Managing Progress Logs

This chapter provides an overview of services progress and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Progress Logs

The progress log is similar to the timesheet in function and process. The service provider contact uses the progress log to record and submit progress on deliverable work orders to the project manager for immediate, online approval. You can also track and report issues using the progress log. The project manager or progress log approver can provide feedback to the service provider, including performance-rating information through the approval process.

Use the Manage Progress Logs page as the focal point for all deliverables-based activity in PeopleSoft Services Procurement. Use this page to:

See Also

Common Elements Used In This PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

These attributes must be set up before entering progress log information:

A deliverable - based work order must also be released before progress log transactions can be entered against it.

See Also

Managing Work Orders

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Progress Logs

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Progress Logs

Page Name

Object Name



Maintain Progress Logs


  • Services Procurement, Maintain Services Progress Logs (internal)

  • Services Procurement, Maintain Services Progress Log (external)

View and manage progress logs.

Progress Log Summary


  • Click the Progress Log ID link on the Maintain Progress Logs page.

  • Click the Add button from the Maintain Progress Logs page.

Create or edit a progress log.

Progress Log Details


Click the Details button from the Progress Log Summary page.

View invoicing status and project comments. Approve or deny submitted progress logs. View status change history.

Currency Information


Click the Exchange Rate Detail link on the Progress Log Details page.

View currency information.

Progress Logs by Work Order


Click the History button on the Progress Log Summary page.

View previously entered progress logs by work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Progress Log

Access the Progress Log Summary page.

The fields appearing on this page depend on the settlement option that you defined on the work order.

Add Comments

Enter comments or concerns for the work order.

Work Order ID and Project

Select the work order for which progress is being reported. The project associated with the work order appears as read only.

Billable Amount and Total PO Amount (total purchase order amount)

The system displays values associated with the work order. The system displays this value in the work order currency, as well as the base unit currency.

Click the Details button to access the Progress Log Details page.

Click the History button to access the Progress Logs by Work Order page.

Total Billable Amount

Displays the sum of the billable amounts.


Click to save the progress log entry for later submission.

Submit for Approval

Click to submit the progress log for approval. the information is automatically submitted to the approver specified for the work order, and you can return to the Maintain Progress Logs page.

Milestone Settlement Method

These fields appear if you are using a service template with Milestone specified for the settlement option. The settlement option is defined on the work order.

Milestone Activity and Complete Date

Select a milestone from the available options, which are determined by the work order defined as using the milestone settlement option.

Note. Once a milestone activity is submitted, you cannot use it again for another progress log entry.

Complete Date

Enter the date the milestone activity was completed.

% of WO (percentage of work order complete)

The system displays this information based on the percentage assignments from the work order.

Warning! After you submit the progress log for approval, you can't go back and add progress lines for the work order, project, and milestone activity combination using the same service template.

Fixed Amount Settlement Method

These fields appear if you are using a service template with Fixed Amount defined for the settlement option. The fixed amount settlement option is similar to the milestone settlement option in that both record progress against milestone activities. The difference is that fixed amount enables the suppliers to enter the amount they are paid for the activity rather than having the amount defined on the work order. The settlement option is defined on the work order.


Select a milestone activity that is linked to the project defined on the work order.

Note. Progress for fixed amount work orders is reported against milestone activities, however unlike the Milestone Settlement Option, progress can be recorded multiple times against the same milestone activity with the Fixed Amount Settlement Option field.

Complete Date

Enter the date that the progress was completed.

Billable Amount

Enter the billable amount for the deliverable.

Percentage Settlement Method

These fields appear if you are using a service template with Percentage specified for the settlement option as defined on the work order.

% Complete (percentage complete)

Enter the percentage value completed.

% Complete TD (percentage complete to date)

Displays this information based on data submitted to date.

The system updates the work order with this information when you save the progress log.

Note. To submit this transaction, the submitted total, when added to previously submitted progress logs, cannot exceed the total purchase order amount on the work order, plus the tolerance percentage defined on the work order.

Rate Based Settlement Method

These fields appear if you are using a service template with Rate Based defined for the settlement option. The settlement option is defined on the work order.


Select the activity that you performed. After you select the activity, the rate, unit of measure and billable amount for the activity appear on the page. These fields come from the work order activity definition.


Enter the quantity completed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering or Viewing Progress Log Details

Access the Progress Log Details page.

Invoice Status, Invoice Date, and Invoice Number

Display after the progress log is included on an invoice.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Progress Logs

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Progress Logs

Page Name

Object Name



Maintain Progress Logs


Services Procurement, Maintain Services Progress Log

Search and view progress logs. Access the progress log that you want to modify.

Progress Log Summary


Click the Progress Log ID link on the Maintain Progress Logs page.

Modify progress logs.

Progress Log Details


Click the Details button on the Progress Log Summary page.

Modify progress log details. Approve, deny, or hold submitted progress logs.

Progress Logs by Work Order


Click the History button on the Progress Log Summary page.

View previously entered progress logs by work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Progress Logs

Access the Maintain Progress Logs page.

Search and Progress Logs

Enter the search criteria and click Search. The search results appear at the bottom of the page.


Progress Log ID

Click the link to access the Progress Log Summary page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Progress Logs for Approval

To submit progress logs for approval:

  1. Access the Progress Logs Summary page.

  2. Click Submit.

  3. Click OK on the Submit Confirmation page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Progress Logs

The progress log approver can adjust a submitted or approved progress log by selecting the Adjust Progress Log button on the Progress Log Summary page. The progress log approver can adjust the amount and modify comments while performing adjustments. If a submitted progress log is adjusted, the status remains Submitted. If an approved progress log is adjusted, the status changes to Adjusted. If an invoiced progress log is adjusted, the invoice for that progress log is cancelled. If the progress log was adjusted, a link is available to view adjustments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving or Denying Progress Logs

To approve progress logs:

  1. Access the Progress Log Details page.

  2. Click one of the following buttons to designate the approval status:


    Approval Status


    Changes status to Approved.


    Changes status to Denied by Approver.

  3. You can also do mass approvals of progress logs using the Maintain Services Progress Log page by selecting the Select check box and clicking the Approve button.

When all lines are approved, the progress log status changes to Approved.

Note. For approvers, the status appears for each line on the Summary page.

Note. When approving or denying progress logs, you can also add comments and ratings.

Note. You can also approve and deny progress logs on the Progress Log Summary page. You can select one or more lines to approve.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTriggering Worklist and Email Notifications

The following status changes trigger a worklist entry and an email notification:

The email notification contains values from the Progress Log Summary page and a URL for the recipient to access the progress log.