BOM.

  • Outputs: Searches to see if the items are substitute items on a BOM.

  • All: Searches to see whether items are components or substitutes.

  • Range: Searches for a particular range of item IDs.

Levels Up

Set to 1 to see just the component’s parent assembly. The larger the number, the higher the level; for example, Level 3 is three levels higher in the bill of material structure than the component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS1100 - Production Close Report

The Close Production page includes:

Report Only Mode

Select this check box if you want to run this process the production that can and can’t be closed as well as the variances that could be generated as a result of an accounting close.

Note. This option enables you to view the production that can and cannot be closed as well as the reasons why production can’t be closed. It also provides a preview of variances for those production IDs or production schedules that can be closed.

Select Production IDs

Select this check box to close production IDs based any of these values:

  • Prdn ID (production ID)

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Item ID

Allor a Range

Narrow down the production to close by combining any of these options. For example, you can close only those production IDs within a selected production area for a single item.

Select Production Schedules

Select this check box to close production schedules.

Close production schedules based on:

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Item ID

The Close Status Selection page includes:

Current Status

Select one or more of these production statuses:

  • Pend Cmpl (pending complete)

  • In Process

  • Complete

  • Clsd/Labor (closed for labor)

Close Production For

Values are:

  • Complete

  • Clsd/Labor (closed for labor)

  • Clsd/Acctg (closed for accounting)

Curr Prdn Due/Close Dates (current production due/close dates)

Enter the appropriate date ranges.

If you’re closing any In Process or Pending Complete production, the system closes any production IDs or production schedule quantities whose production due date falls within the date range specified.

If you are closing any production IDs or production schedule quantities whose current status is Complete or Closed for Labor, the system closes any production whose close date falls within the range specified.

Complete with Component Shortages

Select this check box if you want to close production even if you haven’t issued all material for the production ID or production schedule quantity. In this instance, the quantity issued to production is less than the current scheduled quantity for the component.

Close with Assemblies Remain (close with assemblies remaining)

Select this check box if you want to close production even though the full production quantity hasn’t been completed.

Tolerance %

You must indicate a tolerance percentage is you selected the Close with Assemblies Remain check box. Use this field to define what percentage of assemblies can remain uncompleted and still close production with remaining assemblies. For example, if you have a production ID with an order quantity of 100 but have completed only 92 units and enter a tolerance percent of 5, this production ID won’t close because the quantity remaining to be completed is 8 percent of the order quantity. The default is 0 percent. The system closes any production in process, pending complete, complete, or closed for labor only if the quantity of assemblies completed and scrapped at each operation equals the quantity started at each operation.

Variance Distrib Type (variance distribution type)

Can be used in conjunction with the Transaction Group for variances to define the accounting entries to post the variance to the general ledger. The default distribution type for the transaction group (if one was defined) displays, but you can override the distribution type for each accounting close. This field is optional and used only when closing production for accounting.

Note. If any of the production IDs are for production with one or more subcontracted operations, the system can’t close production if the subcontracted purchase order(s) haven’t been fully received. To close those production IDs, the material must be received and the subcontracted operation must be recorded as complete.

Warning! The close production process generates several .DAT files and writes them to the C:\TEMP directory. If you are trying to create a Production Close report or run the production close process, and an error message displays indicating permission is denied, you don’t have write access to the C:\TEMP directory. See your system administrator to provide write access before running this process again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS1200 - Production Reopen Process Report

Current Status

Select a current production status for the you’d like to reopen.

Curr Prdn Due/Close Dates (current production due/close dates)

Enter the appropriate dates. The system reopens any production IDs or schedules that are currently closed for accounting, labor, or complete and whose accounting or labor close date or completed date falls within the date range specified. When reopening production in the pending complete status, production will be set to In Process if the production due date falls within the date window specified.

This process generates the Reopen Production Request report. The report details the before and after status of the production ID or production schedule once the process is complete. You can view the results of the variance postings and the reversal of the posting by running the Production Variance Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS1500 - Production Variance Report

Variance Posting Date

The dates production was closed for accounting.

