Establishing Feature Function Security

This chapter provides an overview of feature function security and discusses how to set up feature function security:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Feature Function Security

Feature function security enables you to define user/role security down to the feature and field level to control access to entire features or individual fields within certain Order Management features. .

This security feature is used only for online processing and can be used with the this functionality:

The system searches in this order for feature security definition:

When defining feature function security, you tell the system whether you want the entire feature or only certain functions within the feature defined at that security level (user, role, business unit, or installation). The lookup for feature security definitions considers each security definition independently. For example, you may define short-term customer security for your entire business unit, but define order entry for each user (operator ID). The system fetches each feature by first fetching the definition for the user. If the user is not found, it fetches the definition for the role. If the role is not found, it fetches the feature definition for the business unit. If the businesses unit is not found, it fetches the feature definition for the installation option. In another example, you may choose to define that only certain users have visibility to customer credit information on the sales order. You can define business unit level access for the sales order that does not display (hides) customer credit information fields on the sales order. You can then define specific sales order access down to the customer credit function for specific users that includes the display of customer credit information. At runtime, the system determines how to display those credit fields by first searching for the specific user level definitions. It finds a definition that is active for the customer credit function within the order entry feature and uses that for the individual user definitions. For all other functions and features, the system uses the business unit level definition.

Note. PeopleTools security controls access for the components. Feature function security enables you to control access to pages and fields within the component.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Security Administration

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Feature Function Security

To set up feature function security, use the Feature Security User Setup component.

This section provides an overview of feature function security setup and discusses how to establish feature function security at the:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Feature Function Security Setup

At the Installation Options level for Order Management, you establish whether to use feature function security.

The pages that you use to set up the security are the same whether you are establishing feature function security by installation, business unit, role, or user ID. They are each in separate components. Feature function security at the installation level is required and is used as the default. The hierarchy of the security from bottom to top is installation, business unit, role, and user ID.

It's important that you carefully consider how you are going to use the levels of security that you establish and that you reexamine your choices if you are encountering problems with the system. For example, you may have two CSRs who can update different fields based on their user ID or role security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set up Feature Function Security

Page Name

Object Name



Order Management


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options

Click the Order Management link on the Product Options page.

Use to turn on or off feature function security.



  • Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Security, Feature Security by User

  • Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Security, Feature Security by Role

  • Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Security, Feature Security by Business Unit

  • Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Security, Feature Security for INST

Set up feature function security for features at the installation, business unit, role, and user level.

Note. The installation level is the default and is required.



Click the Select Functions link from the Features page.

Set up feature function security for functions at the installation, business unit, role, and user level.



Click the Select Fields link from the Functions page.

Set up feature function security for fields at the installation, business unit, role, and user level.

Valid Values


Click the Valid Values button on the Fields page.

Use to establish additional options for each field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Feature Function Security at the Feature Level

Access the Features page.

Business Unit Type

If you are establishing security at the business unit level, select Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Order Management, Purchasing, or Work Order.

Activate Security for Feature

Select to activate security for each feature. Clicking this check box activates the security for the feature at this level (user, role, business unit, or installation). Leaving this check box unchecked tells the system that security for this feature is not defined at this security level.

Activate All Features at this Security Level

Click the button to activate security for all features at this security level.

Deactivate All Features at this Security Level

Click the button to deactivate feature security for security this level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Feature Function Security at the Function Level

Access the Functions page.

Activate Function for Level

Select to activate security for the function at this level. Clicking this check box activates the security for the function at this level (user, role, business unit, or installation). Leaving this check box unchecked tells the system that security for this function is not defined at this security level

Select Fields

Click this link to access the Fields page.

Note. The link is unavailable for entry if there are no associated fields with the function.

Activate These Functions at this Security Level

Click the button to activate security for all functions in the feature at this security level.

Deactivate These Functions at this Security Level

Click the button deactivate all security for functions in the feature at this security level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Feature Function Security at the Field Level

Access the Fields page.


Select if you want the field to display. If not selected, the field will be hidden.

Enable for Update

Select if you want the field to be available for update. Some fields are unavailable for entry. For example, the Total Order field is calculated by the system and is not available to be updated.


This field describes the field or option by label, page title, and helpful additional information for fields that might seem redundant otherwise. Description and Feature Field Type should be considered together to determine which field on the page is being controlled. For example, Go to / Order Entry Form / Line Page Navigation is for the line level page navigation on the Order Entry Form page accessed from the Line menu. The feature field type also tells you this field is a push button or link.

Feature Field Type

Describes the type of field. Use this field to help determine which field on the page is being controlled.

Valid Values

Click this link to define valid values for certain drop-down fields. . Use this feature to restrict navigation within certain components. For example, if the field is for page navigation, you can add the links that you want to be accessible.

Select All Fields for this Function

Use to select all of the fields for display and update.

De-select All Fields for this Function

Use to clear all of the fields for display and update.

Select All Fields For Display Only

Use to select all of the fields to display.