This figure displays the logical architecture for Oracle Beehive and is divided vertically into three horizontal sections. The Client Tier is in the top section; the Application Tier is in the middle; and the Data Tier and the Ancillary Tier are horizontally adjacent to each other in the bottom section. Elements in the Client Tier include icons that represent various supported client modules, including the beectl command-line utility, Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook (OBIO), mobile clients, standard protocol clients, and Web services clients. Vertical lines connect each client icon to a single box that represents the Oracle Beehive servers, which is the main element in the Application Tier. Within the Oracle Beehive Servers box is a smaller box that represents the Oracle Beehive services. Vertical lines connect the Oracle Beehive Servers box to the elements in the Data Tier and the Ancillary Tier. The Data Tier contains a single cylindrical icon that represents Oracle Database. The Ancillary Tier contains several small boxes, one each representing optional components such as external LDAP, e-mail and calendar, anti-virus, BPEL, and search servers.