Prdn Due Date/Shift

Enter a beginning and end production due date and shift. The Shift field must be between 1 and 3.

Variance Tolerance Amount

Enter the minimum monetary amount on which you want to display report results. By specifying a minimum monetary amount, you can focus in on those production IDs or production areas with significant variances. Enter 0.00 to report all variances for the production selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS1600 - Potential Production Variance Report

This report includes production selection and potential variance selection.

Production selection includes:

Report Request Parameters

You can either report on production IDs or production schedules by selecting the appropriate check boxes.

Select Production IDs

Select All or a Range of one of these values:

  • Prdn ID (production ID)

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Item ID

Select Production Schedules

Select All or a Range of one of these values:

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Item ID

Potential variance selection includes these options:

Current Production Status

Select any of these statuses:

  • Pend/Cmpl (pending complete)

  • Complete

  • In Process

  • Clsd/Labor (closed for labor)

Report Variances Above Amount

Enter the lower limit for variances that you want to print on the report.

For example, if you enter 100.00 here, only those production IDs and schedules with a variance over 100.00 will be reported. To see variances on all production, enter 0.00. A favorable or unfavorable variance above the specified amount will be reported.

Note. Once the selection criteria has been made and saved, you should schedule the job to run periodically using Process Scheduler. Once the process has completed, an email notification will be sent to the designated role. The email notification will include an attached report, detailing those production IDs and schedules in violation of the specified variance amount.

Note. If you choose not to run this process periodically, you can still submit this process manually.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2001 - Shortage Report

You have the option of creating a shortage report that displays one or both:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2002 - Dispatch List

The Dispatch List details production ID or production schedule information, including operation and task details for each work center or range of work centers. Use this document when you want to see the type and quantity of production that occurs at all work centers or at a particular work center for a particular date or range of dates. In addition, you can generate a dispatch list by production start date and due date, or generate a report that lists production that is past due. You can create your own reports that include this types of information:

Dispatch List Selection:

Print Bar Code

If you select this check box, the system prints bar codes for bar coded fields on the dispatch list.

Print Bar Coded Control Flags

Select this check box to print bar code control flag information.

Note. If the reports are not printing bar codes as requested, check the SETENV.SQC file to make sure the PRINTER_TYPE environmental variable is set correctly.

Work Center Range

Select All if you want to generate a Dispatch List for all work centers.

If you’re specifying a Range of work centers, select a particular work center in From WC (work center) and To WC (work center).

Dispatch List Date Options

Select one of these values:

  • Start Date: Indicates the start date of the production.

    All production IDs and schedules whose start date falls within the date range specified will be included in the report.

  • Due Date: Indicates the date in which the production is due.

    All production IDs and production schedules whose due date falls within the date range specified will be included in the report.

  • Past Due Report: Indicates production that is past due as of the date of the report is run.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date ranges for the dispatch list.

Dispatch List Report Options

Indicates the detailed production information that can be printed on the report. You can select any of these report options:

  • Print Components

  • Print Op Time Info (operation time information)

  • Print Subcontracted Ops (subcontracted operations)

  • Print Comments

  • Print Original Components - will display where substitutions have been made.

    However, bar codes will not be printed for the original component ID.

Production Selection:

Select Production IDs and Select Production Schedules

Select one or both check boxes to generate a production report for production IDs, production schedules, or a combination of both.

All, Range, Prdn ID (production ID), Prdn Area (production area), or Item IDs

Select values for production IDs.

All, Range, Prdn Area (production areas), or Item IDs

Select values for production schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2003 - Production Documents

Note. Production documents are applicable for production IDs only.

The PID print status options include:

Ready to Print

Print production documents for production IDs with a production document status of Ready for Printing. The Prdn Doc Status displays on the Production ID Maintenance page.

