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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 1 (1.4) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit)

Part Number E13793-02
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32 Configuring and Installing Oracle Beehive Release 1 for Oracle RAC


These procedures apply only to Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.4) and later.

This module describes how to install and configure Oracle Beehive to support deployment on multiple Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) nodes. It covers the following topics:


You may use Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create Oracle RAC nodes. However, refer to OracleMetaLink Note 342419.1 to properly configure the LOCAL_LISTENER initialization parameter.

Naming Conventions

This module uses the following naming conventions:


The location of the archive redo logs for each Oracle RAC node must be accessible by all nodes in your Oracle RAC database.

Refer to "Managing Archived Redo Logs Using RMAN in Oracle Real Application Clusters" in Chapter 5, "Configuring Recovery Manager And Archiving" in Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for more information.

Pre-Install Steps

If your Oracle RAC database uses raw storage, you must manually create the tablespace ORABPEL before running the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard. To do this, run the following command:


/dev/raw/raw1 is the name of the data file to create for the ORABPEL tablespace.



If you want to install Oracle Beehive with Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application and you require SSL Oracle Notification Services (ONS) notification, you must follow the steps described in "Enabling Secure ONS Notification".

For more information about Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application, refer to "Installing Oracle Beehive with Provisioning Application".

Install Oracle Beehive with the Oracle Beehive Install Wizard. Enter the following database information:


During the installation of Oracle Beehive, ensure the first Oracle RAC node (MyDB1) remains up. Otherwise, the install will fail due to bug 5693566 (Web Services Manager Configuration Assistant will fail).

Post-Install Steps

These steps update Oracle Beehive with the Oracle RAC global service name and the multiple database service names:

  1. Backup Bootstrap File

  2. Retrieve Site and Database Object System Identifiers

  3. Update Database System Object

  4. Commit Configuration Changes

  5. Restart Oracle Beehive

  6. Enable Secure ONS Notification

  7. Register for ONS Notification

Step 1   Backup Bootstrap File

The file <Oracle home>/beehive/conf/beehiveconfig.xml contains the bootstrap database connect information. Make a backup of this file before applying any post-install steps.

Step 2   Retrieve Site and Database Object System Identifiers

Retrieve the following system identifiers. You will need them for the following steps:

Step 3   Update Database System Object

Modify the database system object's configuration to specify the ONS remote ports that are listening on your Oracle RAC nodes. The following example specifies two ONS remote ports with the ons_entry option:

beectl modify_database
  --database <database_system_object_id>
  --ons_entry ONS_HOST1:ONS_PORT1
  --ons_entry ONS_HOST2:ONS_PORT2

To determine the ONS remote port, run the following command:

<Oracle RAC database home>/bin/onsctl ping

You should see output similar to the following. The ONS remote port is indicated by the highlighted text:

Number of onsconfiguration retrieved, numcfg = 2
   {node =, port = 6200}
Adding remote host
   {node =, port = 6200}
Adding remote host
ons is running ...

Step 4   Commit Configuration Changes

Call beectl activate_configuration on your Oracle Beehive instance. Afterwards, call beectl modify_local_configuration_files on the same Oracle Beehive instance.


The beectl modify_local_configuration_files command will ask you to run this command on all your other Oracle Beehive instances. Do not run this command on all your other instances at this time.

If you have, or plan to have, more than Oracle Beehive instance, refer to "Installing Multiple Oracle Beehive Instances with Oracle RAC".

Step 5   Restart Oracle Beehive

Restart your Oracle Beehive instance. You may use the beectl restart --all command.


You must restart Oracle Beehive (after calling beectl modify_local_configuration) if you modify the ONS details in the database system object's configuration (as you have done previously).

Step 6   Enable Secure ONS Notification

If you have not already done so and you require SSL ONS notification, follow the steps described in "Enabling Secure ONS Notification".

Step 7   Register for ONS Notification

By default, Oracle Beehive is configured to receive secure ONS notifications, which is recommended. If your Oracle RAC nodes are configured for SSL ONS notification, you may ignore this step.

