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Oracle® Beehive Release Notes
Release 1 (1.4)

Part Number E13790-07
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10 Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Notes

This module contains the following types of information on Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook:

General Notes About Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

This section includes general information about Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook, and includes the following topic:

Accessibility of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook has not yet been certified as meeting Oracle's standards for accessibility.

Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Users Should Not Launch or Run Microsoft Outlook During the Upgrade to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4)

Prior to upgrading the system to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4), Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook users should close Microsoft Outlook and they should not launch or run that client during the system upgrade process. This will ensure that the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook client software for Release 1 (1.4) is correctly applied before users start accessing the upgraded Oracle Beehive server. Otherwise, Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook users may experience issues reading their e-mail before the client software upgrades have been applied.

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Later Required for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later is required on Windows XP computers where users intend to run Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook with non-English locales. Attempting to run Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook with a non-English locale on a computer with Windows XP Service Pack 1 (or earlier) may result in the computer failing to operate normally.

Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

This section contains information on the known limitations and workarounds related to Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook, and contains the following topic:

Discrepancies Between Certificates on Server and Client Computers Will Cause Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Installations to Fail

Bug 6870456. If your Oracle Beehive server uses a self-signed certificate and only secure (SSL-based) client connections are permitted, this certificate should be added to the trusted root of all client (end-user) computers prior to installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. Failing to do so will prevent users from installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. In cases where discrepancies exist, users may receive an error message that indicates an invalid server or an incorrect username and password. In either case, users will be unable to continue the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook installation.

Large Deployments of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook May Experience Performance Degradation

Bug 7275123. Large deployments (10,000 or more users) of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook may experience server-side performance degradation when Oracle Beehive loads the user directory to generate the Global Address List (GAL) displayed in Microsoft Outlook. If you plan to deploy Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook to a large user base, please contact Oracle Support for additional tuning information.

Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Unable to Connect Over HTTPS


This issue is specific to Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. It does not affect HTTPS connections for other Oracle Beehive clients and services.

Bugs 7459046, 7484112, 7513960, and 7525959. Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is unable to connect to Oracle Beehive over HTTPS. As an alternative, users can configure Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook to connect to Oracle Beehive using a direct SSL connection (port 5224).

Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

This section contains information on the issues related to Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook, and includes the following topics:

Accepted On Date of Assigned Task Not Shown

Bug 6354862. After an assignee accepts a task, the Accepted On date in the information bar of the task assignment shows "none" for the task assigner.

Data Loss Possible when Moving Calendar, Task, or Contact Data to Team Workspaces Without Permission

Bug 6357855. If a user who does not have permission to add content to a team workspace attempts to move calendar, task, or contact data from the user's personal workspace to that team workspace, the move operation will fail (as it should). However, if the data has not yet been synchronized between the user's computer and the Oracle Beehive server, then the data will be lost.

Windows Vista Users Unable to Check for Updates for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

Bug 6872681. Users running Windows Vista without administrator privileges cannot check for updates for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. Typically, users can check for updates by clicking the Check for Updates option (from the Help>About OBIO menu). Although this option is active and, when clicked, prompts users for their credentials, no updates occur.