Ready to Print + Reprints

Print production documents for production IDs within the range, with a document status of Ready for Printing and Printed.

Reprints Only

Print production documents for every production ID within the range with a production document status of Printed.

Selection Criteria

Select one or more of these options:

  • Start Date (actual start date for production ID)

  • Prdn ID (production ID)

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Item ID

Click the Item Search button to access the Item Search page to locate a different item.

The report options include:

Sort Option

You can generate the report by:

  • Item

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Prdn ID (production ID)

Print Attachments or Print Text

Select if you want to print a list of attachments or text for the production ID.

Print Original Components

Select this check box to print the original component ID and description where substitutions have been made. Bar codes, however, won’t be printed for the original component ID.

Print Config Detail (print configuration code details)

If you are using PeopleSoft Product Configurator, you can select this check box to include information on configured production.

Print Bar Code

Select this check box to print bar codes for bar coded fields.

Print Bar Coded Control Flags

Select this check box to include bar code control flag information.

Note. If the reports are not printing bar codes as requested, check the SETENV.SQC file to make sure the PRINTER_TYPE environmental variable is set correctly.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2004 - Production Report

The Production Report Selection page includes:

Start Date Range

Indicate whether you want to print a production report for All or a Range of dates.

Sort Options

Select one of these values:

  • Due Date

  • Item

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Prdn Due Date (production due date)

  • Prdn Start Date (production start date)

  • Start Date

Print Text

Select this check box if you want to include production text for the specified production IDs and production schedules.

Print Output

Select this check box if you want to include production output information for the specified production IDs or production schedules that have multiple outputs.

Select Production Status

You must select at least one status to run the Production Report, and the system selects all statuses as a default. Statuses are:

  • Entered

  • Firmed

  • Released

  • In Process

  • Pend Complete (pending complete)

  • Complete

  • Cancelled

  • Clsd/Labor (closed for labor)

  • Clsd/Acctg (closed to accounting)

The Production Selection page includes:

Select Production IDsand Select Production Schedules

Select one or both check boxes to generate a production report for production IDs, production schedules, or a combination of both.

All, Range, Prdn ID (production ID), Prdn Area (production area), or Item IDs

Select values for production IDs.

All, Range, Prdn Area (production areas), or Item IDs

Select values for production schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2006 - Component Where Used in Production Report

The Component Selection page includes:

All or Range

Select values for the component.

Date Type

Select one of the options:

  • Prdn Start (production start). Select production based on start dates.

  • Prdn Due (production due). Select production based on due dates.

All dates or Range of dates

Select an option and enter dates in the fields.

Sort Option

Select an option:

  • Item

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Prdn ID (production ID)


Select this check box if you want component substitutes to be printed on the report.

Status Selection

Indicates the production status of the component. Select All Status or Select Range Status.

Select one or more of these production statuses:

  • Firmed

  • Released

  • In Process

  • Pend Complete (pending complete)

  • Complete

  • Clsd Labor (closed for labor)

  • Clsd Acctg (closed for accounting)

The Production Selection page includes:

Select Production IDs and Select Production Schedules

Select one or both check boxes to generate a production report for production IDs, production schedules, or a combination of both.

All, Range, Prdn ID (production IDs), Prdn Area (production area), or Item IDs

Select values for production IDs.

All, Range, Prdn Area (production areas), or Item IDs

Select values for production schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2007 - Production Schedule by Area Report

The Production Schedule by Area Report page includes:

Unit and Production Area

Select values.


Enter the Start Date Range in this field for the production area that you’d like to review.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS2008 - Subcontracted Purchase Order Report

The Subcontracted Purchase Order Report page includes:

All or Range

Select either option for one of these values:

  • Op Start Dt (operation start dates)

  • Prdn ID (production IDs)

  • Prdn Area (production areas)

  • Item ID

Enter values for the ranges. If you select a range of operation start dates, all purchase orders with production IDs whose subcontracted operations start within the date range specified will be included.

