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Oracle® Beehive Release Notes
Release 1 (1.4)

Part Number E13790-07
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15 Documentation Notes

This module contains the following type of information regarding Oracle Beehive documentation:

Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation

The first edition of the documentation library for Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) was published on April 30, 2008. This section lists the major changes that have been made in each edition of the documentation library since then. All changes are cumulative.

Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: December 19, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the December 19, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive documentation library:

Table 15-1 Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: December 19, 2008

Book Change

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide

  • In the "Managing Oracle Beehive Services" module, removed Oracle Beehive service parameters (moved to "Oracle Beehive Parameter Reference" in the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide)

  • Updated beectl commands throughout

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide

  • In the "Oracle Beehive Parameter Reference" module, added Oracle Beehive service parameters (formerly in Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide)

  • Revised details for the following commands: add_coexistence_system; import_coexistence_data; list_deployment_templates; list_statistics; modify_coexistence_system; modify_deployment_structure

Oracle Beehive Concepts

  • In the "Oracle Beehive Services" module, added a new section entitled "Meeting Services"

  • In the "Oracle Beehive End-User Clients" module, added a new section entitled "Oracle Beehive Conferencing" and updated the list of supported mobile devices in the "Mobile Devices Supported by Oracle Beehive" section

  • In the "Oracle Beehive Integration Concepts" module, added content on support for Oracle RAC database affinity in the "Oracle Beehive Integration with Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)" section

Oracle Beehive Deployment Guide

  • In the "Deploying Oracle Beehive with Supported Clients and Devices" module, added details on the recommended ports for mobile device-related services and protocols in the "Oracle Beehive Deployments with Mobile Devices" section

Oracle Beehive Installation Guide (All operating systems)

  • In the "Oracle Beehive Database Requirements" module, added new patches to the list of required database patches

  • In the "What You Should Know Before Installing Oracle Beehive" module, added new steps to upgrade process described in the "Upgrading Oracle Beehive" section

  • In the "Configuring and Installing Oracle Beehive Release 1 for Oracle RAC" module, added new steps to procedure described in the "Enabling Oracle Beehive Affinity Service" section

  • Sun Solaris edition only: In the "Oracle Beehive Post-Installation Procedures" module, added new steps to procedure described in the "Configuring Remote Media Server for Oracle Beehive Conferencing" section

Oracle Beekeeper Online Help

  • Updated the descriptions of several Oracle Beehive services

  • In the "Managing Your System" module, added new section on records management entitled "Records"

Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: October 7, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the October 7, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive documentation library:

Table 15-2 Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: October 7, 2008

Book Change

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide

  • In the "Managing and Provisioning Oracle Beehive Users" module, added content for user delegation features

  • In the "Managing Oracle Beehive Resources", added content for organization-level scoping of resources

  • In the "Managing Oracle Beehive E-Mail" module, updated content based on enhancements to Oracle Beekeeper

  • In the "Managing Oracle Beehive Events, Policies, and Workflows" module, added content for in new parallel workflow support in

  • In the "Configuring and Managing Oracle Collaboration Coexistence Gateway", updated content based on enhancements to Oracle Beekeeper as well as new tools for decommissioning coexistence.

  • In the "Managing Oracle Beehive Voicemail" module, updated content throughout

  • Updated beectl commands throughout

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide

  • Added the following commands: add_feed_configuration; add_search_recovery_container; delete_client_application_provisioning; delete_failed_action_events; delete_virus_scan_results; download_deployment_templates; export_configuration_data; import_coexistence_data; list_coexistence_systems; list_deployment_templates; list_failed_action_events; list_search_recovery_status; list_virus_scan_results; list_voice_facilities; modify_deployment_structure; modify_failed_action_events; modify_feed_configuration; upload_deployment_templates; validate_policy

  • Replaced the following commands: add_coexistence_connector (replaced by add_coexistence_system); delete_coexistence_connector (replaced by delete_coexistence_system); modify_coexistence_connector (replaced by modify_coexistence_system)

  • Removed the following command: modify_beectl

  • Revised details for the following commands: add_client_application_provisioning; add_resource; add_voice_facility; clone_oc4j_instance; delete_voice_facility; export_errorcodes; export_filesystem_logs; export_icalendar; import_icalendar; list_assigned_roles; list_calendars; list_coexistence_profiles; list_coexistence_status; list_external_contacts; list_groups; list_language_pack; list_ports; list_tasklists; modify_coexistence_profile; modify_deployment_structure; modify_external_contact; modify_hostname; modify_port; modify_resource_classifications; modify_resources; upload_client_application; validate_directory_entry

Oracle Beehive Concepts

  • In the "Oracle Beehive Management and Administration Concepts" module, added new section "Records Management"

  • In the "Oracle Beehive Deployment Concepts" module, added content for the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook profile migration tool and support for Microsoft Windows Terminal Services

  • In the "Oracle Beehive End-User Clients" module, added a new section for Oracle Beehive Central

  • In the "Oracle Beehive Services" module, merged the "Message Delivery Service" and "Notification Service" sections, and split out the "SMS Service" section

Oracle Beehive Deployment Guide

  • In the "Deploying Oracle Beehive with Supported Clients and Devicess" module, added content for the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook profile migration tool and support for Microsoft Windows Terminal Services

  • In the "Deploying Oracle Beehive with Supported Clients and Devices" module, added a new section for Oracle Beehive Central

Oracle Beehive End-User Information

  • Added new modules: "Oracle Beehive Central" and "Delegation"

  • Updated the "Configuring Preferences" module

Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: August 11, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the August 11, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive documentation library.