If not, update the file <Oracle home>/opmn/conf/opmn.xml as follows in all Oracle Beehive instances to disable SSL ONS notifications:

In the file opmn.xml, in the ssl element, set the enabled attribute to false:

<ssl enabled="false" wallet-file="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/ssl.wlt/default"/>

After changing the opmn.xml file, run the following beectl commands:

beectl list_components --type OpmnCluster
Component type   | Component identifier                
OpmnCluster      | 5987aa04-2984-43ab-8752-8c27e0c45130
1 Record(s) displayed.
beectl list_properties --component 5987aa04-2984-43ab-8752-8c27e0c45130
Property name                | Property value                          
Alias                        |                                          
NotificationServerSslEnabled | true                                    
Opmns                        |
Site                         | _CURRENT_SITE                            
4 Record(s) displayed.
beectl modify_property
  --component 5987aa04-2984-43ab-8752-8c27e0c45130
  --name NotificationServerSslEnabled --value false
Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
Successfully stored the property for component id
beectl activate_configuration
Local configuration files are not in sync with system model. Please run
"modify_local_configuration_files" manually.
Proposed configuration is saved successfully and activated now.
beectl modify_local_configuration_files 

Enabling Secure ONS Notification

You may ignore this step if your deployment does not require SSL notification.


You must perform this step if you wish to install Oracle Beehive with Oracle Beehive Provisioning Application. Refer to "Installing Oracle Beehive with Provisioning Application" for more information.

This step involves specifying the Oracle Wallet directory in the ons.config file. As a result, Oracle Cluster Ready Services (CRS) will use SSL when communicating with other nodes (other Oracle RAC nodes and Oracle Beehive instances) and require SSL certificate authentication from all Oracle Notification Services (ONS) instances that try to connect to it.

To enable SSL ONS notification, add the following line to all <Oracle Cluster Ready Services home>/opmn/conf/ons.config files of each Oracle RAC node:


MY_SECURE_WALLER_DIR is your Oracle Wallet directory. Refer to "Configuring TLS with Oracle Wallet" for information about configuring Oracle Wallet.

Installing Multiple Oracle Beehive Instances with Oracle RAC

Oracle Beehive supports the following ways to install multiple instances Oracle Beehive with Oracle RAC:

Install All Oracle Beehive Instances, then Apply Post-Install Steps

You can install multiple Oracle Beehive instances, then run the post-install steps afterwards on all those instances as described in this module:

  1. Install all your Oracle Beehive instances.

  2. For one instance, apply all the post-installation steps.

  3. For all the other instances, run the following post-installation steps:

Install One Oracle Beehive Instance, Apply Post-Install Steps, then Add Additional Instances

Alternatively, instead of installing multiple Oracle Beehive instances then running the post-install steps on each one, you may install one Oracle Beehive instance, apply the post-install steps on that instance, then add additional Oracle Beehive instances.

After installing one Oracle Beehive instance and applying post-install steps, follow these steps:

  1. Install other Oracle Beehive instances.

  2. Apply Step 7, "Register for ONS Notification" to all new instances.

Enabling Oracle Beehive Affinity Service

Oracle Beehive Affinity Service enables other Oracle Beehive services to take advantage of the enhanced performance when instances or nodes from your Oracle RAC environment has affinity for any data. Currently, only the event framework, or the Object Event Framework (OEF), and the E-mail Service can take advantage of the Affinity Service.

To enable Oracle Beehive Affinity Service, follow these steps:

  1. Create one database service for each Oracle RAC node with the following command:

    srvctl add service 
      -d <database global service name>
      -s <database service name>
      -r <RAC node instance ID>

    For example, suppose your database has the global service name BEEHIVE, and has four Oracle RAC nodes with IDs BEEHIVE1, BEEHIVE2, BEEHIVE3, and BEEHIVE4. Create four database services (named afserv1, afserv2, afserv3, and afserv4) with the following commands:

    srvctl add service -d BEEHIVE -s afserv1 -r BEEHIVE1
    srvctl add service -d BEEHIVE -s afserv2 -r BEEHIVE2
    srvctl add service -d BEEHIVE -s afserv3 -r BEEHIVE3
    srvctl add service -d BEEHIVE -s afserv4 -r BEEHIVE4
  2. Set the property AffinityServiceNames with the names of your newly created database services. For example, to set this property with the four database services created in the previous step, call the following command (the example assumes the domain name is

    beectl modify_property
      --component _CURRENT_SITE:Database
      --name AffinityServiceNames


    If the global service name has been created with the domain name (such as, all the database services should use the same domain name even though they have not been created with the domain name.
  3. Activate the configuration with the following command:

    beectl activate_configuration

    The database framework will immediately start using the Affinity Service.