Sort Option

Values are:

  • Item ID

  • Op St Date (operation start date)

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Prdn ID (production ID)

Print Text

Select this check box if you want to print the associated text with the Sort Option.

Production Status

Select any of these values:

  • Firmed

  • Released

  • In Process

  • Pend Complete (pending complete)

  • Complete

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS5001 - Subcontract Components Report

This report displays the production IDs and the components associated with subcontracted operations.

The Subcontract Components Report page includes:

Selection Criteria


Select a specific PeopleSoft Manufacturing business unit. This is a required field.

Select any of these optional fields. If you leave the fields blank, the system retrieves all applicable information:

All or Range

Select either option for one of these fields:

  • Op Start Dt (operation start dates)

  • Prdn ID (production IDs)

  • Operation Sequence: Select the specific subcontracted operation for the component or leave the field blank to retrieve all subcontracted operation sequences associated with the production ID.

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Item ID

  • Vendor ID: Select the specific subcontracted vendor or leave the field blank to return all appropriate production IDs and associated subcontracted operations based on other selection criteria.

Issue Method Selection

Select the issue method for the subcontacted components. Values are:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS6000 - Material Picking Plan

The Material Picking Plan page includes:

Production Area Information

The production selection options available on this page depend on the material issue method you chose on the picking options page.

For example, if you select the Kit method on the picking options page, the WIP Location Range for Issues group box items won’t be available.

Prdn Areas (production areas)

You can select one of these options when generating picking plans for components using the Issue or Kit method:

All: If you select this option and the issue method you selected is Issue, you can additionally enter a range of WIP locations.

Range: If you select this option, the system looks at all WIP locations for the production selected.

Options for Kits

You can select one of these options when generating picking plans for components using the Kit method:

  • All

  • Range

  • Prdn ID: You can also indicate either All or a Range.

  • Item ID : You can also indicate either All or a Range.

WIP Location Range for Issues

Select All or Range if all production areas use the Issue method. Within the range of storage area, you can further define the selection by any of the 4 location levels set up in the inventory. If you selected a range of production areas, you can’t select a range of WIP locations.

Note. If you’re selecting consigned kit issue components, including lot- and serial-controlled components, the system picks from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Pick Plan process and report (SFS6000) at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSFS8000 - Genealogy Exception Report

The Genealogy Exception Report page includes:

Report Request Parameters

Prdn ID (production ID), Prdn Area (production area), Item ID

Select All or enter a Range of values.

Prdn Status

Select one or more of these production statuses:

  • In Process

  • Pend Cmpl (pending complete)

  • Complete

  • Clsd/Labor (closed for labor)

  • Clsd/Acctg (closed for accounting)

Display Prdn if Serial ID is not Associated with Assembly Scrap

Select this check box if you want this information printed on the report.

Sort Option

Select one of these sort options:

  • Item ID

  • Prdn Area (production area)

  • Prdn ID (production ID)

These are exception messages that you may encounter when you generate a Genealogy Exception Report.

Assembly Exceptions Serial IDs not associated with Assembly Scrap

There is assembly scrap that does not have a serial ID associated with it. If you want to associate serial IDs to the scrap, you will need to reverse the scrap and then rescrap.

Serial IDs associated > Completed + Scrap

There are serial IDs associated with the production ID that have not been completed or scrapped. You should verify that the serial IDs are still in production

Component serial/lot association rows do not exist

There are completed serial assemblies that do not have any serial or lot components associated. You may need to enter the component association transactions.

Component Exceptions Component Issue <> Trace Usage

You have consumed more serial IDs than have been associated with an assembly. You should verify the correct component associations have been recorded.

Component serial/lot association rows do not exist

You have consumed quantity but no component association rows have been recorded. You should verify the correct component associations have been recorded.

Comp List qty per <> Sum of Trace Issue Qty

You have associated more or less quantity than what is scheduled. You should verify the correct component associations have been recorded.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Standard Financial Reports


See Application Fundamentals Reports.