Table 15-3 Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: August 11, 2008

Book Change

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide

  • Added section "Listing Users" in "Managing and Provisioning User Accounts" module

  • Added section "Listing Groups" in "Managing Groups"

  • Added section "Using Expressions in Workspace Templates" in "Managing Oracle Beehive Workspaces" module

  • Updated beectl commands and user account attributes throughout

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide

  • Added the following commands: add_attendant; add_voice_enterprise; add_voice_facility; delete_coexistence_profile; delete_voice_enterprise; delete_voice_facility; download_ldap_group_data; modify_directory_profile; modify_hostname; validate_virus_scan_engine_connectivity

  • Replaced the following commands: list_coexistence_users (replaced by list_coexistence_profile); modify_coexistence_users (replaced by modify_coexistence_profile)

  • Removed the following commands: shutdown; test_virus_scan_engine_connectivity; upload_translation

  • Revised details for the following commands: add_custom_user; add_dmz_home_instance; download_language_pack; add_resource; add_user; add_virus_scan_engine; clone_site; delete_external_contact; export_errorcodes; export_filesystem_logs; list_groups; list_users; modify_coexistence_connector; modify_external_contact; modify_resources; modify_user; restart; start; status; stop

Oracle Beehive Concepts

  • Added section "Delegation" in "Overview of Oracle Beehive" module

  • Added section "Difference Between a Service and a Service Instance" in "Oracle Beehive Services" module

  • Added section "Oracle Beekeeper" in "Oracle Beehive Management and Administration Concepts" module

  • Added section "Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra" in "Oracle Beehive End-User Clients" module

Oracle Beehive Deployment Guide

  • Added section "Oracle Beekeeper" in "Tools for Deploying Oracle Beehive" module

  • Added section "Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra" in "Deploying Oracle Beehive with Supported Clients and Devices" module

Oracle Beehive Installation Guide (All operating systems)

  • Added module "Oracle Beekeeper Installation Help"

  • Added module "Upgrading Oracle Beehive"

  • Added module "Running Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application"

  • Added sections for installing and configuring Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra

Oracle Beehive End-User Information

  • Added information for RIM BlackBerry devices in "Configuring Mobile Devices" module

  • Added module "Configuring Preferences"

Oracle Beekeeper Online Help

New book

Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: May 27, 2008

The following table lists the changes made in the May 27, 2008 edition of the Oracle Beehive documentation library.

Table 15-4 Changes in Oracle Beehive Documentation: May 27, 2008

Book Change

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide

Added module "Managing Oracle Beehive Time Management"

Oracle Beehive Installation Guide (All operating systems)

Added module "Configuring External Oracle BPEL Process Manager with Oracle Beehive"

Oracle Beehive Application Developer's Guide

  • Removed sample code (including custom workflows and Web Services samples); updated samples are now available at the Oracle Beehive website

  • Added the section "Searching for Artifacts with Web Services" in the module "Oracle Beehive Web Services"

Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Installation Documentation

This section contains information on known issues with the documentation for Oracle Beehive installation, and includes the following topic:

Oracle Beehive Installation Guides Contain Incorrect and Incomplete Information in Note Preceding Provisioning Procedure

The Oracle Beehive Installation Guides for all operating systems contain a module called "Provisioning Oracle Beehive". The module contains a note about provisioning Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4.3) for Solaris. The note incorrectly refers to a file named (no hyphen). The correct file name is (with a hyphen).

Also, before proceeding with the steps in the note, ensure that you have installed Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application version 1.4.3 and a zipped installable version of Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4.3) for Solaris exists in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control System Library

Oracle Beehive Installation Guides Contain Incorrect Path for jps-config.xml

Bug 8236864. The Oracle Beehive Installation Guides for all operating systems contain a topic called "Configuring Oracle Beekeeper for LDAP-Based Authentication". Steps 3 and 4 of the procedure in that topic incorrectly refer to the following path for jps-config.xml:

<Oracle Beekeeper home>/j2ee/home/application-deployments/beekeeper/jps-config.xml

The correct path for jps-config.xml is as follows:

<Oracle Beekeeper home>/j2ee/home/application-deployments/beehivecontrol/jps-config.xml

Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Administration Documentation

This section contains information on known issues with the documentation for Oracle Beehive administration, and includes the following topics:

Format for Entering Values that Begin with Hyphens(-) Does Not Work

Bug 6601536. The format recommended by the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide for changing command-line values that begin with hyphens (-) does not work. Specifically, the guide recommends the <option-name>=<option value> format. To avoid this issue, use one of the other formats that the guide recommends.

Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide Refers to Unsupported E-mail Service Option ('Use simple relay mode')

Bug 7426636. The "Use simple relay mode" option provided by Oracle Beekeeper is not yet supported. The Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide refers to this unsupported option in the section entitled "Setting Up E-mail Relay Routing". For the workaround for this unsupported option, please refer to the release note "Oracle Beekeeper 'Simple Relay Mode' Option Not Supported".

Known Issues with Oracle Beehive End-User Documentation

This section contains information on known issues with the documentation for Oracle Beehive end users, and includes the following topic:

Oracle Beehive End-User Help Contains Incorrect Parameter Name

Bug 7653206. The section entitled "Deleting Items Outside the Date Range" (from Oracle Beehive End-User Help) instructs users to append the parameter del, which is incorrect. Instead, users should append deloutofrange. This correction also applies to the examples that follow in that section.

The section "Deleting Items Outside the Date Range" appears in the "Customizing Synchronization" section of the "Configuring Mobile Devices" module.